Yes we should. At my old school, we had to recite it in Spanish due to the large population of Hispanics that attended and it turned out to be kind of beneficial. When I entered Spanish class here, I knew some of the basics that are included in the Pledge such as common words (flag, USA, Under God, liberty, justice... etc.) Also, with the steady rising Hispanic population this day in age, it is almost necessary for them to understand. NOW, before you go off and say that they need to learn to speak English if they are going to live here, I think so too, but there is not much we can do about this issue. They say that in the year 2020, Hispanics will out number whites. So, in light of that fact, why not try to make the best out of the situation and at least keep peace between the two cultures and make them feel welcome?
To anonymous: You are very rude. For one thing if you came to Canada I'd have no respect for you what-so-ever. Who says people can't live in other countries. Like here we have people from France and China and stuff. We only sing our anthem in french and english so what at least we give the people some respect. You don't deserve to live if your stuck up like that. I hope nobody agrees with you. Plus guess_who_bro_bro! has a point you most likely will use it in the future.
I don't think the National Anthem should be made in Spanish. I think that it should still be sung in English even if your are from another country. I mean if you come and live in our country than you should be able to speak our language and sing our National Anthem in ENGLISH not your language. If you want to sing a song in Spanish than that is ok but the National Anthem it is not!
Heyy again. Well CornHusker and Gertboy. Just because you guys are from this country and not their's doesn't mean anything. What I was wondering is why does it matter if you learn your nation anthem in spanish too. It doesn't matter not like they'll get rid of the english version either.
I think that we should actually have the National Anthem in Spanish because if they are apart of the country they should be able to sing the National anthem in their own language. This important because People all over America and Canada should be able to sing the National Anthem ( O' Canada or The Star Spangled Banner) in their own language. And also the person that said they should go back to their own country, that was very ruse i think that you should consider what it would be like to go to another country then you can speak for yourself. From Kathleen
WE as AMERICANS include those Hispanics that were born in America also. They were born and raised in a Hispanic house hold, most of the time around Spanish, and are considered AMERICANS because there were born and raised here. In order to achieve the "unity" you speak of, we should make everyone feel that they are part of this great country. By singing the Anthem in both languages, it would help us achieve the "unity" that we seek. Francis Scott Key created the Anthem in English because it was in his native language. Also at the time, Hispanics WERE NOT apart of America as they are today, therefore, he did not consider making part of it or another version in Spanish. Had they been, he might have considered it.
OMG!!!!! NO!!!! The National Anthem is the U.S' NOT Mexico!! (no affense) we shouldnt have to change it to spanish for the mexican ppl who live in the U.S... theyshould already know how to speak english...or they shouldn't have come over here.
I don't think that we should haven to learn the National Anthem in Spanish because we are in America not in Mexico. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but its the truth.
I don't think that the National Anthem should be in Spanish. It's called the U.S. National Anthem for a reason! If we all went to Mexico and wanted them to make their Anthem in English, don't you think they would be a little mad?
NO. I think that the Hispanices should not sing the national anthem in spanish. We made it in English and so we should keep it in English. If the Spanish want to sing it then go back to their own country and sing it any way they want to. Us people are not going to sing it any other way.
Is our America crazy? (sorry that was a stupid question.)Its come to my attention that we take everything to lightly; the flag, our freedom, and now our national anthem! Hispanics take the responsibility on themselves to come to OUR contry and not to transform it into theirs. It may not be easy, but they need to get of their rears and learn some English for peats sake!
You guys have some serious issues to deal with. Good luck trying to live in Texas. Looks like you got nearly a whole school and I am sure more that want you dead. And evan though Texas has the modo "friendship" that gives us all the more reason to send them back!!
