Thought we would give the opportunity to people that don't have the luxury of living in Texas to ask about Texas. What do you want to know? Be sure to let us know where you are from (country or state).
Hi, I am from Canada and I just wanted to know what your daily lives were like in Texas. Do you round up horses and cows and sheep like on movies? Or is it totally different?
Hi, I am from Canada too. I just wanted to know do all of you eat fried rattlesnake? Does it actually taste like chicken? Do you like rattle snake roundups? Are they worth watching?
Hi y\my name is Jordan i live in canada too. What kind of snakes live in texes. That would be pretty grouse to have eat rattel snakes. i herd they taste like chicken
Just letting the Canada guys know that our Texas students have not had the opportunity to get on the computer the last several days.
Rattlesnakes are prominent in West Texas. They also have a festival out there where they round up rattlesnakes. Our school is considered to be in East Texas. About 60 miles from the border. Texas at is widest point is right at 801 miles wide.
To greg: Well, there are many different cultures and people in Texas, that is for sure! So not everyone's daily lives are the same. Me? Well, school for one thing! And shopping with my friends. Not everyone in Texas has ranches like many think. I know my family certainly doesn't. But many do. To nasya: I know I certainly haven't eaten fried rattlesnake! I hate snakes!! And I know that most people around where I live don't eat it. But who knows? Others might. So I don't know if they really taste like chicken...and I don't plan on finding out!
Hi,I am from Texas. The luxury of Texas is awsome. We have big ranches, farms,and grasslands, and woods. We have one of the biggest cities in Texas. Not alot of people round up cows and ride horses. We have xbox and ps2. Were I live we have horses and we ride them but we don't round up cows alot. How is it up there?
hey hows it going today well not everyone in texas eats snakes but us texas do like our hamburgers and t-bone steaks and we like football all texans like football but there is some people in texas that do like to eat snakes
To Nasya. I'm from Texas and no we don't eat fried rattlesnakes. We eat like mormal people. We eat hamburgers, peppers, spaggetti, pizza, etc. We have many different kinds of peppers. I don't know them all but you get the picture. What do you do up there. Do you eat beavers and drink from a creek. I saw it in a movie once. How is life up in Canada?
To Greg Well I'm from Texas and I don't round up horses, cows and sheep. I don't even have any of those things. I have some chickens and goats. I know on movies it looks like everyone wears boots and cowboy hats but we don't (most of the time). We have malls and stuff. I love to shop but I also love to dress up country because that's just the way I am. But no, Texas isn't just horses and cows and sheep. I love all of those things but we're also very modern, too.
Dear Greg, I live on a farm and yes we do round up cows and other stuff. but not all the time, only when we need to either take them to the sell or brand them. Its pretty cool living here except we don't get any snow. Do you get a lot of snow, write back and tell me.
Dear Jordan, we have a lot different snakes, like rattlers, copperheads, mochisins, chicken snakes, and many more. I'm pretty sure that none of us eat rattlesnakes but some people might.
TO NAYSA: I sure havent eaten raddle snake but I have eaten aligator and it was pretty good and it tasted like chicken. Mabey they taste the same. My brother tasted fried rattle snake and he said it tasted like chicken but you cant always trust my brothers taste buds! I have a question for you now, is it crowded were you live? like all the houses are squished together, or is it wide and spacious like Texas?
Hey! What's up? Ya'll are crazy! Nobody eats snakes! Oh, and ya'll watch old T.V. shows too much!In Texas there are city people and country people. Where I live there is a lot of country people so some people have cows, chickens, and horses, but other people just have cats and dogs or no animals at all. We eat normal food. Ya'll are acting like we are crazy people. We listen to country, pop, or rap music and most people think Jesse McCartney, Usher, and other celebrities are hott like ya'll probably do! Well, g2g!
Hey you guys, this is colten and no we dont just eat snakes we eat Mexican,Chinese,Sea Food,and regular fast food like burgers,pizza, and tacos. Not everyone in Texas just goes home rides horses and goes round up cattle, most of us just hang out after school or go to the mall. There you go on your questions that you ask copish, but plz write me back.
