Second Opinion

August 18, 2006

"Do not be deceived......"

A quote: "Do not be deceived, bad company destroys good morals."

What is this quote saying and do you agree with it.

August 17, 2006

What is important?

What is important to you? (for example church, friends, family, TV, music, pet)

List your top 3 and express why one you chose is the most important.


Hello I'm back after a couple of months off. The last post was back in May. But the posting of opinions as gone on all Summer. The purpose of this web site is for you to express your opinion. Not everyone is going to agree with your opinion, especially if you do not explain why that's your opinion. So I encourage you to take 3 to 5 sentences to support your opinion. I've enjoyed reading every post especially some of you that want to debate another opinion that you disagree with. But some postings have been used to attack the person that does not agree with you. Try to follow this advice in the future if you are going to post. QTIP Quit taking it Personal! You convince a person by debating, presenting better facts. You don't by attacking the other person.

These postings are read all over the country. It makes it a lot easier to read and to take a person seriously if your words are spelt correctly.