I don't think that the national anthem should be sang in Spanish because it is th american national anthem not the Spanish one if they don't like they can go back to whatever country or state they came from
You need to think about this "issue" from the Spanish side. Some Spanish people are not able to learn English, so I personally think that the National Anthem should be in all languages. The National Anthem is special to me, but everyone needs to be able to read and sing the National Anthem. Then again, if Spanish people are living in the U.S.A., then they should know at least a little bit of English.
Heck no! We should not have to learn how to speak in Spanish for out national anthem. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isin't learning to speak enough english part of the requirments of being an american? We shouldn't have to learn spanish just because all these illegal immigrants just decided to come into america, I'm not prejudice or anything against mexicans, but this is an 100% all american country, and we shouldn't have to learn spanish just because a few stupid mexicans can't speak English.
Nasya Dawn, girl you need to shut up! we're talking about America not Canada! We don't have that big of a population of chinese and whatever else u said, ok!? We were established on ENGLISH speaking people not spanish!
Cornhusker91, you go home bro!
gummie bear: sweetie u took the words right out of my mouth u are so right!
PLUS all you canadian kids that think ya'll know what's going on in America, YA"LL don't, YA'LL don't live here so like reses-pieces said, nobody cares what you guys think, ya'll shouldn't even be posting on the things that go on in America, and let me guess, ya'll were probably someof the IDIOTS that thought that the hurricanes were Bush's fault? am I right? YA'LL just shut up, YA'll don't even know what YA'LL are talking about!
I may not live there but my auntie does and i visit often.. just to tell you and I don't really care if you think I should shut up this is the internet we have a right to say whatever we want whenever we want... got that? and you need to shut up and understand people have their own opinions.
Oh i Don't think so!!!!!!!!! This is OUR country. Yeah it's cool to learn spanish and everything but I don't think we should have to. If the spanish want to come here that's perfectly fine but they need to learn English,Because Oh yeah that's right THEY CAME TO OUR COUNTRY!!!!!
Yea pretty sure NOT okay you don't even know mormongirl2010 so you need to leave her alone k? Yea that's pretty pathetic...k see I actually know her unlike YOU and she's not an idiot...crazy yes (but in a good way!), idiot NO! So leave her alone k?
Hi guys. Guess what I learned it went native language there then SPANISH yes you heard me SPANISH. Then Last and least english. So ha they have every right to see your national anthem in Spanish. Shows what youguys know about your country! Learn things before you say them especially when your not right.
Hey anonymous. Only word I spelt wrong way youguys because I never put a space. I care more about yours to show you guys up and to stop thinking your better then everyone.
flippin shut up! You shouldn't care about our country, and plus, who cares if you visit you "Auntie" you don't live in America, you don't know what goes on every single day, heck for all I know you probably don't know what's goin on in your own back yard (literally speaking of course) ok and just because we don't want any ILLEGAL immigrants in our country doesn't mean we're prejudice ok, you know we're probably a lot nicer to people down here that ya'll are to people up there. And people can live in this country we just want them to be LEGAL!!! psh, you call us rude look at you rude-talking to us! And your right you do have the right to say whatever you want just post on some other website where we can't read it and get tweeked off! Because I'm tellin you your making me pretty mad just reading your CRAP that you write down. And another thing we do know a little bit more about our country than you do, we may not be up to date 100%, but yeah we know a wee bit more than you do considering this is American Country, plus my dad is a very political guy and he keeps me up to date, and my history teacher has the news on every morning, and so we do know just a little bit more than you do! And your partially right they can sing it in spanish if they want to, we're just not gonna change it to Spanish. And President Bush probably won't change it, also considering he's an ALL AMERICAN MAN!! And lastly, Nasya we don't think we're better than everyone else! so psh!
HOLY CRAP!!!! no way....the national anthem should only be written in english!! NOT SPANISH!!!!!!!!! the national anthem is for the UNITED STATES!! Mexico is not included. so it shouldn't be written in spanish...if they want to know it when they come to the U.S... they need to learn english, not make us write it in spanish!!!!!!!!!!!
