Second Opinion

August 23, 2005


It's been said that cheating is just another form of lying. Do you agree?


  • Yes I do think that cheating is another form of lying. The reason why I think that cheating is like lying is if your cheating then your telling your teacher that you didn't study the night before. And if you were the top person of your class and you were the teacher's favorite person you'll let him down and your career could down hill from there.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 8:41:00 AM  

  • No, I do not agree that cheating is another form of lying. When you lie about something your saying it directly to there face. Cheating is just a rule in class and everything else. If the teacher tells you not to cheat and you do it anyway. Your only lying if whoever your talking to finds out your lying.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 8:47:00 AM  

  • Yes, I do think cheating is a form of lying. By cheating, you are telling the teacher that you did the question, and found the answer,even though you didn't.That is lying, as well as cheating. The ten commandments state that you should not lie, and if cheating is the same as lying, you have disobeyed the ten commandments.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 01, 2005 10:36:00 AM  

  • wow! mac9210, You've got quite a bit of a double standard going on. You say that it is only lying if the person that you are lying to finds out? Well, in my book a lie is a lie. You know that what you are telling them is not true so I think that you are lying to yourself trying to justify your actions. I suggest some serious self examination. Something is wrong if you truly feel this way.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 01, 2005 3:27:00 PM  

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