1.I think you should be allowed to show affection but to a certain extent.I don't think kissing in the classroom or being all over each other is acceptable. Maybe in the hall a "light" kiss but not taking it too far. 2.I think that gay couples should be able to show affection also but have the exact same rules as the straight couples.Most people don't like to look at those people but it's not their buisness wat other people do.That's just being very nosey.And that is pretty rude! If they don't like looking at gay couples showing affection then they shouldn't look! 3.I don't think you would be prejudice if you said no to number but you would be kind of rude if you did but different people have different opinions.In a way you would be prejudice but in a way you wouldn't, I think. I think gay people should be allowed to show just as much affection as straight people.
No god did not create me and give me life and with my life it's not like it would be a good thing. Believe what you want but I’m an atheist just quit going on and on.
Yes, I think we should be allowed to show effection because some people only get to see their boyfriend or girlfriend at school. I think we should be allowed to kiss and hold hands, but there is also a certain point that you need to stop. 2.I don't believe in being in a relationship with the same sex, but it IS a free country so they can show effection to, but they should have the same rules. 3. I am not prejudice because like I said, it is a free country!
1. I think students to be allowed to give a hug and a little kiss in the hall but not during class.
2. Gay couples should get treated the same way as all the other couples...its only fair. Some people are against gays but it isnt fair for them to get treated different.
3.People shouldnt be prejudice. It isnt right. It isnt fair. Put it in your place...just because your different from other people people would hate you.
EXCUSE ME,Naysa! You are a VERY shallow minded person aren't you? Well excuze me if I strongly disagree with you because for one I am a christian for two this country was founded on God and For three I do not appreciate you talking about MY country and MY religion like that! Maybe whenever you are actually a citizen of the United States and you can vote I might even consider thinking about anything you say!
I think that you should be aloud to show affection to a certian extent. I think that holding hands and giving each other a kiss is fine but going any farther than that should be done, well... somewhere else. Oh and call me prejuduce or whatever you want but unless you want people upchunking in the halls gays should be comletely descrete about there "partners", or better yet just dont be gay. It would save the world a whole lot of disgust!
Ok I think that neveryone needs to leave nasya-dawn alone. Well for one she's athiest and it's her religion to not believe in God. That's her thing not ya'lls! Just because she has a different religion and ya'll may not believe in it than that doesn't give you the right to say that she is going to Hell and stuff like that, that is just rude and you shouldn't be telling anyone that because everyone needs a chance to go to Heaven.And another thing telling her that when she becomes a citizen of the U.S. you might listen to her than that is really mean! That'slike saying you're prejudice against people that might not be citizens of the U.S.! Saying that to someone could really hurt their feelings and ya'll really need to think about the stuff ya'll want to say to people!
big sis;2010 i think they do listen to what there saying and I do belive that nasya will go to Hell unless she changes. And yes she does have a chance to go to heaven but with her hard head I don't think she will. I wouldn't walk in on the conversation and start saying people are wrong especially if YOUR wrong.
Guess what? I can play that game too! GOD, GOD, GOD! I have RESPECT towards my Savior. Maybe I'm offending you because I believe in God, but that's not my problem. You're not gonna stop me from believing. I don't care what you do to try and stop me. I'm not afraid because I know where I'm going when I pass away! You offend me and many others by what you're saying. So just stop okay? Because I never EVER want to see God's name in quotation marks or uncapitilized. Same to you nasya dawn
1.I don'yt think that boys and girls should be able to show their affection, because, first of all nobody cares who they think they "love" in High School and Junior High. Nobody wants to see people kiss in the hall, because one couple was sittin there huggin and kissing in front of my locker, and I'm just sick and tired of seeing people kiss and hug in the freakin school hallway. NOBODY CARES THAT YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OF GIRLFRIEND!!!
2. Absolutley NO gay or lesbians should be able to show their disgusting "affection" towards each other, and I think everybody agrees with me when I say that nobody wants to see 2 boys gettin down in the hall, I know that if I did I would go complain. Same with a girl couple.
