Should teachers carry guns?
In the wake of school shootings in Wisconsin, Colorado and Pennsylvania during the last two weeks, a state legislator says he plans to introduce legislation that would allow teachers, principals, administrators and other school personnel to carry concealed weapons.
Do you agree that teachers, principals, administrators should be allowed to carry concealed weapons?
Do you agree that teachers, principals, administrators should be allowed to carry concealed weapons?
I have to sides to this story. In small towns such as the one I live in I don't think teachers,principals, etc. should be allowed to carry guns because no one in this school brings or carries guns in school. I also beileve that if you are under 30 years of age you should not be allowed to have a gun even if it is registered. I think in bigger cities, such as Colorado and Pensylavania teachers, principals, etc. should be allowed to carry guns and weapons because students bring weapons and guns to school and hurt people that they don't even know and haven't even given a chance yet. They are so young and all they want is to get a good education and live their lives to the fullest and some kid brings a gun to school and ruins your life, I think that is not fair at all. I think teachers should bring a gun and the students that bring a gun to school and ruin the other person's life should have to have their life ruined even more than it already is.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 7:33:00 AM
WeLL I thinK there is to sides to it. I don't understand why in the world someone would come to a school and shoot some people... this is insane. All in all, teachers should be allowed to under certain surcumstances. Most likely, yes.
~kAla BrowN~
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 8:57:00 AM
No i dont think they should. what if a studdent in high school got mad at the teacher an pulled the teachers gun out of his pocket and shot the teacher. people dont think about it but it could happen.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 11:02:00 AM
Absoultely! Teachers should be allowed to carry guns. We have had Columbine, Wisconsin, and that little Omish school that have been shot in. If teachers had guns there wouldnt be near as many shootings as there are now. But the teachers, to be allowed to carry the gun, should take a gun safety course and have a background check to make sure that they wouldnt just start shooting at people.
~Tyler S.~
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 12:28:00 PM
Teachers shouldn't be able to carry guns. Teachers might not like a student and shoo them or they might "accidently" shoot someone or theirselves.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 12:30:00 PM
I think that in really small schools like ours the principal only should be allowed to bring guns to school but in really big schools i think that the proncipals and teachers should be allowed to bring guns to school caouse this is just crazy!!!!
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 12:47:00 PM
No way! I don't think that teachers should be able to carry guns in a big school or a small school... only because if you carry a gun your at risk of accidently shooting someone else on accident. I don't think this should be aloud because carrying a gun in a school is plain nutty and, I think every single school, should have a secrutiy center, like from the airports, that way you know if they have any weapons such as guns, knives etc. whether the school has 2000 students or 200 students, I still believe you should have security, just becuase our school has like 175 stduents, anything can happen, you never know, anyways... I think that teachers and stuff shouldn't be able to carry guns! Thats just infulincing kids to do it... they'll be all "hey our teahers can carry guns, we can too yay :D"
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 1:07:00 PM
No I don't think it would be that good to carry guns around, i mean, what if one accidently went off.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 8:09:00 PM
Anonymous, at Saturday, October 07, 2006 4:13:00 PM
This is a tough one. There's two ways to look at it. Teachers, principles, etc. in a small town, where not much crime goes on, I don't think teachers should be allowed to carry guns and weapons to school. Bigger cities where crimes have been committed in schools and shootings may have gone on, the teachers should be allowed to carry a gun. But think about it. If a student murders someone, why should a teacher punish them by killing the student? What does that teach people? To kill someone if they've done something wrong? That's why this question is a toughie. Teachers should be allowed to stand up for themselves yes, but maybe in a less dangerous way. If a student brings a gun to school and things go too far, maybe the teacher should kill the student. But that's just showing other students to punish people by killing them if they've shot or hurt someone. That's something else to consider. So do I think teachers should carry guns to school? In a place where not much crime goes on, no, but in a bigger area where crimes get committed everyday, yes. The guns should only be used IN HUGE (I MEAN HUGE) EMERGENCIES. Whether the teacher uses it is completely up to them. They have to defend themselves yes, but they also have to consider what they are showing other people/students.
