I think the ideal age should be 12 years old. You start maturing when you reach this age. You are also more trustworthy. When you mature you're wiser than when you were younger. You should also have a responcibility.
I think that the ideal age to date should should be sixteen years old. For example if any thirteen year old goes on a date (and makes out) then they are trying to grow up WAY to fast. At the age are sixteen they can be a little bit more trusted. Also when your sixteen they could go on a group date or a group date. If they go on a good wholesome group date they have more fun than getting serious and they have a less chance to go and get grody. But when they go out when they are eighteen then they should be able to go alone, without anybody else. Group Dating is also safe for you and your friends. Plus if two thirteen year olds go on a date together then they could get too serious about each other then they could break up and they could get depressed or upset and that is just really unresponsible on the parents part.
I think that the age of thirteen is a good age to date on your own. The average teen wants to get away from their parents more than they usually would. If a teen is irresponsible then he should wait a little while. If the parents can trust a teen then he should be able to go out on hid own. A teenager should be responsible and not take advantage of the girlfriend/boyfriend.Because next thing you know your a father/mother. A boy teen is mor likely to take that advantage. A thirteen year old is liable to be more trusted than sixteen or seventeen year old.
I think the ideal age to date unsupervised should be up to the parents of the children. If I had children I would let them date unsupervised at age 16 or whenever they are mature enough. I also think that they should be able to date under 16 just not unsupervised. You should be able to trust your children. If you can't then you should wait until they are mature enough and you can trust them.
I believe the ideal age to date un supervised is when ever a parent or guardian approves of the relationship. They are older then you and they raised you. So they know if you are trustworthy or not. If you abuse their trust then it should be longer until you date again. You must be mature about the relationship and not be in it for the wrong reasons. If your parents tell you not to date until your a certain age then listen to them so you may have more freedom and do more dating when your older.
I think that the ideal age is 13 for girls, and 14 for boys. Girls naturally mature faster than boys. So the girls are more responsible. If they don't abid by the curfew given, then they are not old, or responsible enough to check the time momentarily. Wild childs shouldn't go out unsupervised at all. Dating expores the love life of the average teenager. They can learn about life and love from being in a meaningful realationship.
I think the ideal age to date would be around sixteen or eighteen. That way at eighteen your parents are no longer responsible for you and if you get in trouble with your boyfriend/girfriend they do not have to clean up the mess you made.I also think that at that age we should be able to "pick" a better person to be with and judge who we need to be with or not and not kidding ourselves when we are to young to be dating.
2 mormongirl2010: I think that you are exagerating about how much a child can be trusted. Group dates are safer than single dates, for a first date. But, on single dates you can be romantic with your date and not be made fun of by your friends. If your friends are around you 24/7 then you need to get away, just you and your sweetie. Break-ups are a part of life and it would be better to experience them at a young age, before they get into a serious realationship. When they are older, they are more likely to do something serious when depression comes. Still love you, but I have a different opinion.
I am 18 years old, I am dating a 21 year old. We do not go out on unsupervised dates, and that was our choice. We both have a strong relationship with the Lord,and we want to keep a pure relationship. We do not want to put ourselves in ANY situation that could lead us to stumble and I KNOW that if I don't feel that an 18 year old is capable of being unsupervised, i surely don't think that a 13 year old is. And from personal experience, i KNOW that a 13-17 male is SURELY not capable of dating unsupervised! Now i'm not saying that we are not mature enough to be alone, because we are... we are very mature for our age, but we love each other enough to know that we do not want to mess up are relationship, and we're going to have plenty of time alone when we get married! We've been dating for over a year now, and everything has gone perfectly fine for us! And i know that my child will NOT be going out at 12-17 without friends, or someone else.... that's ridiculous, and parents should wisen up, that's why we have SO MANY young YOUNG girls pregnant right now, and adolescence with messed up views on what marriage is, and how important staying pure is, and being sexually active at such young ages!