IT IS SAD!!!!:( You don't care about your country because you know more about the US than you do about yours. What grade are you in any way 3rd because it seems that you aren't very smart. Your kind of stupid if you ask me because you care so much about the US.
P.S. Canada is a country that has a lot of people that are wasted and drunk. By the way how many drinks have you had? Since the legal drinking age is 18. US is smart enough to make it 21.:)
P.P.S Go to summer school because you need to learn more about your country!:)
I'm sorry but I think that if you are going to have to learn to speak English. Especially if you r going to sing the national anthem. I don't have anything against Hispanics but my ancestors had to learn how to speak English to come here from Germany. I don't think anyone else should have an exception
OK honestly I don't care if you think I don't know anything about my country because I do. By the way I'm going into grade 9.. Obviously otherwise we wouldn't be talking to you.. Then again why do I waste my time talking to people who honestly only care about themselves and nobody else. Well some people are nice. Others are stuck up and rude. You think you know so much about your country you obviously don't. Especially if you think english was the first and only language there. Your telling me to go to summer school take your own advice. Plus it doesn't matter if the national anthem is in spanish it'll still be in english too. Oh and by the way you think I drink but you also think I'm in grade 3 hmmm. How does that work? Either I'm 18 or im 8 ten years apart there. No I haven't drank. Plus 18 is a responsible age. Well at least for Canadians and you say we have people always drinking and stuff. You guys are the ones with death row, people can shot people that enter there house after sunset and before dawn, millions of pedifiles(cough michael jackson cough), you guys have rapists etc.. All countries are like that. So maybe before you try and critisize me you should learn about what happens in both countries before you say ours is worse. Canadians didn't start a war, Canadians didn't have terrorists(until you guys started a war), Canadians don't have half as many people living on the streets as you do, living in Canada is affordable even if you don't have a job, Canadians are nice to immigrants, Canadians take into consideration of to write our national athem in a different language so 1. they understand and 2. they feel welcome. So you guys should take your own advice and shut up. I'm tired of hearing you guys think you know everything when you definitely do not. Now don't answer back to me because I have better things to do then to talk to selfish stuck up Texans. BYE!
Actually Nasya is smart. Shes actually a nerd when it comes to school an many other things. She types that much to prove a point because everyone keeps dissing her.
I dont really know, I do suppose it wouldnt be wrong, Its not like their going to take over if we do. I mean the anthem says what a great country this is I dont personaly have a problem with it being said in spanish. I know there are some mixed emotions about this, so Im going to leave it on this note: Misunderstood said that it was thier responsibility to learn English which I suppose is true, But I dont believe it would kill us to have it in Spanish too. But maybe I'm just an idiot.
Oh and if you guys could get of Nasya's back I am sure she would appreciate it, she is just telling us what her oppinion is, and by arguing with her you are just setting a bad example of our country and making fools out of yourself.
Howdy ya'll. Guess what? America is in a big mess right now because we're being attacked by other countries and having our borders crossed by people that want to take innocent lives and ya'll wanna make a huge deal about Mexicans and Canadians and French people and what not. This blog was put here so that we (the students of union grove)to meet and learn about people of different places and to hear what they have to say about the United States' problems and to state our own opinions. Not to call people names and say who's country sucks and who's doesn't. So how about everybody chill out and open your minds to other peoples thoughts you might discover something you never knew if you just take the time to listen to each other and not be so quick to critisize.
And just so you know all of you people sayin that this is AMERICA and we speak english. Ummm... Mexico, the U.S., and Canada is all AMERICA, and we speak differnet languages.
How so? I am just asking to lay of the critisizm of someone stating thier honest opinion, HENS THE NAME, "SECOND OPINION" Tell me where I am going wrong if you dont mind.