Hi, I am from Texas and no not alot of people round up horses and cows. But we do have farms and stuff. And our life style is way different than movies. Now a question for you do yall have like a mall and stuff. What kind of music do yall listen to. Country, rap, hiphop and stuff. What kind of restruant do yall have or do yall have any.
Hey I'm in the 7th from East Texas and we don't eat fried rattlesnakes, sorry. We eat cheese bugers, french fries, and steaks and we eat other stuff to. We do round up horses and cattle and some people round up sheep too. We don't round up rattlesnakes sorry.
TO GREG, Hey wuzzup?! We have to go to school like regular kids, we have just about the same classes as most schools, we might have some different classes but all of the basics, math, history, english, and science. My daily life is pretty basic, wake up, take a shower, get to school, first atheletics, history, band, LUNCH!, theatre arts, science, math. and then language arts. Then I go home babysit 2 little boys, do my homework, eat dinner, fart around untill 9:30, and sometimes 9:OO, then i go to bed. But in movies, they show that we're country hicks who round up animals, and do chores and all that, but I think that in movies, they exagerate A LOT!!! Some parts of Texas it gets really cold and others the lowest it gets in the Winter gets around maybe 30 or 40 degrees. Then some parts of Texas, it gets really dry and there is dirt everywhere, but then where I live, it rains -sometimes- and a lot of trees and grass. So yeah it Texas everything is BIGGER!!!
Hi, I'm currently living in east Texas and I have been on a rattlesnake roundup. We have only been on one but I would go on another if I could. The snakes we were hunting were diamondback rattlesnakes. We have two species of rattlesnakes in east Texas. We have the rare and often unseen timber rattler and the even rarer pygme rattler which never grows larger than 18 inches. they are the least of our worries though because we have the highly venemous and sometimes deadly cottonmouth (named because of it's solid white mouth) or water moccasin, the coral snake, and the copperhead. The water moccasin is the most agressive snake in the United States and will chase after a person to try to bite them.(previous experience) The coral snake is often deadly if it bites you and you don't get to a hospital within the hour. I have never had snake but I would try it any day of the week.
I have enclosed a picture and site to go to so you can see a cotton mouth and the posinous snakes of texas. Just copy and paste. The picture is on the top link and the site is on the bottom.
Hi, I am from Texas and no, we don't eat snake or round up cows and horses every day. Some people don't even own cows or horses, like me. Some people have them but not everyone. In movies it always shows Texans on horses in ranglers and boots but I am not like that! I go to the mall at leats once a week.
Oh my gosh, Texas is super awesome! you guys would LOVE it. Our malls are awesome and most of them are big! Abercrombie+fitch, hollister, and american eagle are the best stores i would be lost without them! Its hott most of the time so we all have like really good tans! Do yall have good tans in Canada, and are yalls malls like big? hows Canada? THANKS YOU GUYS!
To Greg: I don't have room for cattle, sheep, and horses though I want a horse. Not a lot of people can afford to take care of a horse. Some just don't have the time to take care of them. When we get home from school we have homework (of course!)to do. I babysit my cousin. To Jordan: I don't know what kind of snakes we have but I think the only good snake is a dead snake! Just recently my puppy got bit by a snake and now she has a huge lump on her head.
Hi. Haha no we don't say eh after every sentence and we say you guys. It's just natural for you guys to say yall. We do have pretty big malls. Most people get tans too. I also love Texas it's so beautiful there I can agree on you guys with that. Omg! KNow what I found out you guys don't get Lays chips. Or do you? They are like one of the best chips. Oh and "Bookman" as your name on this is wow you guys have really scary snakes. We have harmless Gardner snakes.:) By the way what's 30 or 40 degrees in Celcius? It's kind of confusing. By the way you guys are like a year younger then some of us in our class. Since ours is 7/8 split. Am I right? Well bye for now.
yes, we have some snakes like the garter snake but they are not very common. we have to be careful at our house because we had a cover for our grill and we left it on the ground for about 2 days. I went to cover the grill and I picked it up and shook it and a three foot "garter snake" fell out literally ON MY FEET! Natrually I took of running trying to shake him off my leg and finaly got him off. I later realized that it was a garter snake and tried to move it away from our house with a baseball bat. On my first try to move him he latched into the bat and wouldn't let go. So the only way I was able to get him off was by shooting him off of the bat with a shotgun. we later found out it was a cottonmouth.
