All about me
Write a paragraph about yourself.
-Do not use your name or any names of your family or friends.
-Do not describe your looks. Not what you want to be.
-Do not give any clues: like your email address, household address, phone numbers
-This paragraph is about you right now. Might consider this more a self evaluation of yourself. This paragraph is not for anyone reading your post to figure "Who you are".
-Do not use your name or any names of your family or friends.
-Do not describe your looks. Not what you want to be.
-Do not give any clues: like your email address, household address, phone numbers
-This paragraph is about you right now. Might consider this more a self evaluation of yourself. This paragraph is not for anyone reading your post to figure "Who you are".
Hello, so you want to know about me? Well, right this second im basicly in a great mood because nothing is going wrong. Plus, i'm getting pizza for lunch!! I also get to see my boyfriend tonight probably.
Anonymous, at Monday, February 27, 2006 8:57:00 AM
Hi this is me,
Ya, well I cant really say anything but, I am not in a good mood. One of the reasons is because im at school and two I cant say.
p.s well I gotta go
Anonymous, at Monday, February 27, 2006 9:07:00 AM
Hey! im 14 years old, im pretty athletic, I'm a christian girl (and proud). Shopping is LOVE, I keeps me from being bored! I think that having values is VERY important. Baylor bound (in a couple of years)! GO BEARS!
Anonymous, at Monday, February 27, 2006 9:07:00 AM
Well I would have to say that I'm pretty funny, or thats what my friends say. Some people say I'm the nicest boy in the grade. Right now I'm would say I'm in a okay mood. Well that is pretty much all about me, not really, that is just my personality.
Anonymous, at Monday, February 27, 2006 9:08:00 AM
Hi I'm 14 and right now I'm just in a regular mood. I think I'm mighty pretty. Sometimes I gossip to my friends and family. I guess you can tell I'm a girl. I make all A's and I love school. I'm Christian and I hang out with all kinds of people.
Anonymous, at Monday, February 27, 2006 9:38:00 AM
Hey hey hey! It's time for ME! just joking! my friends would already know who this is just from my "just kidding"! Anywho, I think that I have a really great personality, and I'm a really fun person to be around (most of the time) my favorite class in school right now is probably English, even though I hate the book we're reading! I love basketball, it's probably my favorite sport, I have awesome friends, and my sister is going to Germany during Spring Break with her college band, she goes to TJC, and she got there on a trumpet scholarship, my brother, well I can't really say to much about right now because, he's not doing anything miraculous right now. My mom is a massage therapist, and my dad, he just got a new job, so I don't know what he's doing right now. I'm thirteen, and I have a dog and 2 cats named Disco and Sandi, and my dogs name is Fletch.(he's sooo stupid)I want to go to college at BYU Idaho, for mormons! -yay- then I want to be an OBGYN -a nurse that delivers babies- or a hair dresser! So what ever blows my way. Then I want to get married, then have at least 4 kids, one of the names I really like is Adrienne Lowenna, or Aunnauka. Well got to go c ya!
Anonymous, at Monday, February 27, 2006 3:21:00 PM
I am a boy. I'm 14 years old. I have a sister. I like pizza and Dr. Pepper. I like football and baseball.
Cornhusker91, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:48:00 AM
Hey, Heres a little bit about me... Yeah im in a bad mood too because this weekend was a disater but im still gonna write. Im 14, Attend church, love to go to the mall, My favorite subject in school is eather P.E. or Science. My mom and dad both work around cars, I love babies, I have 2 little brothers, 1 little sister (who I love dearly), 2 Older brothers, and 1 older sister.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:10:00 AM
Hi, I'm 14,live in texas,and love to draw. My friends tell me I'm funny and I hate to see people sad or angry. My talent is art and when I'm not drawin' ,paintin' ,or buildin' something I'm riding a fourwheeler through the mud. That's pretty much all about me.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:42:00 AM
So you want to know about me? Well, I'm in a GREAT mood, don't ask me why. I'm pretty athletic. I absolutely LOVE cheerleading, and I guess I'm pretty good at it. I have a crush, like most teenage girls, and I don't think he knows I even exist, even though we go to the same school. I have the GREATEST best friend in the WHOLE world, and she is sitting right next to me. That's all I have to say, soooooo..... guess I'll t.t.y.l.!!!!!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:29:00 PM
Hey! Well, everyone already knows who I am because of my screen name, but I guess I talk about me anyway. I'm 15 (January 15) and I have a lot of friends and a lot of enemies! I like to ride 4-wheelers and go shopping. Sometimes I tick people off because I'm very opionated. Well, I'm not supposed to say what I'm gonna be when I'm older and a bunch other things so, I guess I'll go now.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 01, 2006 8:47:00 AM
I'm thirteen years old, I'm Christian (nondenominational), I'm pretty good at basketball. I like animals and I have high hopes for colledge.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:55:00 AM
hello, i'm 13 years old i have blonde hair and green eyes. I try to be atheltic, and I take band. I love going and doing things, and i love the outdoors. well, that is all that I can say about myself.