She keeps going on about and should stop. Good for us Mexico was here before us and yes it was based on a mexican language. We get it and you should stop posting about it. We are just playing around with you guys. Dont make a big deal about it. :) Ya this is a place you can state your own opinion too.
hey nasya down nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont care if it even turns into a law i wil NOT sing the national anthem in spanish we live in america so we should sing it in english!!!!
You say "WE" should makea a Spanish National Anthem? Yeah I'm going to go with a negative on that one...Simply because we are not spanish...Spanish is not our Languange...We simply learn it to get credits to proceed with school to graduate. We have our National Anthem im ENGLISH we dont need a National Anthem in Spanish...Most people wouldnt have the slightest clue what they were talking about...So if anyone would make a Spanish National Anthem, Let Mexico and Spain be up to doing that, NOT English speaking Americans. Maybe I might have this all wrong, but I think thats what you were talking about...
Well, I hope you guys don't mind this post but I have a little input here after reading all of the post on this subject. I am a great-grandmother and I will stand by keeping our National Anthem in English. My husband is a retired US Military man and we raised our children in many, different countries. Not in any one of these countries did they adapt to our, the American, way of life, and this included our language. We had to adapt to theirs. My entire family had to learn their language if we wanted to make it in their country, even for the short time we lived there. My children played and lived with many nationalities and 99% of those children did not speak much English, my children had to learn at least the basics in theirs. We did adapt somewhat, for example when we would arrive we knew none of the language, when we left we could go out to a local restaurant and order a complete meal in their language. In any translation there is always a loss of some words and the meaning of some words when translated are lost. I have heard something as simple as "Thank You" in many different languages and I have to say that even that little phrase does not sound as meaningful in others as in English. My point, is when you are in another country YOU should adapt, not the country.
Thank You, Danke, Merci, Obrigado, Gracias and Спасибо.
Each day this Jr. High History class is prompted with a Current Event, Amendment, History related or Social issue question that they are to respond to. Each student writes a minimum 5 sentence response in a journal. Some of the best responses have been posted below. Feel free to respond to any of our topics. Just keep it clean. Thanks
Yes we should. At my old school, we had to recite it in Spanish due to the large population of Hispanics that attended and it turned out to be kind of beneficial. When I entered Spanish class here, I knew some of the basics that are included in the Pledge such as common words (flag, USA, Under God, liberty, justice... etc.) Also, with the steady rising Hispanic population this day in age, it is almost necessary for them to understand. NOW, before you go off and say that they need to learn to speak English if they are going to live here, I think so too, but there is not much we can do about this issue. They say that in the year 2020, Hispanics will out number whites. So, in light of that fact, why not try to make the best out of the situation and at least keep peace between the two cultures and make them feel welcome?
Anonymous, at Friday, April 28, 2006 5:25:00 PM
No let them go back go back to their country and sing their national anthem NOT OURS!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at Monday, May 01, 2006 8:42:00 AM
To anonymous:
You are very rude. For one thing if you came to Canada I'd have no respect for you what-so-ever. Who says people can't live in other countries. Like here we have people from France and China and stuff. We only sing our anthem in french and english so what at least we give the people some respect. You don't deserve to live if your stuck up like that. I hope nobody agrees with you. Plus guess_who_bro_bro! has a point you most likely will use it in the future.
Anonymous, at Monday, May 01, 2006 8:43:00 PM
I don't think the National Anthem should be made in Spanish. I think that it should still be sung in English even if your are from another country. I mean if you come and live in our country than you should be able to speak our language and sing our National Anthem in ENGLISH not your language. If you want to sing a song in Spanish than that is ok but the National Anthem it is not!
Cornhusker91, at Tuesday, May 02, 2006 1:20:00 PM
Apparently GERTBOY07, you don't know English either, because "speak" is spelled "S P E A K" not "speek"... I gotcha, I gotcha.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 04, 2006 2:38:00 PM
Heyy again. Well CornHusker and Gertboy. Just because you guys are from this country and not their's doesn't mean anything. What I was wondering is why does it matter if you learn your nation anthem in spanish too. It doesn't matter not like they'll get rid of the english version either.