Yes we have lays chips...but there not all that great, but that could is an opinion. Doritoes, Cheetoes, Dill Pickle, and ect are like way better, but like i said that could be a matter of opinion. What kind of chips do yall have...besides lays? Do yall have any of the ones that I named?
It's me again. Yes we have Lays chips. We have the: Ranch kind; Sour cream and onion kind; cheese kind;etc. Most of our people are 13 but im 14. We have different classes than the seventh grade does and the lockers are at one end of the hall. If some of the seventh grade is smart then they have some classes with us eight grade. Do you have the same thing as we do? It must be confusing for yall to say you guys. I can't say that really but write back if you can.
Our classes are differint than the 7th grade to. I'm in the 8th grade and I only know of one 7th grader who has a class with us. Most of us are 14 but some are 13. I've probably been closer to Canada than a lot of people down here. See I have some relatives that live in New York, New Jersy, and Vermount. Do you ever go there? And what part of Canada do you live in? Write back
I've probably been closer to Canada than a lot of people down here. See I have some relatives that live in New York, New Jersy, and Vermount. Do you ever go there? And what part of Canada do you live in? Write back
I've probably been closer to Canada than a lot of people down here. See I have some relatives that live in New York, New Jersy, and Vermount. Do you ever go there? And what part of Canada do you live in? Write back
Hey. Ya I've been places like Vermont and New Jersey. We live in Manitoba the middle province of Canada. Basically if you just drive "straight" north of Texas you could get there. Wow the\at'd be cary have a snake fall on you. A cottonmouth isn't that like a rattlesnake. Scary I'd cry. I don't see why the people in grade 8 aren't 13 because when we go into grade 8 we are 13 but then after January people start turning 14. School Starts In September. Around the 7th. It ends in JUly around the 24th. What about you guys when does school start and end? Oh and I did answer your questions adorable whit some of us have tans more then others. Why wouldn;t we have tans? We do get sun here. For chips we also have like Doritoes and all the ones you named. But like the companies are like Ceetos, Doritoes, Old Dutch, Lays etc.. The flavours they have are like regular, dill pickle, sour cream and onion, smokey bacon, all dressed, barbeque etc.. Well bye for now. Write back soon!
Our school starts on August 16 and ends around the May 30. We have all those kind of chips that you named. Some people are turning 14 here too. I am already 14.
Hey hornhusker, that's cool. So what's new ith you guys? Have anymore questions? IOne from me is do you guys personally think I'm different and not like me because of my opinion? Well bye for now!
Do you guys have to say a pledge of allegiance? We do it is "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands:one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."
Hey canadian peoples, I have never eaten rattle snake, but I think it would be cool to try it. No, not everyone lives like cowboys just because we're Texans. Actually out here there ain't that many ranches or farms. I don't wear boots and wranglers or stuff like that, unless I just feel like it. We say "Sup?",and we talk slang just like other people just read the way Dalton talks on here.
Hey, we don't ahve to say a pladge of alliance or whatever it's called but we sing a song. It's called "O Canada". We sing it every morning before class. Well bye.
Hi, I am from Canada and I would just like to know: If you guys have ever seen snow before? Mind you you probably don't want to seeing as it is so cold!
Yes, we have had snow down here and I do not get cold often. The temperature these past few days has been in the teens and twenties and I wore jeans and a T-shirt this morning and it was 12 degrees. We have more ice storms in texas then actual snow but we do get some. My grand parents have a pine tree that is bent over almost like an arch because of the ice.
