November 20, 2006
What do you expect ......?
- A radical Islamic person expects to receive 72 virgins when he gives up his life in the name of Alah
- The native American expected he was going to the happy hunting ground when he died.
- Some people don't expect anything after they die.
- Christian expects to go to heaven.
What do you expect (select one below to discuss)
a. heaven to be like?
b. if you have another view after life?
Bus accident / no seatbelts
If its mandatory for all passengers in a car/truck to be seatbelted then why are seatbelts on a school bus mandatory? Today another bus accident happened and six students died.
Why or why not makes seat belts mandatory?
Why or why not makes seat belts mandatory?
November 05, 2006
School to fingerprint each child
A plan to fingerprint students is meant to speed up the cafeteria lines. The scan will call up the student's name and student ID, teacher's name and how much the student owes.
What do you think of fingerprinting students for lunch? and why?
It's a great idea
It makes me nervous
I don't see a problem
What do you think of fingerprinting students for lunch? and why?
It's a great idea
It makes me nervous
I don't see a problem
November 01, 2006
To see Saw III or not !
Saw III movie This movie shows the decapitating of heads, cutting off body parts, and obviously a lot of guts. This movie in the first week was the highest making movie for the week.
a. Why would you want to see a movie like Saw III?
b. Why would you not want to see a movie like Saw III?
c. What does the popularity of movies like Saw I, II, III prove about our culture?
a. Why would you want to see a movie like Saw III?
b. Why would you not want to see a movie like Saw III?
c. What does the popularity of movies like Saw I, II, III prove about our culture?