I think the idel age whould be 13. Unless your parents want you to wait longer. I think you should only have to be 13 because I already do that. Also when you turn 13 you think that your just as mature and old as a 16 year old. Your're trying to get your parents to trust you and let you do more stuff. My mom trusts me going places with my boyfriend and he is 16. I have a curfew and I get home at that time but if I ever don't get home at that time them my mom won't trust me anymore and I don't want to break that trust.
I think the ideal age to date unsurpervised should be 16 becasue your at least somewhat mature. Mostly the reason why is because your old enough to drive and at least take you and your date places without tyour parents.
I think the ideal age to date is about 15 or 16. I think this because you should be able to have your licens at the age 16. Either the guy could drive or the girl. Parents should trust us more around the age of 16, because you can drive, and cause you might have manners to the person that you are dating. At 16 I think that you and your date will be respectful to each other. That is the ideal age to me to be able to date.
I think the ideal age to date should be 16 because that is the the time you start to mature. Also your date can start driving. That is also when your parents start trusting you more and trust you enough not to do any thing you no your not suppost to do.
I agree with ughoghunterchick because 16 I think is a resonable age. You have alot of strong points at that age, like she said you have your license and possibly a car. I think you might bring your own car in case you get in a bad situation you can leave and you won't have to ride back with that person.
I think the ideal age will be 16 years old because you are more mature than you were when you were younger. Also most people are able to drive when they are 16.
I think that the ideal age to date should be up to the parents. But when I have kids I would let them date at 16 unless they got a older person to drive them but the girl or guy would have to very good and very trust worthy, and so does my child would have to be very mature and would not always want to do it....But if they wanted to go on a group date at age 13 if they are mature enough then I will let them go.So I think that it is up to the parents if you are mature enough to go on a date with a older person then yes go but if u are immature then wait untill you are sixteen untill you get to go.
To mormongirl2010, I totally disagree with the whole make out thing. It's their choice and you're not growing up to fast. A group date sounds fun if you went on one when you were 12! I mean my goodness, just because you might be 13 then you can still be trusted just as much as a 16 year-old. My mom lets me go to 16 year-old's houses and ride in the car with them. My mom and I have great trust. If the 13 year-old couple break up, then how is it the parents fault? They didn't tell them to break up. If a couple gets too serious then they can just take things a little slower. That's all I have to say. <3 Big Sis'<3
TO bOuNcer91 I think that your not thinking about what kinda dangers single daters COULD MAYBE be in. If the girl and boy dates they could go have sex or somthing if niether are responsible, and even if they are responsible, they might still go and do something which could make their parents loose their trust. Plus the kids should enjoy the child that they still have in them. If they break-up than they couldn't worry about the things the things that really matter in life, and the kids don't need to expierence depression at such a young age, they need to expierence childhood. I also love ya, but I think that we think differently!
I am a girl so I think that the age that we should be able to go on an unsupervised date is 13 because that is when we mature more and that is when we start caring about guys. I think that parents should be less strict towards their kids. We need a little more slack with guys because some of us are responsible. This is why i think that we should starting dating at 13 years old.
I agree with tigger_123, because thirteen or fourteen is a reasonable age to date unsupervised, because our parents should be able to trust us to go out on our own.Some thirteen year old people are more mature and responsible than others and they should be able to be trusted, but some others that always get into troube and are extremely bad, i dont think they should be trusted like some other more mature people. since they are younger, they shouldnt be able to stay overnight with their date, they should only be able to just go out for a litle while on a date.
To mormongirl2010 I understand where you're coming from about dating when you're 16 but if thirteen year olds make out then that was their choice but that's as far as they should go. Some people talk about getting married at 13 which is TOTALLY stupid! There is nothing wrong with going on a date unsupervised but you should have enough responsibility and respect for yourself not to do anything that you would regret later!
to anonymous I think that you are right. I'm 14 and I am not allowed to date or have a boyfriend. I have seen what happens when you date young. There is a girl that is very closely related to me. She dated when she was young and got married when she was 16. She even had a strong relatonship with God and we went to church every Sunday. But she thought she was in love at 16. She got pregnant and mis-carried. She divorced her husband later, was married to 2 other times. She was engaged once or twice that she didn't get married. Also, she had 2 kids, both of them with different men. Now she never can trust a guy. So whoever you date be careful. You have to make sure you know them inside-out. But I do agree with you completely.