3. I don't think that I'm beimng prejudice. There's absolutley nothing to be prejudice towards. I'm just saying that I don't wanna see a stupid couple in the hall who THINKS they love each other, kissing and making out, it's disgusting, and it's an embarassment to the school and to yourself. Now I will admit it, I am a little prejudice against gays and lesbians, because we have little kids who look up to these adults, and they walk around kissing and holding hands, it's disgusting! At a track meet, at our school, some of the seventh graders came over to me really freaked out, and I asked them whatwas wrong, and they said that they had seen a lesbian couple kiss each other, and nobody wants to see that.
Big sis I don't see why I should have to watch what I say when she had no problem dissing my country's laws and my president, and the reason I said I wouldn't listen to her until she was a citizen is because I don't really appreciate people outside of this her country tellin us what to do or how to make rules.
Gertboy You probably don't know this and that's why I'm telling you, but the Bible says not to say God bless you to people that don't believe in him. That is like asking God to bless satan's work. Just to let you know.
To answer the question: 1. Yes, I think you should be able to show PDA. But I think that kissing should be outside of school. Just hold hands. 2. God talks about bisexuals to. I'll look it up and tell you tomarrow. 3. If I see gay people doing anymore than holding hands I'm going to throw up. They shouldn't even be holding hands because they shouldn't be gay,but that's their choice and it's a sin. Call me prejudice I don't care. No matter what someone will always disagree, I just hope there's more people that agree with me than don't.
Okay this is like out of control and I'm willing to say I'm sorry but here's the way ya'll need to look at this. 1. Nobody is wrong everyone has their own opinion to express and nobody has the right to tell anyone to shut up just for saying what they think. 2. If you disagree with a person that's cool you can just say that you disagree , make a statement for why you disagree, and move on. Don't tell the person what to do and what's gonna happen to them for believing in what they believe in. 3.Umm just like everyone else I am allowed to express my opinion if my country and my religion are offend but I will say that I'm sorry for taking it to far and telling nasya that I'm not gonna listen to her because she isn't a citizen. I'm gonna go with gertboy and say God bless ya'll.
Okay, Naysa my parents say I should be gentle with you so if you act like you respect my opinion I'll pretend to respect yours. I shouldn't of said your going to Hell (that's God's choice) but you really pissed me off.
I don't think that boy and girl couples should go as far as to groping each other in the halls, but they should be able to show other ways of affection. Some schools are more lenient on certain kids because they know each other or something. Holding hands, kissing, or other kinds of PDA should be accecptable. If couples are going to be stuck in a building for almost 8 hours, then they are going to show some kind of affection towards each other. I've gotten in trouble for PDA so I know how frustrated they get.
Anonymous I'm sorry you don't believe in God because he does love you, I'll pray for you too. But one question, if you don't believe in God then how do you think we got here? Evelution? No. There's so much proof already that there's a God, The One and Only God, so I hope you meet him before you die.
Hey reeses pieces where does it say that? and what is your religion? what kind of bible are you readin? mine doesn't say that so just tell me the scripture it's in and I'll believe it.
First of all I don’t get offended when people talk about god I don’t care. That’s the biggest difference between annoying people like you and me. You believe in something and bite everyone else’s heads off who don't while I couldn’t care less about what people believe in. Like just quit going on and on about god,would you like to here someone go on and on about how much I they religion and how stupid they think it is that you do believe in it ? no so just shut up!! I’m an atheist and that’s all I’ll ever be and none of our minds are going to change so leave it at that. Atheists have just as much of a right not to believe in god as you have to believe in it.
And second of all, you say Nasya is annoying and her and I offend people read just about half of the horrible stuff you people say about gay people or people from other countries and you well really see who offends people. Nasya is just as stubborn as you but not as rude about it. So don’t diss her and say she has to change.
2John verses 9-11 say: 9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. 10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, recieve him not into your house, niether bid him God speed. 11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
Like Resas-pieces, I'll try to handle this gently. Maybe it doesn't offend you, but it does offend me! I'm sorry about all this but still it's upsetting. I love God with all my heart and hate it when something like this happens. So like Resa, I'll pray for you. I will also look in my Bible tonight also for verses or advice that might apply to this situation. Also, something that our Youth leader said at Church really blew me away and pretty much prooves that the Bible is true. But I'll save that for later.