Anonymous, at Friday, May 05, 2006 11:22:00 AM
I think that we should actually have the National Anthem in Spanish because if they are apart of the country they should be able to sing the National anthem in their own language. This important because People all over America and Canada should be able to sing the National Anthem ( O' Canada or The Star Spangled Banner) in their own language. And also the person that said they should go back to their own country, that was very ruse i think that you should consider what it would be like to go to another country then you can speak for yourself.
From Kathleen
Anonymous, at Friday, May 05, 2006 11:53:00 AM
But don't you learn spanish in America. Why not learn it in spanish too.
Anonymous, at Friday, May 05, 2006 2:40:00 PM
the anthem i meant
Anonymous, at Friday, May 05, 2006 2:48:00 PM
WE as AMERICANS include those Hispanics that were born in America also. They were born and raised in a Hispanic house hold, most of the time around Spanish, and are considered AMERICANS because there were born and raised here. In order to achieve the "unity" you speak of, we should make everyone feel that they are part of this great country. By singing the Anthem in both languages, it would help us achieve the "unity" that we seek. Francis Scott Key created the Anthem in English because it was in his native language. Also at the time, Hispanics WERE NOT apart of America as they are today, therefore, he did not consider making part of it or another version in Spanish. Had they been, he might have considered it.
Anonymous, at Saturday, May 06, 2006 8:18:00 PM
OMG!!!!! NO!!!! The National Anthem is the U.S' NOT Mexico!! (no affense) we shouldnt have to change it to spanish for the mexican ppl who live in the U.S... theyshould already know how to speak english...or they shouldn't have come over here.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 11, 2006 10:27:00 AM
I don't think that we should haven to learn the National Anthem in Spanish because we are in America not in Mexico. I'm not trying to be rude or anything but its the truth.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:18:00 AM
I don't think that the National Anthem should be in Spanish. It's called the U.S. National Anthem for a reason! If we all went to Mexico and wanted them to make their Anthem in English, don't you think they would be a little mad?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:18:00 AM
NO. I think that the Hispanices should not sing the national anthem in spanish. We made it in English and so we should keep it in English. If the Spanish want to sing it then go back to their own country and sing it any way they want to. Us people are not going to sing it any other way.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:19:00 AM
I think that the National Anthem should be said in Spanish because we are over populated with Mexicans.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 7:20:00 AM
Is our America crazy? (sorry that was a stupid question.)Its come to my attention that we take everything to lightly; the flag, our freedom, and now our national anthem! Hispanics take the responsibility on themselves to come to OUR contry and not to transform it into theirs. It may not be easy, but they need to get of their rears and learn some English for peats sake!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:18:00 AM
Gotta Love Ya Resas-peices! Now We got someone on here with a little sense! Its American not some border-crossing losers! waita go!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:24:00 AM
To: *Nasya-dawn* and guess_who_bro_bro!
You guys have some serious issues to deal with. Good luck trying to live in Texas. Looks like you got nearly a whole school and I am sure more that want you dead. And evan though Texas has the modo "friendship" that gives us all the more reason to send them back!!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, May 16, 2006 10:32:00 AM
I don't think that the national anthem should be sang in Spanish because it is th american national anthem not the Spanish one if they don't like they can go back to whatever country or state they came from
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:00:00 AM
You need to think about this "issue" from the Spanish side. Some Spanish people are not able to learn English, so I personally think that the National Anthem should be in all languages. The National Anthem is special to me, but everyone needs to be able to read and sing the National Anthem. Then again, if Spanish people are living in the U.S.A., then they should know at least a little bit of English.
Anonymous, at Thursday, May 18, 2006 9:03:00 AM
Actually your guys actual language is some type of Native... like cree or something.. it's not actually english.. sorry to tell the truth..