I believe that you should date unsupervised when you are 15 the reason why I think that you should date at 15 is because you have grown up and you are mature enough to go out with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
I think that the ideal age to date is 15. When you turn 15, you are matured enough to go a a date alone. When your this age your parents can trust you. When your younger than 15 you should not be get seirous with anyone.
I think that the age to date,unsupervised, is 15 years old. I think it should 15 because you are mature enough to go out alone. If you are 15 you probally have a driving permit and you can drive your onwn car.
I think the ideal age should be 15. Because you should be responsable enough to not do anythang bad. And your perents should be able to trust you enough to let you go out.
I think the ideal age to date unsupervized is 16. When you are 16, you have good enough judgement to choose the right person to date. They can know if someone is wrong to date or not. 16 years olds can also drive. If you can pick up your date, you can date unsupervized.
I think that the age to date needs to be 18. thenagain I think it really depends on the idivisual. Also, sometimes at the age of 16 people can be mature around parental figures. That does not mean that they are going to act the same way on a date. While you are young peer presure can have a big effect.
I think the ideal age for dating should be 14. I think 14 because you are in high school and you are more mature.Most girls date guys 2 to 3 years older than them, so if that were to happen the guy can drive.Girls mature faster than guys, so at any age before 14 most guys are acting like idiots.In my opinion I think guys are also cuter at 14-15 years old.
I think that the ideal age to date unsupervised should be when you have a car and have maintained it for a month. If you can keep a car in good shape for a month, then you have enough responsibility to date. Also you can take your date "out". You also will have to learn how to save money to buy a car. You might worry about losing your car previleges enough to not act "bad".
I think the ideal age to date is 15. When you are 15 you are more mature and your parents can trust you. When you are 15 you should have your driver's licenes. At that age you are more responsable.
My sister is 18 and shes dating a 21 year old and I have to go with them every where they go. The only time I dont get to go with them is when they dont ride in the same car. My family and her boyfriend's family are very well believers in Christ, and it is very hard for a guy to stay away from a girl without touching her excpeccialy when your by yourself. It's not that my dad does not beleive they are mature enough, but they choose not to go without me because they do not want to be tempted in any way by the devil.I really think you should be 18 until you are not unsupervised.
I Believe that you should BEGIN dating unsupervised at the age of 16.My reason for this age is that you should have matured enough to handle any sitution that may come along.Any dating unsupervised before the age of 16 is unreasonable because because you really just are not ready.For example, people my age are constantly saying "Are you and so and so going out." When they actually never go in public together!!!!
I think an appropriate age to date would be four-teen. The reason being is being able to maintain your structure while also being able youre age as becoming a teen. I think a good point in life is where you mess up; especially being because you always learn from your mistakes especially really horrible ones.
I beleive that the ideal age to date is 16. The reason is you can drive when you are 16. Also you can have your own job. That way you can support yourself and your girlfriend. The last thing is because you are pretty mature and very trustworthy depending on who you are.
I think an appropriate age to date would be four-teen. The reason being is being able to maintain your structure while also being able youre age as becoming a teen. I think a good point in life is where you mess up; especially being because you always learn from your mistakes especially really horrible ones.
I think the ideal age for dating unsupervised would be around sixteen. Sixteen isn't just for everybody. For instance, it depends mainly on maturity and trust. Parents should always know who their child is going to be with. Sixteen is a good age because that's when they will be able to drive.
I think the ideal age for dating is 15.The reason why I think that is because you start wanting to get away from your parents.Most people learn how to drive at fifteen anyway.Thats how old I think you should be to date.
I think the ideal age to date unsupervised, is about fifteen. Fifteen is the about the age you start maturing. If you date any sooner something might happen and you would not be wise enough to handle it.Fifteen also gives your parents more time to get to trust you.
