Yes, the words under God should stay in the pledge of allegiance. They shold stay because a lot of America's population believes in God. And if they don't, then maybe the school could create a group for their religion so we could have our God, and they can have theres. They moved here, they should serve our country.
Yes the words "under God" should remain in the pledge of allegiance. Everyone has a right to their own religion. I agree people shouldn't be forced to say it, but we shouldn't be forced NOT to say it. No matter what the decision I'm going to say "under God" because it's my religion and my freedom. God gave us all of this. We need to show respect for him. One way by is by putting his name in the pledge of allegiance!
I think that the words "under God" should remain in the pledge. I think that because it's been in the pledge for a long time and you can't erase it. I think that if people have a problem with saying the pledge then they should at least still stand up and put their hands over their heart. If someone does not like our customs or has a problem with them they should just go back to where they came from. It has been that way since before alot of us were born, and personally I think it should remain.
Yes I think the word god should stay in the pleage. because there are are more than one god to people.Thay can werchip the god thay whant to. thay think we are talking about the god you are me. but thay can say the god thay wership. that is why I think thay should keep it in the word god in the pleage.
Yes! I think that the words "Under God" should be in the pledge.God gave us this land and our religion. I understand if you don't believe in our God. But they don't have to say the pledge of allegience if they don't want to. They can go outside of the classroom and do there own thing. The people who came to this country from different countries can just deal with it. We shouldn't take out the one thing of religion that we have for other people.
Yes! Of course the words "under God" should remain in the pledge if allegiance. God gave us this wonderful land and if we can't even acknowledge that fact then we don't deserve any of it. I believe that people can have their own religion and that they don't always agree with what christians believe but its wrong that a couple of liberals think that they can try and take out the persons name who gave them their freedom.
Yes, the words "under God" should be kept in the pledge. The U.S. constitution states that everyone has a freedom of religion and of speech. So I believe that if Christians want to say that they are proud to be " one nation under God" then it should be kept in the pledge. If we change our pledge for a few people who don't believe as the anonymous vote does then we might as well change the whole foundation of our country. "Under God" represents our love and loyalty to our country and most importantly our God.
Of course the words Under God should stay in the pledge. If we don't put trust in God, our country will fall apart. That's why we don't need any liberal or anti-Christ person for president. So yes it should stay in the pledge. If people don't want to say it then it's a free country they don't have to.
Yes, I think that the words "under God" should remain in the pledge. God made this world and he should get credit for it, and this is one of the ways to show it. NO, people should not be forced to say it, but they shouldn't be forced not to either. Plus, the pledge has had the words "under God" in thier for a long time, so why should we change them? So, the words "under God" should remain, but that is only my opion.
I think 'under God' should stay in the pledge. In 1953 they decited to put those words in the pledge. Why should there be a problem NOW when about 50 years ago they wanted it in there? The parents that want that to change should just get over it because I think they just want to be on T.V. I understand if people that don't believe in God want to disagree, but if it's that big of a problem then they shouldn't have put it in there in the first place.
Yes, the words "Under God" should remain in the pledge! If they did take out that piece of history. It seems to me God wanted us here and he didn't let our race die out,that is enough proof for me.Therefore I stand by my answer.If this is such a big deal than we need a seperate pledge for those non-believers! And if they don't even want to here those words than we need a special school for them as well.
YES!!! The words "under God" should stay in the pledge. If you take it out you will be trying to erase hitory, that can't be done. People should have the right to speak the pledge without any problem. We the people are resisting history and thanking our God, so if you come to America you are going to say the pledge,if not go back to where you came. It is history and our freedom.
I think the the words(under God)should remain in the pledge. It is the same words our fore father have said. If you think about it its just wrong to even think of taking the words out it. It wouldn't sound right. Well if they don't want to say it then don't have to say the words. Just don't remove history!
No, because its part of the pledge and the United States. Even if there are religous people their just going to deal with it. I mean christians say all the time at church, why should they bother saying it at school. I'm a christian and I never get bothered by some word "under God."
I think the words under God should remain in the pledge,because they're not only talking about the God they are talking about all Gods. It does not say one pacific God. They are not making you say it you only have to say it if you chose too!
Yes, I think the words "Under God" should stay in the pledge. We are all under God. If you do not want to say it, then don't say it. There are some people that don't believe in God. "Under God" can mean, to some people ,a different kind of god. So, the other people can say "Under God" to their own god.