To Nasya,
Sorry I haven't commented. (Too cold for snakes to be out.)
We do see scorpians and black widow spiders sometimes but mostly we see black widow spiders. I am sometimes when I dont know they are there but most of the time no.
Hey! It's me again! What's up? Why don't y'all comment on some other topics! That would be cool. Then we could fight over some of the topics. How old are most of y'all? I'll be 15 Jan.15! Can you say "Merry Christmas" at your school? I don't know if we can, but I do anyway. Oh, I g2g! This will probably be the last time I comment on here before Christmas, so Merry Christmas.
I think we can say Merry Christmas(I do anyway.) So how long do you have your Christmas break? Mine is about 2 weeks long. What do you think you are geting for Christmas?
People down here at Wal-Mart and some other stores say "Happy Holidays" because "Merry Christmas" offends some people that don't believe in God, and Christmas has the word Christ in it. I think people need to get over themselves. What do you think? Why don't you comment on the bad words at school topic. Oh, and to all y'all people that think everybody down here is country I've never even been to a rodeo! The only animals I have is a dog, a cat, and a really cute teddy bear that I just got for Christmas from a special friend.And my name on here is Resas-pieces bcause my name is Resa.
hey hey hey! We probably have some different laws, like just recently in Texas we just banned gay marrages, and I think that in Canada they don't haven't banned that, but thats just me. So what are the different religions up there baptist, methodist, catholic, presbetarian? As you can tell from my name, I'm a mormon!
Hey Our holiday was about 2 weeks long too. I got lots of things for Christmas a ring with diamonds and my brithstone a gold bracelete mp3 player etc.. I did write soemthing on that bad words thing too. Well bye for now.
Oh I just got a rabbit from ughoghunterchick for my birthday! It was Jan.15! And my mom just bought another dog. So now we have 2dogs 1cat 1rabbit and Lorin's (my niece, she's 3) fish just died. Anybody got any ideas for a name for a pugle dog? A pugle is a mix between a pug and a beagle. She's a girl.
bookman That's awsome I got a 22 S.M. But last year I got a 308. I also got a poketnife and so on next weekend I'm going hunting wish me luck everyone!!!
Our dog is a pugle. It doesn't look anything like a beagle and I've only heard her bark once. She always whines instead of barks. Did you know Paris Hilton got one?
Each day this Jr. High History class is prompted with a Current Event, Amendment, History related or Social issue question that they are to respond to. Each student writes a minimum 5 sentence response in a journal. Some of the best responses have been posted below. Feel free to respond to any of our topics. Just keep it clean. Thanks
Hi, I am from Canada and I just wanted to know what your daily lives were like in Texas. Do you round up horses and cows and sheep like on movies? Or is it totally different?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 02, 2005 4:03:00 PM
Hi, I am from Canada too. I just wanted to know do all of you eat fried rattlesnake? Does it actually taste like chicken? Do you like rattle snake roundups? Are they worth watching?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 02, 2005 7:33:00 PM
Hi y\my name is Jordan i live in canada too. What kind of snakes live in texes. That would be pretty grouse to have eat rattel snakes. i herd they taste like chicken
Anonymous, at Friday, November 04, 2005 5:19:00 AM
hi it is jordan again if u want ti comment me when u get to the sit my enishals are j.j.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 04, 2005 5:21:00 AM
Just letting the Canada guys know that our Texas students have not had the opportunity to get on the computer the last several days.
Rattlesnakes are prominent in West Texas. They also have a festival out there where they round up rattlesnakes. Our school is considered to be in East Texas. About 60 miles from the border. Texas at is widest point is right at 801 miles wide.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 04, 2005 2:48:00 PM
To greg: Well, there are many different cultures and people in Texas, that is for sure! So not everyone's daily lives are the same. Me? Well, school for one thing! And shopping with my friends. Not everyone in Texas has ranches like many think. I know my family certainly doesn't. But many do. To nasya: I know I certainly haven't eaten fried rattlesnake! I hate snakes!! And I know that most people around where I live don't eat it. But who knows? Others might. So I don't know if they really taste like chicken...and I don't plan on finding out!
