When is it white man's day?
Amendment 14 basically says that all men are equal regardless of race.
"This topic is at the request of my students".
Last week in class I was reviewing the signficance of the date March 2 in Texas History. For you that are reading this and do not know its the date of Texas declaring its Independence from Mexico. A student who often interjects a view that is interially different asked if this was the white mans day? You know like the black man as a day to celebrate. June 19th
The students wanted to express their Second Opinion on when do the white people have their day to celebrate? Whites are left out on Juneteenth, NAACP image awards, Congress black caucus , Black History month , Martin Luther King holiday , Black Entertainment TV channel , Black Caucus Awards (for literature) .
Need a Second Opinion on: select a topic
1. Is it wrong for one group of the American public to have segregated (separate) special events or organizations?
2. If the white man wants to have an (separate) only white man/women allowed then its called being prejudice. You must give the black the same (equal) opportunity. How is this right that one group can be segregated but the other can not?
3. What would happen if we had a (separate)White Person Image awards, White History Month, White Entertainment Channel, Confederate History Month , etc.
4. Are we actually being Separate but Equal?
"This topic is at the request of my students".
Last week in class I was reviewing the signficance of the date March 2 in Texas History. For you that are reading this and do not know its the date of Texas declaring its Independence from Mexico. A student who often interjects a view that is interially different asked if this was the white mans day? You know like the black man as a day to celebrate. June 19th
The students wanted to express their Second Opinion on when do the white people have their day to celebrate? Whites are left out on Juneteenth, NAACP image awards, Congress black caucus , Black History month , Martin Luther King holiday , Black Entertainment TV channel , Black Caucus Awards (for literature) .
Need a Second Opinion on: select a topic
1. Is it wrong for one group of the American public to have segregated (separate) special events or organizations?
2. If the white man wants to have an (separate) only white man/women allowed then its called being prejudice. You must give the black the same (equal) opportunity. How is this right that one group can be segregated but the other can not?
3. What would happen if we had a (separate)White Person Image awards, White History Month, White Entertainment Channel, Confederate History Month , etc.
4. Are we actually being Separate but Equal?
It is not fair that white people do not have a holiday. Yes I am white and I have the right to defend my race. Their are so many holidays for black people and mexicans that we can get out of school for, but there isn't a specific white holiday. If your thinking about President's day or Columbus Day as a white holiday you are wrong. I don't see those days saying anything about white people. Those days are accomplishments for all races not just one.
Anonymous, at Monday, March 06, 2006 8:43:00 AM
I think that not having "white man's day" is fine. We honestly don't deserve a day considering the way our ansesters treated black people before us. They were forced to be slaves and were treated like dirt. All because of their skin color, and people are complaining that we don't have a "white man's day". Honestly people! get it right!
Anonymous, at Monday, March 06, 2006 9:02:00 AM
In a way, I'm okay with not having a day for whites but then again not. Earlier I will admit that whites did treat them very badly. Some still do today which I might add is TOTALLY wrong! African Americans have come a long way but then again, so have whites! And so have all other races really. So maybe we should just have one big day for everyone or something! A day where we can recognize the victories of Whites, African Americans, Mexicans, Indians, and everyone else!
Anonymous, at Monday, March 06, 2006 3:50:00 PM
I think that not having a white people day is okay. Every day everyone treats eachother the same. It doesn't matter to them if it's Black History month or Cinco Di Mio everyone treats eachother the same whether they are black, mexcian,chinese, or white. Everyday people treat eachother like they are worthless unless they are rich or famous but, that doesn't matter everyone is the same in their on way but, they just choose to take it out on people of other races. Almost everyday is a white day so why make a holiday out of it?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:02:00 AM
Hi guys, I didn't pick one but anyway, I think that white people are always called being prejudice aren't they? yes, so why are black people being "prejudice" by not giving us holidays, and I know that blacks today can't do anything about it today, and I'm not blaming it on them or anyone else, but honestly blacks have MLKing day, our school got out for MLKing day, but we don't get out on President's day, especially since we have such a good president today? I agree with adorable whit, when she 'wrote' about not deserving a day because of our ansesters, but as UGtwirlgirl said, both blacks and whites have come a long way since that time. I think that we should still get out for MLKing day, AND for Presidents Day or something like that, because blacks have a WHOLE flippin month celebrating them! Why can't we?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:03:00 AM
I think that white people should have a white day because we have did more than the black people we should be able to have a white day because that did one thing and we have did a lot more than them that is why i think we should have a white day.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:04:00 AM
This really is a good question. Why don't we have a WHITE people day? I really don't think its fair...instead of people being prejudice against blacks...there against whites. Mexicans have the Cenco De Mio and Blacks have the WHOLE month of Febuary for black history month, Juneteenth, and Martin Luther King Day. So when is white people day? I understand that the blacks celebrate the day that they got indepence from slavery but shouldn't white people have a day...like when ONE of our WHITE presidents died? Its NOT good to be predjudice...EVERYBODY is the same on the inside they just might LOOK different on the outside!!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:05:00 AM
I think there should be a white mans day. That day should be in September. If black men have a month then white men should have a month. President Lincoln and President Kennedy both were assasinated, and yet we dont have a white mans day. People do the same things with Christians. They critisize christians but they cant critisize mormons or buddist. There should be a white mans day no matter if people think it is predjudice. Yes I am white just like the rest of my school. Peace up A town down.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:08:00 AM
I think that it's kind if ok that we don't have a white mans day,but then again I wish we did. A bunch of other races have thir own holidays and we don't have not one. We should at least have one day or something.I mean come on,African Americans have a whole month and June 19th. Mexicans even have a holiday, so do Jews. So I think that we need to have a holiday of are own.