Haha what's the point of voting no matter what even if the vote wins the president can easily say no or yes to it himself.... Oh and thanks to BigSis or something like that... yes actually im starting to believe in god again oo im sorry God not like it really matters he wont go send someone to hell if they write it without a capital and im sorry but i would never become a citizen of the states even if my life depended on it... Canada rocks... we have wellfare... life insurance... health care and everything...
God is love-Agape love. Total unconditional love,therefore I hope to know how to love as Christ loves. To love the person but hate sin.God's word says there are absolutes. Right and wrong. Sin is wrong. Adutery, murder, homosexuality, prejudice,ext. I hope to try to avoid grieving God by intentionally going against His laws and committing sin that I know is wrong. Because I love God more than I worry about people who judge my heart and motives and beliefs. My beliefs come from the Bible and I respect and love all of God's people, every race, every religion,and God will jude us all.
It's me again! I just wanted to say I'm sorry to anyone I offended, especially Naysa. There are just some things that get under my skin and homosexuality is one of them. When I said some of those things about you I was just mad, and I wasn't really acting like a christian. We are all God's children, gay or not. And, in God's eyes no sin is greater than another.
Hi I should also be apologzing to reese peices person. I really know how to get under your skin and maybe I shouldn't but come on this is called second opinion. My opinion is if people want to be homosexuals let them be just don't go all phsyco on them saying things like God will condem you to hell and stuff like that. Also I think it's dumb if we vote. They are people like everyone else. Except they are attracted to the same sex. Even though I have to admit it bothers me sometimes but not always and I still respect homosexuals. Please understand where I'm coming from.
I think that all types of couples should be allowed to show affection in public. I don't think anyone should have any problem with gay or lesbian couples, there the same as us. All couples should be able to only go as far as like kissing and what not, but I think they shouldn'e be aloud to lay on the bleachers in the gym making out. I think that making out isn't acceptable in public like a restaurant or something. Its just manners I think not to do any of that
I apologize that was a little harsh, but I know every union grove person out of this site, and I couldnt tell you were christians if I didnt know you like I do. I just get frustrated when people act perfect when I know them for who they are. Again I apologize.
I think they should be able to show affection for each other, because they love each other. Teachers are alowed to kiss and yottie yottie yot at school. Thats not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cheergurlluvsyew is obviously rather young and has a naive look on all this. For one teachers in high schools are, by common practice, older than the students. I don't know if anyone has clued you in but when people become older they gain more privileges, it's life. Secondly, the purpose of a public school is not as a social club. I am definitely one for socializing at school, but the purpose is to remove distractions and create a learning environment. Third, define "love" for me. The way I see it most high school relationships never last (to put it lightly). Love is not only misunderstood by almost every high schooler but is also used as a all justifying sort of statement. Its wide application has become the pretense for useless mistakes in the high school years.
i think that its ok .. but they NEED to know when to stop. i think that just a kiss in the hall is ok. but when ever it gets to like all making out and stuff is unacceptable. but i think its ok. only to a certian point..
I agree i think that kids should be able to show public display of affection because its a state of mind its naturwe and it wouldnt be fair to us because adults can but we cant theres no difference.
Jesus christ all of you sound like your 12. Who cares if people publicly display their affection towards each other in school or anywhere else? Love is what makes the world go round and it should be practiced at every moment possible. If you don't like to see it guess what; YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH. Just keep walking and keep your judgements (which is what destroys other ppl) inside your head.
In our society we purposefully go to movie theatres to see movies where people are having sex on screen (and we go to theatres for a dark place to fool around with our significant others). Why is it any different seeing the real thing in real life?
My personal opinion on PDA (in schools and everywhere else) is to just let it happen. As long as it does not go to the extent of indecent exposure it is completley fine and should be ENCOURAGED. Who cares if someones tounge is down someone elses throat? Does that REALLY hurt you? Does it cause physical harm? Does it even cause mental harm? No. So stop complaining, grow up, and get used to it. I garuntee you that if you were in love with someone and they loved you back you would be doing the exact same thing.
All I see in every forum on every site discussing this issue is how "gross" it is and how ppl always think "get a room!". this is complete bullshit. who the FOCK cares? and if you do you clearly aren't acting your age.