Anonymous, at Saturday, November 05, 2005 6:25:00 PM
Hi,I am from Texas. The luxury of Texas is awsome. We have big ranches, farms,and grasslands, and woods. We have one of the biggest cities in Texas. Not alot of people round up cows and ride horses. We have xbox and ps2. Were I live we have horses and we ride them but we don't round up cows alot. How is it up there?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 09, 2005 4:19:00 PM
I read somewhere that there are like 5000 kinds of snakes and 4998 live in texas.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 6:40:00 AM
greg and jordan
hey hows it going today well not everyone in texas eats snakes but us texas do like our hamburgers and t-bone steaks and we like football all texans like football but there is some people in texas that do like to eat snakes
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 6:48:00 AM
To Nasya. I'm from Texas and no we don't eat fried rattlesnakes. We eat like mormal people. We eat hamburgers, peppers, spaggetti, pizza, etc. We have many different kinds of peppers. I don't know them all but you get the picture. What do you do up there. Do you eat beavers and drink from a creek. I saw it in a movie once. How is life up in Canada?
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:30:00 AM
To Greg
Well I'm from Texas and I don't round up horses, cows and sheep. I don't even have any of those things. I have some chickens and goats. I know on movies it looks like everyone wears boots and cowboy hats but we don't (most of the time). We have malls and stuff. I love to shop but I also love to dress up country because that's just the way I am. But no, Texas isn't just horses and cows and sheep. I love all of those things but we're also very modern, too.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:30:00 AM
silent-talker well I don't think 4998 live in Texas.Most of them live in Astralia.:-}
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:41:00 AM
Dear Greg, I live on a farm and yes we do round up cows and other stuff. but not all the time, only when we need to either take them to the sell or brand them. Its pretty cool living here except we don't get any snow. Do you get a lot of snow, write back and tell me.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 8:53:00 AM
Dear Jordan, we have a lot different snakes, like rattlers, copperheads, mochisins, chicken snakes, and many more. I'm pretty sure that none of us eat rattlesnakes but some people might.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 8:57:00 AM
TO NAYSA: I sure havent eaten raddle snake but I have eaten aligator and it was pretty good and it tasted like chicken. Mabey they taste the same. My brother tasted fried rattle snake and he said it tasted like chicken but you cant always trust my brothers taste buds! I have a question for you now, is it crowded were you live? like all the houses are squished together, or is it wide and spacious like Texas?
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 8:58:00 AM
Hey! What's up? Ya'll are crazy! Nobody eats snakes! Oh, and ya'll watch old T.V. shows too much!In Texas there are city people and country people. Where I live there is a lot of country people so some people have cows, chickens, and horses, but other people just have cats and dogs or no animals at all. We eat normal food. Ya'll are acting like we are crazy people. We listen to country, pop, or rap music and most people think Jesse McCartney, Usher, and other celebrities are hott like ya'll probably do! Well, g2g!