Also I am kinda a dork.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 01, 2006 11:58:00 AM
Ok, well I'm going to try to tell you about me. But I don't really get this so here goes. I'm 14, I have the most awesome friends in the world. I wound't trade them for anything! I currently do not have a boyfriend. So I'm single. I have an amazingly adorable dog named Bruiser. He's so cute! He's the love of my life right now! I'm usually in a good mood unless someone messes with me or my friends. I'm totally athletic! It's like my life! I love to shop! Cheerleading is my passion! I guess you could say I'm one of the more popular people. My friends and I are the "preps" of our grade. So ya, there you go. I tried my best so if it's not right I'm sorry!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 01, 2006 12:05:00 PM
I'm 13(14 August 7!), brunette (and LOVING it!) and a CHRISTIAN (the top priority in my life!) I LOVE twirling (if you couldn't tell from the username), SHOPPING (I could LIVE in the mall!), and more...I could go on forever! I have 8 dogs...I know, too many right? All of them are labrador retrievers and I absolutely LOVE them! And right now we also have a 3 month old stray puppy we found that's a mix breed...but we are trying to find her a home. My friends are absolutely AMAZING! I don't know what I'd do without them! I'm in competitive twirling, which takes up a lot of my time! I'm on the All Star team and we go to competitions every few months. I have to go to practice for the 2-3 times a week. It gets tiring, but I love it! I can't WAIT for college! I don't have any ideas of where I want to go though. When I get out though, I want to be editor in cheif of a fashion/teen magazine! I am pretty much obsessed with that sort of thing! I always made my own magazines when I was little so I think that'd be great! And I could interview and meet famous people so it'll be great! My favorite movies (how could I choose one?!) would have to be Legally Blonde 1 & 2, Princess Diaries 1 & 2, Uptown Girls, and High School Musical. Well, I guess that's pretty much all I can say!
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 02, 2006 5:06:00 PM
I love to ride horses, I like hanging out with my friends, they say I'm hilarous, I have a bad temper when when people make me mad. I have a big imagination, I also love to draw, mostly horses or western topics. I am not really that good at math but I like all other subjects in school.
Anonymous, at Friday, March 03, 2006 8:54:00 AM
Hi! um..right now i'm in a pretty good mood ,but i'm really tired. I'm 14 years old and I have two sisters. My dad is a welder.I love to hang out with my friends and go to the mall and the movies.
Anonymous, at Monday, March 06, 2006 8:09:00 AM
hello, I'm 15 and my feet hurt right now I'm not ugly but I'm
avrage I'm not cool not popular
just avrage I make ok grades I'm not the smartest person but I'm smart and my friends are cool to.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 07, 2006 7:56:00 AM
Hey was up ya'll, now let me tell you a little about me. Yea my nick name is milk dud dont ask me why people just started callin me that
"eh bubble" actually started it im just like abunch of people I do a bunch crazy things like roll down hills in a barrel and ramp stuff. and that is about all abought me so talk to ya'll later.
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 09, 2006 1:57:00 PM
well this is going to be kinda hard because having to describe myself on my own is realy not what I usualy do, my family usualy does that, but here goes.
I dont like to make people mad but I somtimes do because often times I am not as descrete as I should be, I am not popular at school, I dont want to get married or have kids, I probably dont work as hard as I should (school wise) accept in history because I like that class, and thats all I can think of right now.
Anonymous, at Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:51:00 AM
Thought it over during the summer and decided I do want to get married and go to Bob Jones University for college. I still dont want to have kids though.REASON: DONT LIKE KIDS FOR THE KIDS SAKE
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 16, 2006 1:43:00 PM
I know this is totally off subject, but I really do not like this Nasya chick from Canada or where ever she is from. Shes all talking about our country and saying hers is better(i read one about that somewhere saying her country was better than America) and going off being smart like saying that we need to learn to spell before commenting back. What is your problem? we can spell however we want, there isnt a slightest thing you can do about it, your in YoUr BeSt CoUnTrY canada (and you see i didnt capitalize canada) I just have a short fuze tonight and ive read some of these comments where people are being all rude and smarting off and that just lit the fuze now im popping. That just agrivates me that yall are like this. No im not posting under anonymous, because personally I dont care if you know who i am, because ive already went to 9th and im not gonna ever be on this thing again...I didnt even like it when i had to.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 10, 2006 10:28:00 PM
im 14 and im pretty funny usually i love swords (and all other sharp objects:axes knives spears) im in a half-and-half mood rite now and i like hockey(its like football on skates!!!)
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:13:00 PM
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