If such activity is discouraged and considered "taboo" what do you think will happen? The teens will go behind closed doors and have sex w/o being safe (whole nother issue).
Once again, as long as the PDA is not indecent exposure it does not matter, and should be encouraged.
Jesus christ all of you sound like your 12. Who cares if people publicly display their affection towards each other in school or anywhere else? Love is what makes the world go round and it should be practiced at every moment possible. If you don't like to see it guess what; YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH. Just keep walking and keep your judgements (which is what destroys other ppl) inside your head.
In our society we purposefully go to movie theatres to see movies where people are having sex on screen (and we go to theatres for a dark place to fool around with our significant others). Why is it any different seeing the real thing in real life?
My personal opinion on PDA (in schools and everywhere else) is to just let it happen. As long as it does not go to the extent of indecent exposure it is completley fine and should be ENCOURAGED. Who cares if someones tounge is down someone elses throat? Does that REALLY hurt you? Does it cause physical harm? Does it even cause mental harm? No. So stop complaining, grow up, and get used to it. I garuntee you that if you were in love with someone and they loved you back you would be doing the exact same thing.
All I see in every forum on every site discussing this issue is how "gross" it is and how ppl always think "get a room!". this is complete bullshit. who the FOCK cares? and if you do you clearly aren't acting your age.
If such activity is discouraged and considered "taboo" what do you think will happen? The teens will go behind closed doors and have sex w/o being safe (whole nother issue).
Once again, as long as the PDA is not indecent exposure it does not matter, and should be encouraged.
so today i got in trouble for pda two reasons this is wrong are 1) we were at a basketball game AFTER SCHOOL HOURS 2) all we were doing was holding hands, whats so wrong about that.
I think pda's should be aloud because loving is part human nature and teachers can't really do anything about that, also I dont see whats wrong with holding hands or a little kiss, its juss showin your significant other you still love them
1.PDA doesnt really affect me, Hugging,Small/ShortKissing, and Holding Hands is perfectly fine in the hallways or just taking a walk. There is absolutly nothing wrong with it. But anything beyond that is not, and if your like making out in the halls or on the street, no one needs to see that please get a room.
2. Honestly this topic is NOT ABOUT RELIGION. No one cares about what religion you are. And we dont need your speaches and story about what you believe in, and if you dont accepted it that other people believe in other religion's then your honestly a horrible person. There is no need for your stupid preaching about your own Religion in a NON RELIGIOUS TOPIC. Take your argument elsewhere, we dont want to hear it. End of topic.
well for all of the ones that are trying to fit god into this discussion in the first edition of the bible, it has two homosexual scriptures in Ruth and in Samuel. If people want to put God into this, then why isnt it a Crime against Adultery, and using the Lord name in vain. So there think about that you Homo-phobics!
If our bodies become overloaded, especially with chemicals, toxins and pollutants then our excretory system immensely. NoteThough you can make at home that are in reality enhancing the natural how to detox your body fastification process and also by regular intake of prescription drugs that only use essence of different herbs. In the March issue of O, The Oprah Magazine, Dr. It may take a while to build up. What does this have to do with the pressure points on the soles of the feet.
Each day this Jr. High History class is prompted with a Current Event, Amendment, History related or Social issue question that they are to respond to. Each student writes a minimum 5 sentence response in a journal. Some of the best responses have been posted below. Feel free to respond to any of our topics. Just keep it clean. Thanks
1.I think you should be allowed to show affection but to a certain extent.I don't think kissing in the classroom or being all over each other is acceptable. Maybe in the hall a "light" kiss but not taking it too far.
2.I think that gay couples should be able to show affection also but have the exact same rules as the straight couples.Most people don't like to look at those people but it's not their buisness wat other people do.That's just being very nosey.And that is pretty rude! If they don't like looking at gay couples showing affection then they shouldn't look!
3.I don't think you would be prejudice if you said no to number but you would be kind of rude if you did but different people have different opinions.In a way you would be prejudice but in a way you wouldn't, I think. I think gay people should be allowed to show just as much affection as straight people.
Anonymous, at Friday, April 28, 2006 12:28:00 PM
Hey gertboy07 obviously if I said that I don’t believe in god. How dumb can people get? by the way god god god no caps I have no respect.
