No cell phones at school
The principal is going to make a proposal,the school board to not allow students to have cell phones at school.
Make a confincing argument that cell phones be allowed.
Make a confincing argument that cell phones be allowed.
I think that cell phones should be allowed at school.Not necssarily in class, but yes at school.What if one of your coaches says you have practice that day. What are you going to do??? Yes you could probably use the office phone, but they are usually stingy about that.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 10:27:00 AM
Students should definitely have cell phones at school. With school shootings on the rise, the only efective connection to the outside world would be cell phones. They DEFINITELY need to be off in school, but we should be allowed to have them. On a lighter note, those who have practices for athletics and other need to contact their parents or their ride home.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 10:27:00 AM
The principal is going to make a proposal to not allow students to have cell phones at school? I disagree _TOTALLY_
First of all, there is a reason to cell phones. Communication... If you are in extracurricular activities, you need to know where,when, all the info for your parents. Now I also understand what all of you guys are thinking.. _text messaging_ is a really big problem... maybe it is, but it should be by law or something that we can have cell phones at school like turned off, or just something, because think about weekends, or when you go to a even volleyball (-
-game.._-mEEt) you need to have some kind of communication with your parents to know where you are, or whatever.
I know all the (head) people or you know )imPortanT( people don't want us to, it is a nessesity.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 10:31:00 AM
ahahaha.. thats funny because if the principle cant make us NOT bring phones to school anyways. Some people think that rules are made to be broken. Ok well not all of them. But this one would definetly be broken by me. I mean what if your mom or dad just died. I mean yeah the school can tell you but the first thing i would to to my kids was tell them first. Because I wouldnt want the whole school to know. That would be embarassing.
~Tyler S.~
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:06:00 PM
I think that cell phones should be allowed at school! The principal shouldn't worry about us havin them. We need them in case we have to call our parents or some one to see where we go. Most of the time the office won't let u use the phone.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:08:00 PM
I think that cell phones should be allowed in class or at school so that if a school shooting or someone has taking the school hosage.If something happens
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:09:00 PM
Yes, kids should be able to have cell phones at school, bacause if the coach says you have to stay after school for practice or if a family emergence occurs your family will know your cell phone number.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:12:00 PM
I think that students should be able to have cell phones at school. but the need to be kept in a spot where they wont be tempted to mess with them. They should be kept because students my need to text or call their parents and tell them someting. It would just be easier and save time cause the student would not have to get out of class, and save the school money on phone bills.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:18:00 PM
No cell phones? I don't think so!What if the school suddenly canceled an after school extra-curricular activity the day of? (Which happens often.)You'd have no means of communicating with your ride home. Unless they use the office phone ,but like ughotti1240 said, the office usually doesn't like that.(Trust me I know.)
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 1:20:00 PM
ummmm... I do not think that kids should be allowed to bring their cell phones to school! I mean cause there is no purpose in them having them here I mean if your parents died I dont think the people will be calling your cell phone they would call the school where they know someone will answer. And also kids wonder why they fail maybe cause they sit around and dont listen to their teacher they just sit there and text. Another thing is I have a friend who gots a cell phone and it seems thats all this person does is talk on the cell phone and they act like they can't live with out it! So I dont think kids should be allowed to bring cell phones to school!
Anonymous, at Monday, October 09, 2006 5:45:00 PM
Cell phones should definately be allowed at school because some people (like me) have practices and games right after school. Today we have to go out of town to a game and when we get back if we ride the bus we need to have some way to call our parents to tell them to pick us up.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 10, 2006 7:56:00 AM
Yes. They should be allowed in school. Used in class, yess. They must have it on vibrator thought and can't answer it while a teacher is talking. And you can't disturb you class.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:06:00 PM
Yes. They should be allowed in school. Used in class, yess. They must have it on vibrator thought and can't answer it while a teacher is talking. And you can't disturb you class.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 11, 2006 9:06:00 PM
I have purchased my child a cell phone for a reason. I want him/her to be able to reach me ANY TIME he/she feels the need. Reading all the entries about the office not letting the students use their phone, my child will continue to be sent to school with his/her cell phone. As long as he/she is following the rules that have been set in place regarding cell phones (not using them during class) there should be no problem.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:22:00 PM
At that school shooting where that girl was killed the only way she could talk to her parents was by sending them text msg while she was held hostage. She was able to send a msg that said "I love you" to her parents. If she wasn't allowed to have a cell phone in school then she wouldn't have been able to send that msg.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 13, 2006 7:18:00 AM
the reason i even got a cell phone is because one day, a year ago, it was a Friday and i didnt have volleyball practice, but i told my mom that i had volleyball practice. well, i didn't know about so i had to call my mom. but guess what? the office lady wouldn't let me use it!!!
and all my friends who had cells had already gone, so what was i supposed to do? well the teachers locked everything up, and there were only like 5 people still there. well, THANKFULLY i got a hold of a phone and called.
but, if the office does that again, and we aren't allowed to have cell phones, that will be bad, and a lot of people will probably get in trouble for bringing there's inside. well that's all i got on that subject!!!