Anonymous, at Saturday, October 07, 2006 9:00:00 PM
Despite the positive impact that it would likely have on classroom discipline (haha), I find the idea of teachers and administrators carrying firearms to be awful.
Giving teachers weapons is effectively authorizing them to engage in gun battles in schools. They would have guns to protect themsleves and students from people who might enter the school with guns. We would be telling teachers that we want them to start shooting if faced with a gun.
Imagine. Your school has teachers with guns. One day you hear gunfire in the school. Now you know there might still be an attacker with a gun in the school, but there would certainly be several teachers, frightened and under pressure to protect the students, moving around the school. And now the police arrive.. more guns are on the scene. Plus the police are not aware of how many guns there are "on the loose" in the school. Under ideal circumstances, guns could make the school safer, but I think that in reality, guns would complicate events of gun violence in schools and often lead to more uncessary deaths.
Furthermore, the value of teachers with guns as a deterent has to be shaky. People who bring guns to school are not thinking straight. They would not be thinking, "Oh no, I might get hurt. Better not." They might even be enouraged by the fact that the teachers would have guns. It would make their attack more of a challenge - more like a video game.
The goal is to reduce the number of shots being fired in schools. I don't believe that adding to the number of guns in schools will achieve that goal.
Mr. Hide's Class
Jamie Hide, at Sunday, October 08, 2006 8:43:00 AM
Hay I think that teachers should not be able to take a gun to school cause you never know when a teacher could be a perve and he could lock some girls in a class room and raip them and mabe even kill them cause you dont really know them.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 10:37:00 AM
I have a comment about why should teachers carry guns in school.What I think is that they should not carry them because it might be dangerous for someone especially a
student.For example the teacher might not like the student and try to shoot him for no reason.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 10:39:00 AM
yo yo, whats up I relly dont care if they have guns. It could go ethier way. In one situation it could protect us but in another it could hurt us. I say let the teachers that want to have a gun have them. As tyler s said they shood be made to take a gun safty course and how to handle a real shooting. I dont want to die because some teacher had a gun but didnt no how to use. plus guns arent as bad as kids walking into a school with a bomb straped to their chest.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 10:39:00 AM
NO, i dont think that teachers should be able to carry guns around school! One of the reasons is some teacher might decide to go crazy and shoot someone! And another reason is what is the purpose for a teacher to bring a gun to school its not like theres shootings going on every day! I mean theres no point in it! Exccpesially not here at Union Grove!!!
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:10:00 PM
NO, i dont think that teachers should be able to carry guns around school! One of the reasons is some teacher might decide to go crazy and shoot someone! And another reason is what is the purpose for a teacher to bring a gun to school its not like theres shootings going on every day! I mean theres no point in it! Exccpesially not here at Union Grove!!!
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:12:00 PM
No teachers shouldn't be able to have guns, because if a teacher gets made they could kill the students.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:15:00 PM
Teachers should not be allowed to carry guns because some can snap and start to shooting at teahers, and students.Also they could start to shoot people.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:18:00 PM
No teachers shouldn't be alowed to carry guns at school... Some teachers might be crazy and decide to just right out and murder one of the students....If its illegal for students to have weapons then it should be for teachers...
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:22:00 PM
No teachers should not be allowed to carry guns. What if a teacher decided to shoot somebody or a student stole the gun or a guy walked in with a gun and forced the teacher to give him their gun. I think the teacher would probably give it up instead of getting shot.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 10, 2006 7:49:00 AM
Absolutly NOT. aome kid could decide to go crazy and pull the gun (if the teacher had put it like in a desk or kept it in their pocket they could go up behind them and pull it out) and shoot the teacher.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:51:00 AM
hay billy joe you need to learn how to spell u dont spell should like shood just to let you know.But i still love you!!!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 10, 2006 5:03:00 PM
NO. That's the school's security's job. If a school wants authorized guns on campus, hire a police officer.
Anonymous, at Sunday, October 15, 2006 9:42:00 AM
I belive teachers should carry guns because if someone should threaten the school in school they can take care of the problom and go on with their day
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 19, 2006 10:32:00 AM
No, im with B on this one,i mean if a teacher gits really mad at a student its possible that he mite shoot sooooo......straight out NO!!!!!!
