Second Opinion

March 20, 2006

American Idol

After a week off due to spring break lets start back with a no brainer of a question. You can click on the title to go to web site.

a. -Will a man or a woman win the American Idol contest this year?
b.- Who will get keicked off the show this week? man or woman
c.- Who is your favorite singer?

March 07, 2006

When is it white man's day?

Amendment 14 basically says that all men are equal regardless of race.

"This topic is at the request of my students".

Last week in class I was reviewing the signficance of the date March 2 in Texas History. For you that are reading this and do not know its the date of Texas declaring its Independence from Mexico. A student who often interjects a view that is interially different asked if this was the white mans day? You know like the black man as a day to celebrate. June 19th

The students wanted to express their Second Opinion on when do the white people have their day to celebrate? Whites are left out on Juneteenth, NAACP image awards, Congress black caucus , Black History month , Martin Luther King holiday , Black Entertainment TV channel , Black Caucus Awards (for literature) .

Need a Second Opinion on: select a topic
1. Is it wrong for one group of the American public to have segregated (separate) special events or organizations?
2. If the white man wants to have an (separate) only white man/women allowed then its called being prejudice. You must give the black the same (equal) opportunity. How is this right that one group can be segregated but the other can not?
3. What would happen if we had a (separate)White Person Image awards, White History Month, White Entertainment Channel, Confederate History Month , etc.
4. Are we actually being Separate but Equal?

March 05, 2006

Violation of Amendment 1?

Recently a picture similar to this one was taken out of a school on the grounds that it violates Amendment #1. The caption of this painting is George Washington Praying at Valley Forge

Select a question to express your Second Opinion

a- How do you see that this picture violates the first amendment?
b- Why should this picture be allowed in a school?
c- Why should a history teacher use this picture in his classroom?
d- Why is it offensive to an athiest student if this picture is allowed to be on display in a history classroom?