Anonymous, at Friday, May 19, 2006 9:31:00 PM
Heck no! We should not have to learn how to speak in Spanish for out national anthem. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isin't learning to speak enough english part of the requirments of being an american? We shouldn't have to learn spanish just because all these illegal immigrants just decided to come into america, I'm not prejudice or anything against mexicans, but this is an 100% all american country, and we shouldn't have to learn spanish just because a few stupid mexicans can't speak English.
Nasya Dawn, girl you need to shut up! we're talking about America not Canada! We don't have that big of a population of chinese and whatever else u said, ok!? We were established on ENGLISH speaking people not spanish!
Cornhusker91, you go home bro!
gummie bear: sweetie u took the words right out of my mouth u are so right!
PLUS all you canadian kids that think ya'll know what's going on in America, YA"LL don't, YA'LL don't live here so like reses-pieces said, nobody cares what you guys think, ya'll shouldn't even be posting on the things that go on in America, and let me guess, ya'll were probably someof the IDIOTS that thought that the hurricanes were Bush's fault? am I right? YA'LL just shut up, YA'll don't even know what YA'LL are talking about!
Anonymous, at Saturday, May 27, 2006 7:23:00 PM
I may not live there but my auntie does and i visit often.. just to tell you and I don't really care if you think I should shut up this is the internet we have a right to say whatever we want whenever we want... got that? and you need to shut up and understand people have their own opinions.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 02, 2006 8:41:00 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
anything-but-ordinary, at Friday, June 02, 2006 8:49:00 PM
Oh i Don't think so!!!!!!!!! This is OUR country. Yeah it's cool to learn spanish and everything but I don't think we should have to. If the spanish want to come here that's perfectly fine but they need to learn English,Because Oh yeah that's right THEY CAME TO OUR COUNTRY!!!!!
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:02:00 PM
Yea pretty sure NOT okay you don't even know mormongirl2010 so you need to leave her alone k? Yea that's pretty pathetic...k see I actually know her unlike YOU and she's not an idiot...crazy yes (but in a good way!), idiot NO! So leave her alone k?
Anonymous, at Friday, June 16, 2006 9:04:00 PM
Hi guys. Guess what I learned it went native language there then SPANISH yes you heard me SPANISH. Then Last and least english. So ha they have every right to see your national anthem in Spanish. Shows what youguys know about your country! Learn things before you say them especially when your not right.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:17:00 AM
Learn how to type before commenting again!!!!!!!!
Oh, why do you care about our country more than yours??
What is your IQ?
Anonymous, at Friday, June 23, 2006 5:39:00 PM
Hey anonymous. Only word I spelt wrong way youguys because I never put a space. I care more about yours to show you guys up and to stop thinking your better then everyone.
Anonymous, at Friday, June 23, 2006 9:42:00 PM
Hey anonymous our country is better then yours who would care more about it
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 29, 2006 12:31:00 AM
they should have their own National Anthem. Where are in America NOT Mexico
Anonymous, at Wednesday, July 05, 2006 11:53:00 AM
flippin shut up! You shouldn't care about our country, and plus, who cares if you visit you "Auntie" you don't live in America, you don't know what goes on every single day, heck for all I know you probably don't know what's goin on in your own back yard (literally speaking of course) ok and just because we don't want any ILLEGAL immigrants in our country doesn't mean we're prejudice ok, you know we're probably a lot nicer to people down here that ya'll are to people up there. And people can live in this country we just want them to be LEGAL!!! psh, you call us rude look at you rude-talking to us! And your right you do have the right to say whatever you want just post on some other website where we can't read it and get tweeked off! Because I'm tellin you your making me pretty mad just reading your CRAP that you write down. And another thing we do know a little bit more about our country than you do, we may not be up to date 100%, but yeah we know a wee bit more than you do considering this is American Country, plus my dad is a very political guy and he keeps me up to date, and my history teacher has the news on every morning, and so we do know just a little bit more than you do! And your partially right they can sing it in spanish if they want to, we're just not gonna change it to Spanish. And President Bush probably won't change it, also considering he's an ALL AMERICAN MAN!! And lastly, Nasya we don't think we're better than everyone else! so psh!