Anonymous, at Friday, October 13, 2006 7:20:00 PM
Heyy. I don't know if this post applies to everyone around the world, or just to the school you're in, but I decided to comment anway. I hope you don't mind! :D. No cell phones at school?! That's crazy! What if there's an emergency at school and the kid or the teacher needs to call home, or the hospital or something? Or what if someone needs a ride home, and they can't find a payphone? You shoud most definitely be allowed cell phones at school. It's different, though, if you're using them in class. Who wants to hear ringing and talking from cell phones 24/7? They should not be allowed in class, but like after school and lunch time and stuff, yes they should be allowed. As long as the teachers can't hear it and it's not going off in class, they should be allowed.
Keep up the awesome blogging!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 18, 2006 2:35:00 PM
Well I think that there should be aloud cellphones at school and shouln't. This is becasue it is good to have a cellphone because if the students need to make an important phone call they can. But if you arent allowed cellphones in school what do you expect them to do? A reason why they shouldnt be aloud to have cellphones is because it sometimes distracts the students and they fool around on them. If the principal decides that there arent going to be anymore cellphones then they should get a local phone for all of the students to use if needed. The reason I think that they should get a phone is because we have one at our school because we dont get cellphone service out where we live and it works out just fine.
Katherine- 12
Anonymous, at Friday, October 20, 2006 11:21:00 AM
im sayin that they should,just to annoy the teacher hahaha!
Anonymous, at Monday, October 23, 2006 3:02:00 PM
Yeah I think they should have cell phones at school even though we don't have cell service but wut if someone gets really badly hurt and they don't have a phone close by. They could just use a cell because people usually keep it with then and it wont' be suck a rush.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:35:00 AM
I think that kids should be able to have cell phones in case of emergencys. But they really dont need to have them in class becasue they can be distubing.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 26, 2006 1:25:00 PM
I think we should be able to have cell phones at school because what if your mom or dad or someone was in the hospital or something and very serouisly hurt then how r u going to no??? and if u have practice then how is ur mom supposed to no to pick u up?? or u dont have a ride home and u dont have a phone and the office is allready locked and so is all the other phones??
Anonymous, at Monday, October 30, 2006 6:22:00 PM
Why not? why can we be allowed to have cell phones at school? It wont change the life of anybody but ours. Our parents might call us, and everything... so why not?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:53:00 AM
I think that they are necessary, unless it's owner will make a bad use of it. What would you do if you're in an emergency situation, an your school don't authorize you to wear a cell phone, and therefore you can't warn your parents of your situation?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 01, 2006 5:36:00 AM
We went many years without cell phones in school. what did the generations before do? they got organized they left home with everthing they needed, to include making sure they had a ride home. The office has a phone for enmerencies, if the office is not allowing students to use then that is were the problem is. I believe cell phones are just a destraction from the real resason why we are at school and that is to learn. Students are playing games, texting one another, and surfing the internet. They should not be allowed in school or in the class room. Parents need to realize why they are sending their children to school in first place. Many student look at a cell phone as tool for popularity and parents support that by alowing their children to bring them to school. It is rediculous we never neded them in the past and we don't need them now. If their is an emrgency the office is their for the parent to call and is the offices job to keep that private if they can't do that then someone else should be working in the office.
Anonymous, at Monday, November 27, 2006 10:57:00 AM
I think that cellphones should be allowed at school because there has been many a time when my parents said they would pick me up and I would wait outside forever and the office would be closed and I needed to find out where my parents were. So I would take out my cellphone (that I had carried around school all day) and I would call my parents to find out that they had forgot about me. So cell phones should be allowed in school.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:48:00 AM
We students need our cell phones. If we have an emergency and it happens after school then we need our cell phones to call our parents. Cell phones come in handy when in s sticky situation. As long as they don't ring in class, we should be allowed to have and talk with them on school property.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 01, 2006 6:54:00 AM
Okay, I think it's stupid we can't have cell phones at school! Since the teachers AND the principal talks on their cell phones! It's stupid that we can't if we REALLY need to...I mean, what if someone in your family was getting put into the hospital? The office doesn't always let you use their phone, ESPECIALLY not during school. I think it'd be okay if it wasn't during class but inbetween periods or lunch! And when your phone does go off in class I think that you should treat the student fairly! Because it's different-you weren't even trying to use it! Sometimes people call the wrong number, or your phone goes crazy like mine did! Because mine was on silent in class and it just started ringing a random ringtone and it wasn't a call or text or anything! But my phone was still taken up and I had to get my parents up there to get it! But this happened to someone else before when they were actually getting a call and this teacher joked around and said she'd try to save them! When they were really getting a call! And they were able to go to the office and get it without their parents. That is not fair at all! And they didn't have to serve detention; they didn't even mention it! But they threatened me with detention! SO this should definately be changed...
