Dress Codes
Select one below to comment on
A. Should a school impose dress codes on their students? For example boys hair length, tattoos,
girls short lengths and mid-riff showing)
B. Why or why not have students wear standard uniforms?
C. Why should cheerleaders, twirlers be allowed to wear outfits to classes that would not pass
school dress code?
A. Should a school impose dress codes on their students? For example boys hair length, tattoos,
girls short lengths and mid-riff showing)
B. Why or why not have students wear standard uniforms?
C. Why should cheerleaders, twirlers be allowed to wear outfits to classes that would not pass
school dress code?
I'm going to pick B.
No way I think that guys should be able to have tattoos, the length of their hair how they want it etc. I strongly do not believe that someone should not be aloud to go to school with a tatoo. That shouldnt matter, they aren't going to a fashion show, thier going to school, where they are their to learn and get a good education!
Maybe I read this question wrong, I don't know, but if I didnt and this is the stuff your looking for then its all good! This is what I think of this.
Anonymous, at Monday, September 11, 2006 9:44:00 AM
C. Cheerleadeers and twirlers should NOT be allowed to violate school dress code. The football games are a different story. It is outside of class so the dress code should not apply. It doesn't apply to other students so it shouldn't apply to them at the game. While in class they should have to follow the same dress code that the other students. If they can't find modest uniforms then they shouldn't wear them to school. Just because they are in a special event doesn't mean anything. The only logical reason that I can think of that they are allowed to wear their uniforms is because purely for the male teachers and faculties benefit.
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 14, 2006 6:46:00 AM
Hello! I'm going to pick B to answer.
Guys should be able to have tattoos, and have their hair as long as they want...for anyone of that matter! Who cares? It's not that big of a deal. If it bothers someone so much that they can't go to school then maybe it's a problem. But that is very unlikely to happen.
So I think that guys should be able to go to school with however many tattoos they want, and they should be allowed to have hair as long as they want for that matter!
Keep up the blogging!
Anonymous, at Thursday, September 21, 2006 7:57:00 PM
I disagree with a lot of the blogs. I don't think guys should have hair longer than their shoulder and no one should have any tatoos showing. Cheerleders and majorettes earned the privilege to wear their uniforms, and if you think your dress code is bad, at least we don't have to wear uniforms!!! Some schools do.
Anonymous, at Friday, September 22, 2006 6:34:00 AM
I agree with resas-pieces, I'm a majorette and we earn our right to wear the uniforms! So do the cheerleaders. We have to work a lot to get good enough to make it. And to silent-talker about saying we wear them for the faculties benefit? NO! That is just EWWW!
Anonymous, at Saturday, September 30, 2006 7:59:00 PM
the cheerleaders should be able to violate dress code because it is for a school reason but if it was just every day then No but if it scrictly for a football game then yes.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 11:07:00 AM
I just moved to a achool wear we have to wear uniforms so enjoy wearing normal clothes!!! 12/13/06
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:19:00 AM
I dont think that guys should have super long hair and i REALLY dont believe ANYONE should have a tattoo i mean ugh! I REALLY dont think that the girls should wear super short skirts,shorts, or shirts because ok we are at school NO ONE SHOULD wanna see that ok! and as for cheer uniforms and twirl uniforms I think that they are somethimes a BIT too short but they really do earn the right to wear them they just maybe need to be a TAD longer!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:21:00 PM
i pick c.
alright i think that its ok for the cheerleaders to violate dress code. cause it is a school function. but if it was not a sport or anything like that then it should not be acceptable.
Brooklyn*6*, at Wednesday, May 02, 2007 11:13:00 AM
Cheerleaders can wear their uniforms without breaking the dress code. They have turtlenecks and jogging suits that can be warn over and under the uniform. My daughter is a Sr. High Cheerleader and this year is the first year she cannot wear her uniform to school. I personally find it highly un-spirited.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 19, 2008 2:16:00 PM
I go to a school with dress code. We do not have to wear uniforms or anything like that, but we do have to wear khaki, navy blue, red, grey, forest green (only) to school. From experience, it is a big pain in the butt. I had to go and buy all new clothes before 7th grade because none of my clothes were in dress code. UUUUUGGGHHH! And everybody should be able to express their individuality and you can't do that if everybody looks the same.
Also some people get away with wearing out of dress code. And some people who never would purposely do that accidentally wear something that supposedly was out of dress code and they get in trouble.
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