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 9:01:00 AM
Hey you guys, this is colten and no we dont just eat snakes we eat Mexican,Chinese,Sea Food,and regular fast food like burgers,pizza, and tacos. Not everyone in Texas just goes home rides horses and goes round up cattle, most of us just hang out after school or go to the mall. There you go on your questions that you ask copish, but plz write me back.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 9:05:00 AM
Hi, I am from Texas and no not alot of people round up horses and cows. But we do have farms and stuff. And our life style is way different than movies. Now a question for you do yall have like a mall and stuff. What kind of music do yall listen to. Country, rap, hiphop and stuff. What kind of restruant do yall have or do yall have any.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 9:08:00 AM
Hey I'm in the 7th from East Texas and we don't eat fried rattlesnakes, sorry. We eat cheese bugers, french fries, and steaks and we eat other stuff to. We do round up horses and cattle and some people round up sheep too. We don't round up rattlesnakes sorry.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:34:00 AM
Hey wuzzup?! We have to go to school like regular kids, we have just about the same classes as most schools, we might have some different classes but all of the basics, math, history, english, and science. My daily life is pretty basic, wake up, take a shower, get to school, first atheletics, history, band, LUNCH!, theatre arts, science, math. and then language arts. Then I go home babysit 2 little boys, do my homework, eat dinner, fart around untill 9:30, and sometimes 9:OO, then i go to bed. But in movies, they show that we're country hicks who round up animals, and do chores and all that, but I think that in movies, they exagerate A LOT!!! Some parts of Texas it gets really cold and others the lowest it gets in the Winter gets around maybe 30 or 40 degrees. Then some parts of Texas, it gets really dry and there is dirt everywhere, but then where I live, it rains -sometimes- and a lot of trees and grass. So yeah it Texas everything is BIGGER!!!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:43:00 AM
To Nasya
Hi, I'm currently living in east Texas and I have been on a rattlesnake roundup. We have only been on one but I would go on another if I could. The snakes we were hunting were diamondback rattlesnakes. We have two species of rattlesnakes in east Texas. We have the rare and often unseen timber rattler and the even rarer pygme rattler which never grows larger than 18 inches. they are the least of our worries though because we have the highly venemous and sometimes deadly cottonmouth (named because of it's solid white mouth) or water moccasin, the coral snake, and the copperhead. The water moccasin is the most agressive snake in the United States and will chase after a person to try to bite them.(previous experience) The coral snake is often deadly if it bites you and you don't get to a hospital within the hour. I have never had snake but I would try it any day of the week.
I have enclosed a picture and site to go to so you can see a cotton mouth and the posinous snakes of texas. Just copy and paste. The picture is on the top link and the site is on the bottom.
picture is below
site is below
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:50:00 AM
P.S. you have to copy all of this to get to the picture.
site is below
the second site is working fine.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:58:00 AM
Hi, I am from Texas and no, we don't eat snake or round up cows and horses every day. Some people don't even own cows or horses, like me. Some people have them but not everyone. In movies it always shows Texans on horses in ranglers and boots but I am not like that! I go to the mall at leats once a week.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:46:00 AM
Hi, I'm from Texas and I just wanted to know do you guys say eh after every sentence and do you guys really pronounce ya'll you guys
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:53:00 AM
Oh my gosh, Texas is super awesome! you guys would LOVE it. Our malls are awesome and most of them are big! Abercrombie+fitch, hollister, and american eagle are the best stores i would be lost without them! Its hott most of the time so we all have like really good tans! Do yall have good tans in Canada, and are yalls malls like big? hows Canada? THANKS YOU GUYS!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:02:00 AM
To Greg: I don't have room for cattle, sheep, and horses though I want a horse. Not a lot of people can afford to take care of a horse. Some just don't have the time to take care of them. When we get home from school we have homework (of course!)to do. I babysit my cousin.
To Jordan: I don't know what kind of snakes we have but I think the only good snake is a dead snake! Just recently my puppy got bit by a snake and now she has a huge lump on her head.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:03:00 PM
Hi. Haha no we don't say eh after every sentence and we say you guys. It's just natural for you guys to say yall. We do have pretty big malls. Most people get tans too. I also love Texas it's so beautiful there I can agree on you guys with that. Omg! KNow what I found out you guys don't get Lays chips. Or do you? They are like one of the best chips. Oh and "Bookman" as your name on this is wow you guys have really scary snakes. We have harmless Gardner snakes.:) By the way what's 30 or 40 degrees in Celcius? It's kind of confusing. By the way you guys are like a year younger then some of us in our class. Since ours is 7/8 split. Am I right? Well bye for now.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:02:00 PM
yes, we have some snakes like the garter snake but they are not very common. we have to be careful at our house because we had a cover for our grill and we left it on the ground for about 2 days. I went to cover the grill and I picked it up and shook it and a three foot "garter snake" fell out literally ON MY FEET! Natrually I took of running trying to shake him off my leg and finaly got him off. I later realized that it was a garter snake and tried to move it away from our house with a baseball bat. On my first try to move him he latched into the bat and wouldn't let go. So the only way I was able to get him off was by shooting him off of the bat with a shotgun. we later found out it was a cottonmouth.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 17, 2005 8:15:00 AM
To Nasya
Yes we have lays chips...but there not all that great, but that could is an opinion. Doritoes, Cheetoes, Dill Pickle, and ect are like way better, but like i said that could be a matter of opinion. What kind of chips do yall have...besides lays? Do yall have any of the ones that I named?