Anonymous, at Monday, October 23, 2006 2:22:00 PM
I think that it is completely madness to leave a professor to carry weapons. Close to the number of accidents that can happen, the number of attacks are very small. The school turns a prison, the professors can do what they want and the student are always afraid of their guns.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:38:00 AM
of course not!!! Many accidents could happen and we don´t know how they would react. Guns make people get crazy.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 01, 2006 5:57:00 AM
Maybe, YOU should just ban guns altogether, and you wouldn't get regular school shootings... is that beyond the american state of mind?
Anonymous, at Monday, November 27, 2006 4:11:00 PM
NO !!!
teachers could get really mad at there class n decide to pull it out on the class .. so NO !!
n if the student got a hold of it .. that wud not be good !!
Brooklyn*6*, at Wednesday, May 02, 2007 11:16:00 AM
Yes there is TWO sides to this story. But I also believe that people should learn how to spell.
Anonymous, at Thursday, January 03, 2008 1:31:00 PM
Well hounestly i think my teacher math teacher would shoot me and everyone else in there. but yeah i think that teachers should be able to bring guns to school, but onley if like 6 teachers did because if one teacher goese crazy, then the others have to defend the students and the staff. I would NOT have said yes if i hadnt just read the WHOLE THING of the {{{{{Columbine High School massacre)))))) and that would sukkk
Anonymous, at Wednesday, March 05, 2008 7:20:00 PM
I don't thinks teachers should carry guns in school because they could have in not on safety and a student could pick the gun up and accidentally shoot them selfs or another classmate and seriously hurt them or Kill them.
Anonymous, at Monday, April 07, 2008 10:53:00 AM
no i dont think anyone should be allow to have guns in schools b/c if we want to prevent violance in schools maybe we should have more and better security in schools. I think that allowing teachers carry guns in school is a way to trying to cover up the fact that schools r not doing a good job protecting the staff n students. This goes 4 small town schools n big cities.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, April 29, 2008 9:32:00 PM
what if a student finds there gun and then shoots the teachers?
what happens if the teachers trys to shoot the shooter and ends up hitting the child?
or what if the a student and teacher fight with the teacher and he ends up pulling out a gun and shooting the student?
what happens when the shooter sees the teacher has a gun? they are still going to try to shoot the kids!!!
two wrongs dont make a reght!
an eye for and eye makes the hole world blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 07, 2008 2:38:00 PM
I beleive teachers should be allowed. Of course extinsive training should be done. teachers need to be evaluated of course, and they shoudn't be put into a situation to kill a person its to stop a shooting. A fist fight should be dealt with a different way. If prinicipals and parents di their job we would not have to do this. stop sending these bad behind children to school just to get them out the house. Yes, I beleive everyone and any can change but until that process happens, I want my 3 kids to be safe. PARENTS, monitor your responsibilty, cuz if you notice, you don't the streets will. Then you can monitor them in at their grave site. It starts with the parents. If everyone listens to psychologist this world would be a mess. If you don't discipline your child, they will not have that respect thats suppose to be instilled in them. thats what makes us guardians and not friends.
Anonymous, at Monday, November 10, 2008 6:21:00 AM
Anonymous, at Monday, January 19, 2009 9:10:00 PM
i dont think its right to bring guns at school becase some one can shoot someone they can even die for the shooting that is my opinon
love brenda
Anonymous, at Thursday, February 19, 2009 4:37:00 PM
i think they should
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 06, 2009 5:18:00 AM
I believe that they should.
1. Not every teacher would have a gun
What some people don't understand is that guns wouldn't be handed out to teachers with their class roster. Only the same people we trust to carry concealed out of school would be able to carry inside.
2. Teachers wouldn't just pull a gun.
Teachers wouldn't pull a gun on a student because they got mad. You don't see people who legally carry concealed outside of campus doing that. Life isn't like the movies, law abiding citizens who have a permit don't brandish firearms to scare people. Only the criminals, which by definition, don't care what the law says, do this and bring guns into schools with the intention to shoot.