Anonymous, at Friday, May 05, 2006 11:24:00 AM
No god did not create me and give me life and with my life it's not like it would be a good thing. Believe what you want but I’m an atheist just quit going on and on.
Anonymous, at Friday, May 05, 2006 2:47:00 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at Friday, May 05, 2006 3:03:00 PM
Yes, I think we should be allowed to show effection because some people only get to see their boyfriend or girlfriend at school. I think we should be allowed to kiss and hold hands, but there is also a certain point that you need to stop.
2.I don't believe in being in a relationship with the same sex, but it IS a free country so they can show effection to, but they should have the same rules.
3. I am not prejudice because like I said, it is a free country!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:20:00 AM
1. I think students to be allowed to give a hug and a little kiss in the hall but not during class.
2. Gay couples should get treated the same way as all the other couples...its only fair. Some people are against gays but it isnt fair for them to get treated different.
3.People shouldnt be prejudice. It isnt right. It isnt fair. Put it in your place...just because your different from other people people would hate you.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:22:00 AM
EXCUSE ME,Naysa! You are a VERY shallow minded person aren't you? Well excuze me if I strongly disagree with you because for one I am a christian for two this country was founded on God and For three I do not appreciate you talking about MY country and MY religion like that! Maybe whenever you are actually a citizen of the United States and you can vote I might even consider thinking about anything you say!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 9:17:00 AM
I think that you should be aloud to show affection to a certian extent. I think that holding hands and giving each other a kiss is fine but going any farther than that should be done, well... somewhere else.
Oh and call me prejuduce or whatever you want but unless you want people upchunking in the halls gays should be comletely descrete about there "partners", or better yet just dont be gay. It would save the world a whole lot of disgust!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:40:00 AM
Ok I think that neveryone needs to leave nasya-dawn alone. Well for one she's athiest and it's her religion to not believe in God. That's her thing not ya'lls! Just because she has a different religion and ya'll may not believe in it than that doesn't give you the right to say that she is going to Hell and stuff like that, that is just rude and you shouldn't be telling anyone that because everyone needs a chance to go to Heaven.And another thing telling her that when she becomes a citizen of the U.S. you might listen to her than that is really mean! That'slike saying you're prejudice against people that might not be citizens of the U.S.! Saying that to someone could really hurt their feelings and ya'll really need to think about the stuff ya'll want to say to people!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:23:00 PM
big sis;2010
i think they do listen to what there saying and I do belive that nasya will go to Hell unless she changes. And yes she does have a chance to go to heaven but with her hard head I don't think she will. I wouldn't walk in on the conversation and start saying people are wrong especially if YOUR wrong.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:32:00 AM
Guess what? I can play that game too! GOD, GOD, GOD! I have RESPECT towards my Savior. Maybe I'm offending you because I believe in God, but that's not my problem. You're not gonna stop me from believing. I don't care what you do to try and stop me. I'm not afraid because I know where I'm going when I pass away! You offend me and many others by what you're saying. So just stop okay? Because I never EVER want to see God's name in quotation marks or uncapitilized. Same to you nasya dawn
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:42:00 AM
Hey guys I'm doing these in order so here we go.
1.I don'yt think that boys and girls should be able to show their affection, because, first of all nobody cares who they think they "love" in High School and Junior High. Nobody wants to see people kiss in the hall, because one couple was sittin there huggin and kissing in front of my locker, and I'm just sick and tired of seeing people kiss and hug in the freakin school hallway. NOBODY CARES THAT YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND OF GIRLFRIEND!!!
2. Absolutley NO gay or lesbians should be able to show their disgusting "affection" towards each other, and I think everybody agrees with me when I say that nobody wants to see 2 boys gettin down in the hall, I know that if I did I would go complain. Same with a girl couple.