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:23:00 AM
To Nasya,
It's me again. Yes we have Lays chips. We have the: Ranch kind; Sour cream and onion kind; cheese kind;etc. Most of our people are 13 but im 14. We have different classes than the seventh grade does and the lockers are at one end of the hall. If some of the seventh grade is smart then they have some classes with us eight grade. Do you have the same thing as we do? It must be confusing for yall to say you guys. I can't say that really but write back if you can.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:24:00 AM
To Nasya,
Our classes are differint than the 7th grade to. I'm in the 8th grade and I only know of one 7th grader who has a class with us. Most of us are 14 but some are 13. I've probably been closer to Canada than a lot of people down here. See I have some relatives that live in New York, New Jersy, and Vermount. Do you ever go there? And what part of Canada do you live in? Write back
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 8:58:00 AM
To Nasya,
I've probably been closer to Canada than a lot of people down here. See I have some relatives that live in New York, New Jersy, and Vermount. Do you ever go there? And what part of Canada do you live in? Write back
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 9:00:00 AM
To Canadians,
I've probably been closer to Canada than a lot of people down here. See I have some relatives that live in New York, New Jersy, and Vermount. Do you ever go there? And what part of Canada do you live in? Write back
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 9:02:00 AM
HEL-OO no one has answered my question about your TANS, and the malls!! thank-YOU lol
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 9:06:00 AM
Hey. Ya I've been places like Vermont and New Jersey. We live in Manitoba the middle province of Canada. Basically if you just drive "straight" north of Texas you could get there. Wow the\at'd be cary have a snake fall on you. A cottonmouth isn't that like a rattlesnake. Scary I'd cry. I don't see why the people in grade 8 aren't 13 because when we go into grade 8 we are 13 but then after January people start turning 14. School Starts In September. Around the 7th. It ends in JUly around the 24th. What about you guys when does school start and end? Oh and I did answer your questions adorable whit some of us have tans more then others. Why wouldn;t we have tans? We do get sun here. For chips we also have like Doritoes and all the ones you named. But like the companies are like Ceetos, Doritoes, Old Dutch, Lays etc.. The flavours they have are like regular, dill pickle, sour cream and onion, smokey bacon, all dressed, barbeque etc.. Well bye for now. Write back soon!
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 10:06:00 AM
To: nasya
Our school starts on August 16 and ends around the May 30. We have all those kind of chips that you named. Some people are turning 14 here too. I am already 14.
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 7:21:00 AM
Heyy my name is Hillary and I am also another Canadian person. Do you guys live like us, do oyu have any different laws then we do??
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 11:51:00 AM
Hey hornhusker, that's cool. So what's new ith you guys? Have anymore questions? IOne from me is do you guys personally think I'm different and not like me because of my opinion? Well bye for now!
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 5:51:00 PM
To: nasya
Do you guys have to say a pledge of allegiance? We do it is "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands:one Nation under God, indivisible,
With Liberty and Justice for all."
That is ours. Do you have one?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 22, 2005 7:58:00 AM
Hey canadian peoples,
I have never eaten rattle snake, but I think it would be cool to try it. No, not everyone lives like cowboys just because we're Texans. Actually out here there ain't that many ranches or farms. I don't wear boots and wranglers or stuff like that, unless I just feel like it. We say "Sup?",and we talk slang just like other people just read the way Dalton talks on here.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 22, 2005 9:03:00 AM
Hey, we don't ahve to say a pladge of alliance or whatever it's called but we sing a song. It's called "O Canada". We sing it every morning before class. Well bye.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 29, 2005 4:37:00 PM
To: nasya
How does your song go meaning what are the words?