Yes, the phrase "under God" should stay in the pledge of alligence, because for one thing it has been in there for over 50 years and nobody has complained about it until now. Second, "God" could mean any god. It does not say the " Christian God", or the "Buddha God". I believe it is perfectly fine the way it is. If anyone has a problem with that then your a hypocrit, because you won't say under God but you'll use money that says "In God We Trust".
The words "Under God" should stay in the pledge. The pledge of allegiance has been around for a number of years, and should not be tampered with. Amendment 1 says that we have the freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of religion.If some people feel uncomfortable about their children saying the words "Under God", then they can either step out of the room, or not say it. They don't need to change the whole pledge of allegiance just to please certain people. If they tried to please everybody who wanted something changed in the pledge, then it would not be the same: it wouldn't be a respectful pledge that people say.
Well, yes I think the words "Under God" should stay in the "Pledge Of Allegiance." The reason why is because most of the population and I praise God and like saying his name. Then the other individuals that don't like praising him and saying his name are not right. The others that don't like to say his name don't have to because this contry has the thing called " Freedom Of Speech". Freedom Of Speech means that they can say whatever they want to say.
Yes, the words "Under God" should remain in the pledge of allegiance. In the phrase "one nation under God" do people not get the words one nation. That means the whole world and all the relegions in it not just one. So, when we say "one nation under God", that means everybodys relegion, not only mine or yours
okay... first let me say this, Under God, is not talking about ANY GOD! it's talking about the creator of the universe, Jehovah, the God that our fore-fathers wrote this about! not buddha, not WHATEVER other false religions are out there right now. God is sovereign and holy, whether or not you say His name now or not you will ONE day, "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess..." So YES, Under God should remain in the pledge, but lettme tell ya, if it proceeds to be taken out, that isn't going to stop my God!!!!!!! He's the same today, tommorow, and forever... and nothing any man will and can do will change that!!
Yes, the words UNDER GOD should REMAIN in the pledge of allegiance because I am a religious person and if people don't want to say "UNDER GOD" then they don't have to but if they go to church and don't say it they should be ashamed of theirselves.
if you think that saying two words in a pledge keeps your child from education then your pretty dumb because peoples kids would probably wrather say two words than work any way and also you have kids you have a job you have a nice house probably and you said under god in the pledge so im pretty sure saying two words will not ruin your kids life. and also if you know anything about God you would want to say under god because he died for you and the least thing you can do for him is say his name.
I would like to add something. Everything, everyone on this Earth wouldn't be here if it wasn't for God. He is the creator. Now, if you want to throw a huge fit over saying two little words, you need to get over it and just say it!
Yes, Under God should remain in the plegde. In the early stages of this country, our fathers were trusting of God, and they made it clear. In the Declaration, Star Spangled Banner, and the Pledge of Allegiance, they reference God. It isn't luck were free. It's God. Without him we would crumble. Even our president is a christian.
If you choose not to say two words to the man who died for you.The man who took the pain the beating all the blood the piercing in the side the spit on his face. just for you. Even though he knew that you would say take his name out of the pledge. Even though you drink and you cuss and you do all those sins. He still died for you. Why would you want to take out such a beautiful name that saved my life so I could live eternally. Why cant you just say two simple words for the man that gave you life. Even though he desirves alot morew than that. Yes, I believe you should keep under God in the pledge.
Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This nation is COMPLETLEY under GOD. He created this world and allowed us to be a free nation. Satan is just trying to make this world as Godless as possible are mission (if we are a Christian, which we should all be but thats a different story) is to keep this world as GODLY as possible. That is why.
First off elmer your pretty stupid because if you go to church you would know that you need to praise God as much as you possibaly can. Cause he died for you and the least thing you can do is say under God .
Yes, because its part of the pledge and the United States. Even if there are religous people their just going to deal with it. I mean christians say all the time at church, why should they bother saying it at school. I'm a christian and I never get bothered by some word "under God."