3. I don't think that I'm beimng prejudice. There's absolutley nothing to be prejudice towards. I'm just saying that I don't wanna see a stupid couple in the hall who THINKS they love each other, kissing and making out, it's disgusting, and it's an embarassment to the school and to yourself. Now I will admit it, I am a little prejudice against gays and lesbians, because we have little kids who look up to these adults, and they walk around kissing and holding hands, it's disgusting! At a track meet, at our school, some of the seventh graders came over to me really freaked out, and I asked them whatwas wrong, and they said that they had seen a lesbian couple kiss each other, and nobody wants to see that.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 7:50:00 AM
Big sis I don't see why I should have to watch what I say when she had no problem dissing my country's laws and my president, and the reason I said I wouldn't listen to her until she was a citizen is because I don't really appreciate people outside of this her country tellin us what to do or how to make rules.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:42:00 AM
You probably don't know this and that's why I'm telling you, but the Bible says not to say God bless you to people that don't believe in him. That is like asking God to bless satan's work. Just to let you know.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:48:00 AM
To answer the question:
1. Yes, I think you should be able to show PDA. But I think that kissing should be outside of school. Just hold hands.
2. God talks about bisexuals to. I'll look it up and tell you tomarrow.
3. If I see gay people doing anymore than holding hands I'm going to throw up. They shouldn't even be holding hands because they shouldn't be gay,but that's their choice and it's a sin. Call me prejudice I don't care.
No matter what someone will always disagree, I just hope there's more people that agree with me than don't.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:56:00 AM
Okay this is like out of control and I'm willing to say I'm sorry but here's the way ya'll need to look at this. 1. Nobody is wrong everyone has their own opinion to express and nobody has the right to tell anyone to shut up just for saying what they think. 2. If you disagree with a person that's cool you can just say that you disagree , make a statement for why you disagree, and move on. Don't tell the person what to do and what's gonna happen to them for believing in what they believe in. 3.Umm just like everyone else I am allowed to express my opinion
if my country and my religion are offend but I will say that I'm sorry for taking it to far and telling nasya that I'm not gonna listen to her because she isn't a citizen. I'm gonna go with gertboy and say God bless ya'll.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:00:00 AM
Okay, Naysa my parents say I should be gentle with you so if you act like you respect my opinion I'll pretend to respect yours. I shouldn't of said your going to Hell (that's God's choice) but you really pissed me off.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:01:00 AM
I don't think that boy and girl couples should go as far as to groping each other in the halls, but they should be able to show other ways of affection. Some schools are more lenient on certain kids because they know each other or something. Holding hands, kissing, or other kinds of PDA should be accecptable. If couples are going to be stuck in a building for almost 8 hours, then they are going to show some kind of affection towards each other. I've gotten in trouble for PDA so I know how frustrated they get.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:10:00 AM
I'm sorry you don't believe in God because he does love you, I'll pray for you too. But one question, if you don't believe in God then how do you think we got here? Evelution? No. There's so much proof already that there's a God, The One and Only God, so I hope you meet him before you die.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:53:00 AM
Hey reeses pieces where does it say that? and what is your religion? what kind of bible are you readin? mine doesn't say that so just tell me the scripture it's in and I'll believe it.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 18, 2006 9:28:00 AM
You know what religion I am. Baptist. Your one of my best friends. I will find out exactly where it is and tell you tomorrow.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:19:00 AM
My bible is King James like yours.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:20:00 AM
First of all I don’t get offended when people talk about god I don’t care. That’s the biggest difference between annoying people like you and me. You believe in something and bite everyone else’s heads off who don't while I couldn’t care less about what people believe in. Like just quit going on and on about god,would you like to here someone go on and on about how much I they religion and how stupid they think it is that you do believe in it ? no so just shut up!! I’m an atheist and that’s all I’ll ever be and none of our minds are going to change so leave it at that. Atheists have just as much of a right not to believe in god as you have to believe in it.
And second of all, you say Nasya is annoying and her and I offend people read just about half of the horrible stuff you people say about gay people or people from other countries and you well really see who offends people. Nasya is just as stubborn as you but not as rude about it. So don’t diss her and say she has to change.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:38:00 PM
2John verses 9-11 say:
9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, recieve him not into your house, niether bid him God speed.
11 For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.
Anonymous, at Friday, May 19, 2006 8:40:00 AM
Like Resas-pieces, I'll try to handle this gently. Maybe it doesn't offend you, but it does offend me! I'm sorry about all this but still it's upsetting. I love God with all my heart and hate it when something like this happens. So like Resa, I'll pray for you. I will also look in my Bible tonight also for verses or advice that might apply to this situation. Also, something that our Youth leader said at Church really blew me away and pretty much prooves that the Bible is true. But I'll save that for later.