3. Students wouldn't get the gun.
All of the concealed carry holsters I have used only allow the gun to be drawn from one position. It is impossible that a student would be able to walk up to a teacher and disarm them.
4. It wouldn't distract the students.
By the definition of concealed carry, the gun wouldn't be noticed. In fact, if you have a concealed carry permit, which wold be required by teachers if the carry is allowed, it is actually illegal to brandish or reveal a firearm without the intention of shooting a target. You lose your license if someone sees your firearm and they are not a threat to you.
5. Small town vs Big City
The problem with allowing guns only in big city schools, is that these are the ones with some kind of protection. Yes, life has told us that more violence occurs in big cities even though they have metal detectors and security guards. However, just because a small town has a low crime rate, doesn't mean that it's not possible for a student to walk in with a gun. If a student wanted to, it would, in fact, be easier. The school I went to of medium size, because of a low crime rate, had no security guard or metal detectors or searches of any kind.
6. Guns do not accidently go off.
If you have ever fired a gun, you know that they do not just "go off". This is a physical impossibility. Someone's booger hook was on the boom switch causing it to go off. On most handguns there is a trigger pull of 3-6 lbs. That means that you need 3-6 pounds of pressure on the trigger to make it go off. That doesn't happen accidently.
7. Teachers would know how to shoot.
In addition to the "guns don't just go off," most concealed carry permits require a handgun "test." This means you have to prove you are proficient at shooting a handgun.
I'm all for teachers having the ability to carry concealed. Perhaps there should be a more stringent test for teachers. Perhaps the parents should sign a waiver that says they understand that teachers have guns. Who knows? But to say have witted arguments like they could get mad at someone and pull their gun or that they would just open fire without really knowing what they are doing is just ridiculous. The funny thing is, the chemical store room in most schools has more "deadly" objects than a teacher with a firearm. As an afterthought, at the Virginia Tech shootings, 6 people in the classroom that the student started shooting in had concealed carry permits. But due to local laws, they couldn't defend their classmates because it is currently illegal for guns to be on campuses.
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Anonymous, at Wednesday, January 27, 2010 10:48:00 AM
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Anonymous, at Monday, March 22, 2010 7:03:00 AM
what if a teacher bent over to pick up a paper and a gun fell out of there belt
Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:37:00 PM
Anonymous, at Friday, April 29, 2011 2:00:00 PM
Giving guns to teachers would be terrible! Many tragedies could happen "accidentally".. Instead, all schools need to increase the number of security officers and police. They should be there to protect the school. teachers should be there to educate, not to shoot anybody!
Celeste, at Monday, December 17, 2012 3:45:00 PM
NO teachers should not have access to carry weapons around children in any grade. Thats bad news! That means more money, professional training like the academy, goevernment title like federal, and pyschiatric evaluation, that means teachers would have to be over 21 to work at a school because they have to carry a conceal weapon. Even then, you do not know when the gunman is coming; and are you ready to shoot when the gunman is in your face with another rifle? NO YOU ARE NEVER PREPARE WHEN ITS IN YOUR FACE! Then the gunman will have a plan anyway because he knows the school teacher are carrying weapons DDDUUUHHHH, he or she is still going to make it happen regardless! Then what about the students that is around the guns and what happens when students have an altercation?
My son will not be going to schools that has guns in them I am sorry thats the day I will have to home school or bring a teacher and I will pay the money to do it!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 19, 2012 6:56:00 AM
there are two sides to this argument.
1. No, having more guns in a contained area could be detrimental to the safety of a school.
2, Yes, If there is another shooting and teacher are carrying handguns, there would be a higher probability of a greater number of student escaping with their lives.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 19, 2012 5:13:00 PM
If you think teachers should carry guns a great idea.I think your all crazy..I think its time to evaluate the whole gun laws...Because that sound ridiculous too me....Teachers packing guns...Next the school bus driver will be carrying a gun...Give me a break.
susan Gibson, at Thursday, December 20, 2012 7:15:00 AM
Ummm i think that they shouldn't be allowed to carry a weapon. They themselfs could do some danger with that weapon if they were angry enough or bribed.
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