Each day this Jr. High History class is prompted with a Current Event, Amendment, History related or Social issue question that they are to respond to. Each student writes a minimum 5 sentence response in a journal. Some of the best responses have been posted below. Feel free to respond to any of our topics. Just keep it clean. Thanks
Yes, the words under God should stay in the pledge of allegiance. They shold stay because a lot of America's population believes in God. And if they don't, then maybe the school could create a group for their religion so we could have our God, and they can have theres. They moved here, they should serve our country.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 7:34:00 AM
Yes the words "under God" should remain in the pledge of allegiance. Everyone has a right to their own religion. I agree people shouldn't be forced to say it, but we shouldn't be forced NOT to say it. No matter what the decision I'm going to say "under God" because it's my religion and my freedom. God gave us all of this. We need to show respect for him. One way by is by putting his name in the pledge of allegiance!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 7:38:00 AM
I think that the words "under God" should remain in the pledge. I think that because it's been in the pledge for a long time and you can't erase it. I think that if people have a problem with saying the pledge then they should at least still stand up and put their hands over their heart. If someone does not like our customs or has a problem with them they should just go back to where they came from. It has been that way since before alot of us were born, and personally I think it should remain.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 7:38:00 AM
Yes I think the word god should stay in the pleage. because there are are more than one god to people.Thay can werchip the god thay whant to. thay think we are talking about the god you are me. but thay can say the god thay wership. that is why I think thay should keep it in the word god in the pleage.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 7:43:00 AM
Yes! I think that the words "Under God" should be in the pledge.God gave us this land and our religion.
I understand if you don't believe in our God. But they don't have to say the pledge of allegience if they don't want to. They can go outside of the classroom and do there own thing. The people who came to this country from different countries can just deal with it. We shouldn't take out the one thing of religion that we have for other people.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 7:44:00 AM
Yes! Of course the words "under God" should remain in the pledge if allegiance. God gave us this wonderful land and if we can't even acknowledge that fact then we don't deserve any of it. I believe that people can have their own religion and that they don't always agree with what christians believe but its wrong that a couple of liberals think that they can try and take out the persons name who gave them their freedom.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 9:10:00 AM
Yes, the words "under God" should be kept in the pledge. The U.S. constitution states that everyone has a freedom of religion and of speech. So I believe that if Christians want to say that they are proud to be " one nation under God" then it should be kept in the pledge. If we change our pledge for a few people who don't believe as the anonymous vote does then we might as well change the whole foundation of our country. "Under God" represents our love and loyalty to our country and most importantly our God.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:22:00 PM
Of course the words Under God should stay in the pledge. If we don't put trust in God, our country will fall apart. That's why we don't need any liberal or anti-Christ person for president. So yes it should stay in the pledge. If people don't want to say it then it's a free country they don't have to.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:24:00 PM
Yes, I think that the words "under God" should remain in the pledge. God made this world and he should get credit for it, and this is one of the ways to show it. NO, people should not be forced to say it, but they shouldn't be forced not to either. Plus, the pledge has had the words "under God" in thier for a long time, so why should we change them? So, the words "under God" should remain, but that is only my opion.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:25:00 PM
I think 'under God' should stay in the pledge. In 1953 they decited to put those words in the pledge. Why should there be a problem NOW when about 50 years ago they wanted it in there? The parents that want that to change should just get over it because I think they just want to be on T.V. I understand if people that don't believe in God want to disagree, but if it's that big of a problem then they shouldn't have put it in there in the first place.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:26:00 PM
Yes, the words "Under God" should remain in the pledge! If they did take out that piece of history. It seems to me God wanted us here and he didn't let our race die out,that is enough proof for me.Therefore I stand by my answer.If this is such a big deal than we need a seperate pledge for those non-believers! And if they don't even want to here those words than we need a special school for them as well.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:27:00 PM
YES!!! The words "under God" should
stay in the pledge. If you take it
out you will be trying to erase
hitory, that can't be done. People
should have the right to speak the
pledge without any problem. We the people are resisting history and
thanking our God, so if you come to
America you are going to say the
pledge,if not go back to where you came. It is history and our freedom.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:47:00 PM
I think the the words(under God)should remain in the pledge. It is the same words our fore father have said. If you think about it its just wrong to even think of taking the words out it. It wouldn't sound right. Well if they don't want to say it then don't have to say the words. Just don't remove history!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:51:00 PM
No, because its part of the pledge and the United States. Even if there are religous people their just going to deal with it. I mean christians say all the time at church, why should they bother saying it at school. I'm a christian and I never get bothered by some word "under God."
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 04, 2005 12:54:00 PM
I think the words under God should remain in the pledge,because they're not only talking about the God they are talking about all Gods. It does not say one pacific God. They are not making you say it you only have to say it if you chose too!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 8:52:00 AM
Yes, I think the words "Under God" should stay in the pledge. We are all under God. If you do not want to say it, then don't say it. There are some people that don't believe in God. "Under God" can mean, to some people ,a different kind of god. So, the other people can say "Under God" to their own god.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 8:58:00 AM
Yes, the phrase "under God" should stay in the pledge of alligence, because for one thing it has been in there for over 50 years and nobody has complained about it until now. Second, "God" could mean any god. It does not say the " Christian God", or the "Buddha God". I believe it is perfectly fine the way it is. If anyone has a problem with that then your a hypocrit, because you won't say under God but you'll use money that says "In God We Trust".