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 08, 2006 4:56:00 PM
HOLY CRAP!!!! no way....the national anthem should only be written in english!! NOT SPANISH!!!!!!!!! the national anthem is for the UNITED STATES!! Mexico is not included. so it shouldn't be written in spanish...if they want to know it when they come to the U.S... they need to learn english, not make us write it in spanish!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at Saturday, July 08, 2006 10:14:00 PM
IT IS SAD!!!!:(
You don't care about your country because you know more about the US than you do about yours. What grade are you in any way 3rd because it seems that you aren't very smart. Your kind of stupid if you ask me because you care so much about the US.
P.S. Canada is a country that has a lot of people that are wasted and drunk. By the way how many drinks have you had? Since the legal drinking age is 18. US is smart enough to make it 21.:)
P.P.S Go to summer school because you need to learn more about your country!:)
Anonymous, at Friday, July 14, 2006 5:04:00 PM
I'm sorry but I think that if you are going to have to learn to speak English. Especially if you r going to sing the national anthem. I don't have anything against Hispanics but my ancestors had to learn how to speak English to come here from Germany. I don't think anyone else should have an exception
Anonymous, at Monday, July 17, 2006 6:43:00 PM
OK honestly I don't care if you think I don't know anything about my country because I do. By the way I'm going into grade 9.. Obviously otherwise we wouldn't be talking to you.. Then again why do I waste my time talking to people who honestly only care about themselves and nobody else. Well some people are nice. Others are stuck up and rude. You think you know so much about your country you obviously don't. Especially if you think english was the first and only language there. Your telling me to go to summer school take your own advice. Plus it doesn't matter if the national anthem is in spanish it'll still be in english too. Oh and by the way you think I drink but you also think I'm in grade 3 hmmm. How does that work? Either I'm 18 or im 8 ten years apart there. No I haven't drank. Plus 18 is a responsible age. Well at least for Canadians and you say we have people always drinking and stuff. You guys are the ones with death row, people can shot people that enter there house after sunset and before dawn, millions of pedifiles(cough michael jackson cough), you guys have rapists etc.. All countries are like that. So maybe before you try and critisize me you should learn about what happens in both countries before you say ours is worse. Canadians didn't start a war, Canadians didn't have terrorists(until you guys started a war), Canadians don't have half as many people living on the streets as you do, living in Canada is affordable even if you don't have a job, Canadians are nice to immigrants, Canadians take into consideration of to write our national athem in a different language so 1. they understand and 2. they feel welcome. So you guys should take your own advice and shut up. I'm tired of hearing you guys think you know everything when you definitely do not. Now don't answer back to me because I have better things to do then to talk to selfish stuck up Texans. BYE!
Anonymous, at Monday, July 31, 2006 4:40:00 PM
Telling us to shut is stupid because look at how much we type and then look at yours.
Not to smart of a Canadian are you?
And if you keep talking to people that way to people in other countries then you will have terrorists.
Anonymous, at Thursday, August 03, 2006 8:19:00 PM
Actually Nasya is smart. Shes actually a nerd when it comes to school an many other things. She types that much to prove a point because everyone keeps dissing her.