(I'm not predjudice)
Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 07, 2006 8:11:00 AM
I think that since white people used to be so racist against blacks then we are kind of making it up to them by letting them have all these holidays. And, a lot of white people celebrate just because. So, do we really need a holiday? I mean really, are you gonna go out and party on white man's day? If you wanna do that then just go party because it's Saturday or somethin.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 07, 2006 6:13:00 PM
It's totally not fair! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against black people, but it's not fair that they have holidays for their race and we don't. I know Martin Luther King Jr. got assassinated but so did Abraham Lincoln and I don't see a holiday for that. Everybody makes a big deal that all men are created equal, but nobody ever does anything about it. Everyone says that black people are treated bad, which is partly true, but no one sees what they do to us, not all but some. In court and stuff they're always using the constitution to prove somebody wrong. Well it looks like people need to review the constitution a few more times like amendment 14 that basically says all men are create equal,NO MATTER what race. So before anybody starts getting mad at whites for being mean or hateful to blacks, they need to look again. It goes both ways!
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 09, 2006 7:57:00 AM
Because whites were a dominate race, it seems like we made holidays to make the others feel special - to make African Americans, Mexicans, etc. feel like we recognized them even though they were outnumbered by whites. However, in the last year, I know for a fact in Texas, that whites are now a minority compared to Mexicans. So, in light of that, shouldn't the Mexicans have the descency to declare a day for the whites? I personally don't care whether or not a "white man's day" materializes, but stop and think of why there are days that we declared for the other races.
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 09, 2006 6:13:00 PM
Honestly I think that is a stupid question, the reason Blacks have their own "holidays" is because they were not always free and able to speek their minds,so when they were able to do those things it was a big deal. When we start thinking that we nead a holiday for white people that is when we start acting like the little kid who wants a peice of candy when he did not accomplish anything because the kid who had got a peice. I am white and I think its ridiculous to have a date for kaukashians.
Anonymous, at Friday, March 10, 2006 9:08:00 AM
I don't think that it's fair that white people are left out of most African American special events. Just because they think some of us are still prejudice they think we shouldn't be allowed to be a participant in their special events. Most white americans are not prejudice and would like to be able to be accepted by the black people on their special days. When the black associations ask for donations and stufff like that a lot of white people give generous amounts to them. I just don't think it's very right that almost all other races have a holiday to celebrate just their race and white people don't. The President's Day and stuff like that shouldn't count because that's a celebration for every one not just one race.
Anonymous, at Friday, March 31, 2006 7:43:00 AM
I don't see what's the big deal about if we get white man's day or not. We should still celebrate Black History month. I honestly think if you care that much your selfish and stuck up. SO what if we don't doesn't matter. Black history month is about clearning and celebrating about what black people did. We are always learning and celebrating each day. So technically we are only giving a month away to them. SO what does it matter. Also why would people deserve it look at teh way our ancestors treated the black people. They deserve a special month.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 12, 2006 8:30:00 PM
well, i think that we should have some significance to our race.(white) we have black history month and cinco de mayo. i juust think that we should have a white history month.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 10:06:00 AM
Did you ever stop to think what it would be like if all the things that were developed by the white man were removed from our society? We would instantly find ourselves back in the Stone Age. Instead of bashing him, maybe we should honor him. The fact that slavery was eradicated by White people proves that not all white people supported the institution. In the US it was a group of whites that left the Democrat party (that wanted to keep slavery) and the Whig party to form the Republican Party. The Democrats, bitter because the lost the war, formed the KKK to block Republicans from gaining political power in the south and to discourage newly freed blacks from voting. Furthermore, Senator Robert Byrd, the longest serving member of congress, and a democrat, was ranking KKK member. Yet it is the conservative white man that is labeled the racist. You must give the Democrats credit, they sure know how to market their propaganda.
Anonymous, at Friday, March 08, 2013 7:46:00 PM
For all of you complaining about not having a day, you have 4th of July and Thanksgiving. The blacks had nothing to do with those and neither did the Mexicans. The fact that black groups pushed to have their own month and eventually GOT it is because the whites felt guilty. As for Cinco de MAYO (not Mio), this is a Mexican holiday that Americans adopted as an excuse to party, much like St. Patty's and Mardi Gras (both of which are Catholic in origin). Mexico had nothing to do with that - in fact, most Americans are under the misconception that Cinco de Mayo is Mexican Independence Day, when it really falls on September 16th (go Google it). If you really feel left out about not having a "white man's day" go pick a day and start one up! Today is International Women's Day, International Men's day is Wednesday Nov. 19th this year.
Quit whining for someone to give you something because it's "not fair" and start with an unofficial day just like the rest of the minority groups did.
Anonymous, at Friday, March 07, 2014 10:32:00 AM
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