Anonymous, at Friday, May 19, 2006 2:30:00 PM
Haha what's the point of voting no matter what even if the vote wins the president can easily say no or yes to it himself.... Oh and thanks to BigSis or something like that... yes actually im starting to believe in god again oo im sorry God not like it really matters he wont go send someone to hell if they write it without a capital and im sorry but i would never become a citizen of the states even if my life depended on it... Canada rocks... we have wellfare... life insurance... health care and everything...
Anonymous, at Friday, May 19, 2006 9:27:00 PM
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anything-but-ordinary, at Friday, May 19, 2006 9:54:00 PM
God is love-Agape love.
Total unconditional love,therefore I hope to know how to love as Christ loves. To love the person but hate sin.God's word says there are absolutes. Right and wrong. Sin is wrong. Adutery, murder, homosexuality, prejudice,ext. I hope to try to avoid grieving God by intentionally going against His laws and committing sin that I know is wrong. Because I love God more than I worry about people who judge my heart and motives and beliefs. My beliefs come from the Bible and I respect and love all of God's people, every race, every religion,and God will jude us all.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:32:00 AM
It's me again! I just wanted to say I'm sorry to anyone I offended, especially Naysa. There are just some things that get under my skin and homosexuality is one of them. When I said some of those things about you I was just mad, and I wasn't really acting like a christian. We are all God's children, gay or not. And, in God's eyes no sin is greater than another.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:40:00 AM
Hi I should also be apologzing to reese peices person. I really know how to get under your skin and maybe I shouldn't but come on this is called second opinion. My opinion is if people want to be homosexuals let them be just don't go all phsyco on them saying things like God will condem you to hell and stuff like that. Also I think it's dumb if we vote. They are people like everyone else. Except they are attracted to the same sex. Even though I have to admit it bothers me sometimes but not always and I still respect homosexuals. Please understand where I'm coming from.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:06:00 PM
I think that all types of couples should be allowed to show affection in public. I don't think anyone should have any problem with gay or lesbian couples, there the same as us. All couples should be able to only go as far as like kissing and what not, but I think they shouldn'e be aloud to lay on the bleachers in the gym making out. I think that making out isn't acceptable in public like a restaurant or something. Its just manners I think not to do any of that
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:50:00 PM
Yes !!!they should and just Kissing
Anonymous, at Monday, August 14, 2006 10:36:00 PM
I apologize that was a little harsh, but I know every union grove person out of this site, and I couldnt tell you were christians if I didnt know you like I do. I just get frustrated when people act perfect when I know them for who they are. Again I apologize.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 16, 2006 1:35:00 PM
I think they should be able to show affection for each other, because they love each other. Teachers are alowed to kiss and yottie yottie yot at school. Thats not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 12:50:00 PM
cheergurlluvsyew is obviously rather young and has a naive look on all this. For one teachers in high schools are, by common practice, older than the students. I don't know if anyone has clued you in but when people become older they gain more privileges, it's life. Secondly, the purpose of a public school is not as a social club. I am definitely one for socializing at school, but the purpose is to remove distractions and create a learning environment. Third, define "love" for me. The way I see it most high school relationships never last (to put it lightly). Love is not only misunderstood by almost every high schooler but is also used as a all justifying sort of statement. Its wide application has become the pretense for useless mistakes in the high school years.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 08, 2006 5:59:00 PM
i think that its ok .. but they NEED to know when to stop. i think that just a kiss in the hall is ok. but when ever it gets to like all making out and stuff is unacceptable. but i think its ok. only to a certian point..
Brooklyn*6*, at Wednesday, May 02, 2007 11:06:00 AM
I agree i think that kids should be able to show public display of affection because its a state of mind its naturwe and it wouldnt be fair to us because adults can but we cant theres no difference.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, January 23, 2008 8:59:00 AM
Jesus christ all of you sound like your 12. Who cares if people publicly display their affection towards each other in school or anywhere else? Love is what makes the world go round and it should be practiced at every moment possible. If you don't like to see it guess what; YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH. Just keep walking and keep your judgements (which is what destroys other ppl) inside your head.