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 8:58:00 AM
The words "Under God" should stay in the pledge. The pledge of allegiance has been around for a number of years, and should not be tampered with. Amendment 1 says that we have the freedom of speech, as well as the freedom of religion.If some people feel uncomfortable about their children saying the words "Under God", then they can either step out of the room, or not say it. They don't need to change the whole pledge of allegiance just to please certain people. If they tried to please everybody who wanted something changed in the pledge, then it would not be the same: it wouldn't be a respectful pledge that people say.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 05, 2005 9:09:00 AM
Well, yes I think the words "Under God" should stay in the "Pledge Of Allegiance." The reason why is because most of the population and I praise God and like saying his name. Then the other individuals that don't like praising him and saying his name are not right. The others that don't like to say his name don't have to because this contry has the thing called " Freedom Of Speech". Freedom Of Speech means that they can say whatever they want to say.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 07, 2005 8:23:00 AM
Yes, the words "Under God" should remain in the pledge of allegiance. In the phrase "one nation under God" do people not get the words one nation. That means the whole world and all the relegions in it not just one. So, when we say "one nation under God", that means everybodys relegion, not only mine or yours
Anonymous, at Friday, October 07, 2005 8:28:00 AM
okay... first let me say this, Under God, is not talking about ANY GOD! it's talking about the creator of the universe, Jehovah, the God that our fore-fathers wrote this about! not buddha, not WHATEVER other false religions are out there right now. God is sovereign and holy, whether or not you say His name now or not you will ONE day, "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess..." So YES, Under God should remain in the pledge, but lettme tell ya, if it proceeds to be taken out, that isn't going to stop my God!!!!!!! He's the same today, tommorow, and forever... and nothing any man will and can do will change that!!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:02:00 PM
Yes, the words UNDER GOD should REMAIN in the pledge of allegiance because I am a religious person and if people don't want to say "UNDER GOD" then they don't have to but if they go to church and don't say it they should be ashamed of theirselves.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 21, 2005 10:18:00 AM
if you think that saying two words in a pledge keeps your child from education then your pretty dumb because peoples kids would probably wrather say two words than work any way and also you have kids you have a job you have a nice house probably and you said under god in the pledge so im pretty sure saying two words will not ruin your kids life. and also if you know anything about God you would want to say under god because he died for you and the least thing you can do for him is say his name.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, October 25, 2005 11:08:00 AM
I would like to add something. Everything, everyone on this Earth wouldn't be here if it wasn't for God. He is the creator. Now, if you want to throw a huge fit over saying two little words, you need to get over it and just say it!
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 27, 2005 8:07:00 AM
Yes, Under God should remain in the plegde. In the early stages of this country, our fathers were trusting of God, and they made it clear. In the Declaration, Star Spangled Banner, and the Pledge of Allegiance, they reference God. It isn't luck were free. It's God. Without him we would crumble. Even our president is a christian.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 28, 2005 9:55:00 AM
If you choose not to say two words to the man who died for you.The man who took the pain the beating all the blood the piercing in the side the spit on his face. just for you. Even though he knew that you would say take his name out of the pledge. Even though you drink and you cuss and you do all those sins. He still died for you. Why would you want to take out such a beautiful name that saved my life so I could live eternally. Why cant you just say two simple words for the man that gave you life. Even though he desirves alot morew than that. Yes, I believe you should keep under God in the pledge.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 02, 2005 10:38:00 AM
Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This nation is COMPLETLEY under GOD. He created this world and allowed us to be a free nation. Satan is just trying to make this world as Godless as possible are mission (if we are a Christian, which we should all be but thats a different story) is to keep this world as GODLY as possible. That is why.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 02, 2005 11:18:00 AM
First off elmer your pretty stupid because if you go to church you would know that you need to praise God as much as you possibaly can. Cause he died for you and the least thing you can do is say under God .
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:18:00 AM
no thay should not be in the pledge
Anonymous, at Monday, November 28, 2005 10:50:00 AM
Yes, because its part of the pledge and the United States. Even if there are religous people their just going to deal with it. I mean christians say all the time at church, why should they bother saying it at school. I'm a christian and I never get bothered by some word "under God."
Anonymous, at Monday, November 28, 2005 12:22:00 PM
yes i think they should be in the pledge and if you dont think they should then just dont say the pledge and save us an argument
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 29, 2005 12:28:00 PM
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