Anonymous, at Friday, December 02, 2005 9:52:00 PM
Hi, I am from Canada and I would just like to know:
If you guys have ever seen snow before? Mind you you probably don't want to seeing as it is so cold!
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:31:00 AM
To Anna,
Yes, we have had snow down here and I do not get cold often. The temperature these past few days has been in the teens and twenties and I wore jeans and a T-shirt this morning and it was 12 degrees.
We have more ice storms in texas then actual snow but we do get some. My grand parents have a pine tree that is bent over almost like an arch because of the ice.
To Nasya,
Sorry I haven't commented. (Too cold for snakes to be out.)
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 7:51:00 PM
To nasya
If you have any more questions about Texas just ask and I will be more than happy to answer them when I get on!!
Anonymous, at Saturday, December 10, 2005 9:10:00 PM
We do see scorpians and black widow spiders sometimes but mostly we see black widow spiders. I am sometimes when I dont know they are there but most of the time no.
I am a Guy.
Are you a girl?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:18:00 AM
Hey! It's me again! What's up? Why don't y'all comment on some other topics! That would be cool. Then we could fight over some of the topics. How old are most of y'all? I'll be 15 Jan.15! Can you say "Merry Christmas" at your school? I don't know if we can, but I do anyway. Oh, I g2g! This will probably be the last time I comment on here before Christmas, so Merry Christmas.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 16, 2005 7:42:00 AM
to naysa:
Im sorry. I have a question for you do you guys have snow up there in Canada? If you do how much snow?
We get snow probably every 3 or 2 yaers (if we are lucky!!)
Anonymous, at Friday, December 16, 2005 10:22:00 AM
To Nasya:
I think we can say Merry Christmas(I do anyway.) So how long do you have your Christmas break? Mine is about 2 weeks long. What do you think you are geting for Christmas?
Anonymous, at Saturday, December 17, 2005 6:31:00 PM
To Naysa
People down here at Wal-Mart and some other stores say "Happy Holidays" because "Merry Christmas" offends some people that don't believe in God, and Christmas has the word Christ in it. I think people need to get over themselves. What do you think?
Why don't you comment on the bad words at school topic. Oh, and to all y'all people that think everybody down here is country I've never even been to a rodeo! The only animals I have is a dog, a cat, and a really cute teddy bear that I just got for Christmas from a special friend.And my name on here is Resas-pieces bcause my name is Resa.
Anonymous, at Monday, December 26, 2005 5:27:00 PM
hey hey hey! We probably have some different laws, like just recently in Texas we just banned gay marrages, and I think that in Canada they don't haven't banned that, but thats just me. So what are the different religions up there baptist, methodist, catholic, presbetarian? As you can tell from my name, I'm a mormon!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, January 04, 2006 7:28:00 AM
Hey Our holiday was about 2 weeks long too. I got lots of things for Christmas a ring with diamonds and my brithstone a gold bracelete mp3 player etc.. I did write soemthing on that bad words thing too. Well bye for now.
Anonymous, at Monday, January 09, 2006 4:43:00 PM
Oh I just got a rabbit from ughoghunterchick for my birthday! It was Jan.15! And my mom just bought another dog. So now we have 2dogs 1cat 1rabbit and Lorin's (my niece, she's 3) fish just died. Anybody got any ideas for a name for a pugle dog? A pugle is a mix between a pug and a beagle. She's a girl.
Anonymous, at Friday, January 20, 2006 8:56:00 AM
That's awsome I got a 22 S.M. But last year I got a 308. I also got a poketnife and so on next weekend I'm going hunting wish me luck everyone!!!
Anonymous, at Friday, January 27, 2006 7:35:00 AM
Our dog is a pugle. It doesn't look anything like a beagle and I've only heard her bark once. She always whines instead of barks. Did you know Paris Hilton got one?
Anonymous, at Sunday, February 19, 2006 6:01:00 PM
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