In our society we purposefully go to movie theatres to see movies where people are having sex on screen (and we go to theatres for a dark place to fool around with our significant others). Why is it any different seeing the real thing in real life?
My personal opinion on PDA (in schools and everywhere else) is to just let it happen. As long as it does not go to the extent of indecent exposure it is completley fine and should be ENCOURAGED. Who cares if someones tounge is down someone elses throat? Does that REALLY hurt you? Does it cause physical harm? Does it even cause mental harm? No. So stop complaining, grow up, and get used to it. I garuntee you that if you were in love with someone and they loved you back you would be doing the exact same thing.
All I see in every forum on every site discussing this issue is how "gross" it is and how ppl always think "get a room!". this is complete bullshit. who the FOCK cares? and if you do you clearly aren't acting your age.
If such activity is discouraged and considered "taboo" what do you think will happen? The teens will go behind closed doors and have sex w/o being safe (whole nother issue).
Once again, as long as the PDA is not indecent exposure it does not matter, and should be encouraged.
MASTERP, at Wednesday, October 29, 2008 2:24:00 PM
Jesus christ all of you sound like your 12. Who cares if people publicly display their affection towards each other in school or anywhere else? Love is what makes the world go round and it should be practiced at every moment possible. If you don't like to see it guess what; YOU DON'T HAVE TO WATCH. Just keep walking and keep your judgements (which is what destroys other ppl) inside your head.
In our society we purposefully go to movie theatres to see movies where people are having sex on screen (and we go to theatres for a dark place to fool around with our significant others). Why is it any different seeing the real thing in real life?
My personal opinion on PDA (in schools and everywhere else) is to just let it happen. As long as it does not go to the extent of indecent exposure it is completley fine and should be ENCOURAGED. Who cares if someones tounge is down someone elses throat? Does that REALLY hurt you? Does it cause physical harm? Does it even cause mental harm? No. So stop complaining, grow up, and get used to it. I garuntee you that if you were in love with someone and they loved you back you would be doing the exact same thing.
All I see in every forum on every site discussing this issue is how "gross" it is and how ppl always think "get a room!". this is complete bullshit. who the FOCK cares? and if you do you clearly aren't acting your age.
If such activity is discouraged and considered "taboo" what do you think will happen? The teens will go behind closed doors and have sex w/o being safe (whole nother issue).
Once again, as long as the PDA is not indecent exposure it does not matter, and should be encouraged.
MASTERP, at Wednesday, October 29, 2008 2:25:00 PM
yeah i agree with # 1 big sis '2010
Anonymous, at Tuesday, January 20, 2009 1:59:00 PM
so today i got in trouble for pda two reasons this is wrong are
1) we were at a basketball game AFTER SCHOOL HOURS
2) all we were doing was holding hands, whats so wrong about that.
I think pda's should be aloud because loving is part human nature and teachers can't really do anything about that, also I dont see whats wrong with holding hands or a little kiss, its juss showin your significant other you still love them
Anonymous, at Monday, November 09, 2009 8:08:00 PM
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Anonymous, at Wednesday, January 27, 2010 10:48:00 AM
1.PDA doesnt really affect me, Hugging,Small/ShortKissing, and Holding Hands is perfectly fine in the hallways or just taking a walk. There is absolutly nothing wrong with it. But anything beyond that is not, and if your like making out in the halls or on the street, no one needs to see that please get a room.
2. Honestly this topic is NOT ABOUT RELIGION. No one cares about what religion you are. And we dont need your speaches and story about what you believe in, and if you dont accepted it that other people believe in other religion's then your honestly a horrible person. There is no need for your stupid preaching about your own Religion in a NON RELIGIOUS TOPIC. Take your argument elsewhere, we dont want to hear it. End of topic.
Will, at Thursday, March 04, 2010 5:13:00 AM
well for all of the ones that are trying to fit god into this discussion in the first edition of the bible, it has two homosexual scriptures in Ruth and in Samuel. If people want to put God into this, then why isnt it a Crime against Adultery, and using the Lord name in vain. So there think about that you Homo-phobics!
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