Anonymous, at Monday, August 07, 2006 12:04:00 AM
Anonymous, at Monday, August 14, 2006 7:41:00 PM
I dont really know, I do suppose it wouldnt be wrong, Its not like their going to take over if we do. I mean the anthem says what a great country this is I dont personaly have a problem with it being said in spanish. I know there are some mixed emotions about this, so Im going to leave it on this note: Misunderstood said that it was thier responsibility to learn English which I suppose is true, But I dont believe it would kill us to have it in Spanish too. But maybe I'm just an idiot.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 16, 2006 1:14:00 PM
Oh and if you guys could get of Nasya's back I am sure she would appreciate it, she is just telling us what her oppinion is, and by arguing with her you are just setting a bad example of our country and making fools out of yourself.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 16, 2006 1:20:00 PM
and so are you
Anonymous, at Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:52:00 PM
Howdy ya'll. Guess what? America is in a big mess right now because we're being attacked by other countries and having our borders crossed by people that want to take innocent lives and ya'll wanna make a huge deal about Mexicans and Canadians and French people and what not. This blog was put here so that we (the students of union grove)to meet and learn about people of different places and to hear what they have to say about the United States' problems and to state our own opinions. Not to call people names and say who's country sucks and who's doesn't. So how about everybody chill out and open your minds to other peoples thoughts you might discover something you never knew if you just take the time to listen to each other and not be so quick to critisize.
And just so you know all of you people sayin that this is AMERICA and we speak english. Ummm... Mexico, the U.S., and Canada is all AMERICA, and we speak differnet languages.
Anonymous, at Thursday, August 17, 2006 11:41:00 AM
To: Anonymous (9:52 PM)
How so? I am just asking to lay of the critisizm of someone stating thier honest opinion, HENS THE NAME,
Tell me where I am going wrong if you dont mind.
Anonymous, at Thursday, August 17, 2006 12:58:00 PM
She keeps going on about and should stop. Good for us Mexico was here before us and yes it was based on a mexican language. We get it and you should stop posting about it. We are just playing around with you guys. Dont make a big deal about it. :) Ya this is a place you can state your own opinion too.
Anonymous, at Friday, August 18, 2006 3:22:00 PM
post on other ones by the way
Anonymous, at Friday, August 18, 2006 3:27:00 PM
Im sorry i think thats crap!!! If we went to any other country we would have to learn their language so they can learn our language!!!
Anonymous, at Friday, October 06, 2006 9:55:00 AM
No! its our country.They came in ours! we should NOT change OUR national anthem.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:22:00 PM
hey nasya down nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont care if it even turns into a law i wil NOT sing the national anthem in spanish we live in america so we should sing it in english!!!!
Anonymous, at Friday, November 03, 2006 12:45:00 PM
You say "WE" should makea a Spanish National Anthem? Yeah I'm going to go with a negative on that one...Simply because we are not spanish...Spanish is not our Languange...We simply learn it to get credits to proceed with school to graduate. We have our National Anthem im ENGLISH we dont need a National Anthem in Spanish...Most people wouldnt have the slightest clue what they were talking about...So if anyone would make a Spanish National Anthem, Let Mexico and Spain be up to doing that, NOT English speaking Americans. Maybe I might have this all wrong, but I think thats what you were talking about...
Anonymous, at Friday, November 10, 2006 10:09:00 PM
Well, I hope you guys don't mind this post but I have a little input here after reading all of the post on this subject.
I am a great-grandmother and I will stand by keeping our National Anthem in English. My husband is a retired US Military man and we raised our children in many, different countries. Not in any one of these countries did they adapt to our, the American, way of life, and this included our language. We had to adapt to theirs. My entire family had to learn their language if we wanted to make it in their country, even for the short time we lived there. My children played and lived with many nationalities and 99% of those children did not speak much English, my children had to learn at least the basics in theirs. We did adapt somewhat, for example when we would arrive we knew none of the language, when we left we could go out to a local restaurant and order a complete meal in their language. In any translation there is always a loss of some words and the meaning of some words when translated are lost. I have heard something as simple as "Thank You" in many different languages and I have to say that even that little phrase does not sound as meaningful in others as in English. My point, is when you are in another country YOU should adapt, not the country.
Thank You, Danke, Merci, Obrigado, Gracias and Спасибо.
Maverick, at Saturday, December 16, 2006 4:51:00 AM
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