The Twin Towers
It has been 5 years since tourists flew airplanes into the Twin Towers. You guys would have been in the 3rd grade. What do you remember about that day? What were your feelings? Were you scared? Did you have any clue what was going on.
Or write about what your feelings are now. Should we be making such a big deal with ceremonies of the event? Should their be films of the event? Etc.
(This was posted by resas-pieces).
Or write about what your feelings are now. Should we be making such a big deal with ceremonies of the event? Should their be films of the event? Etc.
(This was posted by resas-pieces).
I am Canadian therefore this doesn't really affect me. I know there were some Canadians, but most of it was just americans. I don't really think this is such a big deal, it happened a long time ago, and i don't think its really a big deal. Yes people died, but it was five years ago, don't keep bringing it up every year, to make people sad and everything. Just leave it be, I think the peoplle who wanna have a ceremony can, but it should be a personal one, and the people who dont, dont have to even hear that there is a ceremony going on.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 22, 2006 7:30:00 AM
Hello my name is Toni and I am a Grade 8 student in Mr. Fishers Class in Snow Lake. I remember the day that I herd this terrible tragedy on the news. I felt very sad for the victims of this horrible crime and I wondered why someone would do such terrible thing!
I do thing that there should be ceremonies remembering the people who lost there lives on this day, but I don't think they should make films on this event, because I think that would just bring the horrible memory back to people of New York city. It's been five years since this terrible event and I always think of the victims as I go through out my day.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 22, 2006 7:41:00 AM
I think that this was a terrible day in American history, and sure, it makes people sad to remember...but its disrespectful not to bring it up. I also think that its good that there are documentaries on it..I watched one and I never realized how bad this actually was until I watched it. I think tha this makes people realize more what those people who lost their lives to 9/11 and their families/friends went through because of it. I am Canadian and I pay as much respect as I possibly can on this day.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 22, 2006 9:55:00 PM
Hillary, why do you think they were called the World Trade Centres? The loss of these centres was a loss to the entire world. Everybody was affected just hearing about it. I know that you don't think Canadians were affected, but look at the 30 or so who have died overseas fighting the war on terror. Count the family members that will NEVER see their relative again. Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons... It is terrible to think that you are not affected by this. This act of terror will go on forever, and the lives lost can NEVER be relived. Everything changed the day this happened, and for the 5 years after it happened. Not a day goes by that you do not hear about terrorists on the news, or suicide bombings in the middle east. Not a single flight leaves without harsh inspection. Not a day goes by that people don't relive these events, knowing that their family members were lost. This issue will outlive you, and yet you dont think it has affected you.
Think of the Canadian government for a second, seeing as how Canadians were not affected. Think of one of the main topics voters thought about when they voted. War in Iraq. Think of the criticism of Stephen Harper, George Bush, and even the British Prime Minister, Tony Blaire. The choices they have made have stained their reputations, and has even reportedly cost Blaire his prime ministery.
In closing, think again, seriously. This will affect generations after you, even Canadians... It is a big deal, and 5 years is not that long ago. I remember that day picture perfect. I remember the terror I felt. I remember everything. Please, think again..
Anonymous, at Friday, September 22, 2006 10:00:00 PM
I was young and confused when it happened when I got home and there was nothing on tv but news I was mad and I turned it off and watched a movie without bothering to look. Then later I found out what really happened then I felt really bad. And scared that something like this could happen anywhere and any of us could lose our Parents, brothers, sister anyone who was important to us.
I’m sorry to the American people who read Hillary’s post . I am candian too and we do not all think like that so if you are offended and you should be don’t take it out on all of us. Hillary you make me sick you sound so heartless like you think Canadians are so above Americans "I know there were some Canadians, but most of it was just Americans." Wow ya Canadians are important to you but the rest are just Americans so who cares right.
Think of how you would feel if someone did that to our country and someone said I don't think they should bring it up it's not a big deal IT IS A BIG DEAL many people died it started a war and much more including our country involved and many people killed.
It should not just be personal thing that people should keep to themselves it is very important. It has changed a lot about our country too immigration laws airport security everything is changing over this one so called event that doesn’t really matter to you. You are the kind of person who gives Canadians a bad name.
Five years really isn't that long. It is a very big deal about something that changed everything. I think this is just as big of a deal as when it happened if not more after everything it has started. You all thought Nasya was such an idiot I bet she’s looking a lot better to you now hey?