Anonymous, at Tuesday, January 09, 2007 8:07:00 PM
I think that cell phones should be off and in your locker during class any other time there isn't realy a problem
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 12, 2008 8:16:00 AM
It must be hard for you to imagine a time without cellphones... but way back in 1996 when i graduated no one owned a cell phone and somehow we managed to make it though school each day, and get rides home, and communicate with each other. Now that I am a teacher I think phones should be banned in schools because children have not developed the self displine to focus on learning and not be tempted to use their phone.
Anonymous, at Sunday, November 16, 2008 8:58:00 PM
yes they should be allowed at school because you may need your parents to drop off something for you... you go to the office and ask to use the phone.. they ask you... what do u need it for you tell them that you need to call you mom cause you forgot something at home... No you cant use the phone only for transportation purposes, luch money, and in case you break the dress code some clothes
Anonymous, at Tuesday, December 02, 2008 10:58:00 AM
I think that cell phones should be allowed at school.Not necssarily in class, but yes at school.What if one of your coaches says you have practice that day. What are you going to do??? Yes you could probably use the office phone, but they are usually stingy about that.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, February 04, 2009 5:29:00 PM
i think that cellphones should be allowed because of all the reasons other people have said, and because what happens when theres a last minute change, when you want to go to your friends house, or if you want to have some " time alone" to talk to your parents or something?...
and i also think that because theres so much problems out there by the way... back in 1996 they didnt have as much problems as we do now, in big citys theres shootings and fights and what not.. i think we should be allowed cellphones in school incase of emergency.
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 16, 2009 11:42:00 AM
i think we shouldnt because u can use the teachers phone and plus if there is a intruder lock down we can use the teachers phone heloo stupid and plus dont teachers have phones in ther class room
love julia 13
julia, at Thursday, April 30, 2009 4:18:00 PM
i think we shouldnt because u can use the teachers phone and plus if there is a intruder lock down we can use the teachers phone heloo stupid and plus dont teachers have phones in ther class room
love julia 13
julia, at Thursday, April 30, 2009 4:27:00 PM
Anonymous, at Thursday, April 30, 2009 4:31:00 PM
Anonymous, at Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:22:00 PM
I do believe that students should be allowed to have cell phones in school because if there is a shooting whats the office or a teacher going to do if theres a phone in the class room tell the shooter "excuse me i gave to call the police"? NO a student or teacher could hide somewhere and call and if theyre caught but they still call the police wont ignore it they will still go to the school. Its not like the school should even have the right to band phones because using them in class i understand but no cell phones at all? Thats crazy because if we cant use them when we need to dont you think whats the point of having them and our parents have spent money on them and some students pay for their own phones its not like the school pays our cell phone bill or pay for our phones so what right do they have to band them or take them up?! People need to get out of the 19th century and get to the present and future its not the dinosour ages any more so just get over it and let student have cell phones. They should put themselves in our shoes and see how they would feel if someone banned them from having thier phone and took their phone, and some teachers use their phone in class anyways and they say we distract the class dont they think that them using their phone wont distract us because newsflash! it does! So before they go banning or phones they should check them selves and our teacher and how they make mistakes and break rules and disturb class.
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 04, 2010 7:17:00 PM
Yes I do think that cell phones should be allowed in school because ur kids can keep in touch with the parents
Anonymous, at Monday, March 29, 2010 5:37:00 AM
Cell phones should not be allowed in school because they can be cheating divices and most cell phones have calculators and some u can get on the internet SO NO CELLL PHONES SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED IN SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at Monday, March 29, 2010 5:40:00 AM
I personly think that cell phone can be at school but only for emergencies breaks and recces.
plus to save paper you can tezt your homework!
i am in 5th grade and stil no cell phone
Anonymous, at Friday, May 28, 2010 10:24:00 AM
sutdents using cell phones at school to cheat are idoits
Anonymous, at Friday, May 28, 2010 10:33:00 AM
I Think We Should Be Able To Have Cell Phones Because The Kids Are Going To Bring Them Anyway... HAHA
Anonymous, at Thursday, March 10, 2011 7:32:00 AM
Ugh All You Guys That Think We Are Going TO Cheat Well Oh Well, The People Who Are Going To Cheat Will Make It Nowhere In Life And Thats Their Business Not Yours! Thanks :)
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