Anonymous, at Friday, September 22, 2006 10:35:00 PM
Heyy my names Nasya I'm in grade nine now in Snow Lake. I think the twin towers was an awful thing but I don't think we should bring it back up again and again. Yes some people think we should but think about the people who's family's die. Like for example if your dad died in a car accident every year on that day would you want them bringing it back up? It'd be like a horrible movie happening over and over again. Yes lots of people want to remember it and they will. They don't need a huge t.v story every year though. That week would be the most awful week of their lives. Also the war now is pointless. We go there to peacekeep and then we find out we're fighting too? Like war is no way to solve it.. They should just be peacekeeping there till they find the person they want who's hiding in the mountains. I don't like to think and wonder if some other Canadians going to come back dead. It happens to often. Like Mr.Fisher said last year. This will be the world war of our century. If I could stop it I would.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 23, 2006 1:56:00 PM
But if they don't bring it up it's disrespectful to the families of people who have died its almost like saying its not a big deal when it is.
What about police officers and fireman who went to help, they lost their lives its like they wouldn't even be appreciated for what they did. They should never be forgotten.
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 23, 2006 2:33:00 PM
Its not that I don't care about what happened, its just that it doesnt effect me and yes I do think about it, but it was a long time ago, and I know it will be remembered for a long time
Anonymous, at Monday, September 25, 2006 7:26:00 AM
I remember that, and i didn't cry, or anything, because i guess i was to young to really understand, and care that much. I remember watching they tape at school on the television and we heard about it right after me and my friend got back from the bathroom. One thing that is kinda weird, is that someone i know cried the days before 9-11, but didn't cry on that day. I just thought that was kinda weird.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 25, 2006 7:56:00 PM
I think it is a very big deal. So many people died on that day and they should be remembered. Firefighters, policemen, people who tried to help died and they should be remembered for their bravery and for saving and trying to save so many people. Others who worked in the twin towers and world trade center died also and they will be remembered by their families and friends. Other people who saw it happen had their life changed that day. Even if you think it doesn't affect you it is still a huge deal. Things like that souldn't just happen and suddenly be forgotten 5 years down the rode because people think oh it was a long time ago. They should be worried about something like that happening again. People they love could be killed next time or maybe even them. Bet it would affect you then. Most people that think it's not a big deal are the kind of people who think things like that could never happen to them, and some day something will happen to them. How would you feel if you died trying to get people out of the Twin Towers and 5 years later no one cared that it happened, and they just forgot about you. Those are heros and they should never be forgotten and I know I will never forget it!!!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:50:00 AM
This is such a terrible tragedy! It will be remembered for many years. I was really young when it happened so I don't know much about it. I do know it was terrible though. This event affects EVERYONE (everyone with a heart, anyway. NO ONE should EVER have to die like this.) I wish this event never happened. There should be ceremonies in memory of the people who died. TERRIBLE EVENT!!! =(
Anonymous, at Friday, September 29, 2006 4:59:00 PM
Well.. I really don't remeber anything cause I as in 3rd grade. I wasn't scared because I was in Texas and that in New York.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:04:00 PM
I agree with hillary in a sense, except I'm not from Canada, or th US. For me, it's not really a significant event in perspective, infact unimaginabley worse crimes are being commited everyday, how ever don't get me wrong I pity victims of the world trade centre. But I don't think it's right to hold ceremonies just to remember the victims of the world trade centre, what about the victims of rwanda, or palistinians, or some of the innocent isreali's, or the women, children and men victim to cambodia slaughters.
An anonymous comment mentioned the war, anyone who supports the war, is supporting the deaths of more innocent lives. Innocent is a completely open term, just as you might think an american soldier is innocent, another person will think that an iraqi soldier, is fighting for their freedom, an innocent freedom fighter not a terrorist. What link can we make for the iraq war and the 9/11, correct me, but were they not from a completely differen't country as the "terrorists"? Think!
Anonymous, at Monday, November 27, 2006 3:55:00 PM
I think that the twin towers were a gigantic deal and i really do think they should be brought up every year, not 2 upset the family and friends but to celebrate the bravery and heroism of everyone who died on that HORRIBLE day! I was in 3rd grade and I remember the teachers all started talking and my teacher brought in a tv and started showing the news and it was a very scary time in my life but i really think that if its brought up every year its not to upset the families its more to celebrate their luved ones! but whatever thats my opinion......
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:32:00 PM
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