I think the ideal age to date is 15 or 16. If you are 15/16 you can drive your self around and you dont have to be supervised. I think its ok to (go out) but not go on dates togeather. I think its OK to like someone. I dont think its ok to (makeout).
I think the ideal age should be 16 because you are going to be in high school. You whould want to have a boy friend that is the same age as you and can drive. You also need to have a boyfreind on your 16th birthday so he can give you a good present!
I think that 13-16 is not a good age to date alone. Your parents should have enough common sense that going alone with ur boy friend/girl friend at 13 years old is way to young. He or she could be tempted into doing the wrong thing and thats part of the reason that girls are now pregnant at the ages of 13-16. That would be very upsetting to know a girl at the age of 13 or 14 pregnant with a child on its way and that their parents don't care about the decions their making for their child. The child should also have a very high responsibility level before going on their dates alone.
ding dong, why would you even want to date at 12 years old thers no since in it you should be thinking about barby dolls and playing paddy cake and no your probably not mature at 12 you just think that you are
OK, singular unsupervised dates are not a good idea when you are under the age of 15. Group dates or supervised dates under the age of 15 are perfect. After 16 is a good age to date. You are older and more mature and usually more responsible. You have a car and or your liscence.
Ok i started dating at 15 I think I was still too young in my opnion. 12 years old is definitely too young! ok to date unsupervised that means no mommy or daddy to be there with you. which means the guy would have to be old enough to drive do you think a 12 year old can handle a 16 year old? no way all guys want is to get some from a little girl if they date someone that young!!! what do little kids go do on a date anyways you have to be like 13 to go see noncartoon movies. so this is my opnion on what age you should be to date unsupervised.
To sparky: Ok, 10? Are you kidding me? You can't even drive at 10!! Some kids still buy Happy Meals from McDonalds at 10!!! And you say they can date?? ALONE? There are scary people out there sparky. I'm sure you know that. And you are saying that they are responsible enough to go into a restaraunt or on a date alone at 10? They could get kidnapped! Or worse!
To Sparky: Why in the world do you think 10 years old is the ideal age to date? Even though kids don't know much about the opposite sex that doesn't mean that they should date them.
I think that the idea age for starting to date is once you get into middle school or high school based on how responsible the child is. Parents should discuss what they want and do not want their child to do and explain basic ground rules to them before allowing them to go on dates by them self. A lot of these people are saying the "I told my kid to not date and they listened to me." but that won't work. Kids have phones, computers, and other ways of communication that you cannot check and they will use those devices to talk to people that they have come to like more than just friends. Even if you don't think they have any way to date like going out to the movies or something, there is always school. I know from first hand knowledge that kids will hangout with that "special someone" during lunch or in class when their parents cannot control them. So my take on the subject is that if you talk to your child about what your rules are for dating and make sure you know the child, then you should allow them to date anywhere from 13 and up.
Each day this Jr. High History class is prompted with a Current Event, Amendment, History related or Social issue question that they are to respond to. Each student writes a minimum 5 sentence response in a journal. Some of the best responses have been posted below. Feel free to respond to any of our topics. Just keep it clean. Thanks
I think the ideal age should be 12 years old. You start maturing when you reach this age. You are also more trustworthy. When you mature you're wiser than when you were younger. You should also have a responcibility.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 7:54:00 AM
I think that the ideal age to date should should be sixteen years old. For example if any thirteen year old goes on a date (and makes out) then they are trying to grow up WAY to fast. At the age are sixteen they can be a little bit more trusted. Also when your sixteen they could go on a group date or a group date. If they go on a good wholesome group date they have more fun than getting serious and they have a less chance to go and get grody. But when they go out when they are eighteen then they should be able to go alone, without anybody else. Group Dating is also safe for you and your friends. Plus if two thirteen year olds go on a date together then they could get too serious about each other then they could break up and they could get depressed or upset and that is just really unresponsible on the parents part.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:22:00 AM
I think that the age of thirteen is a good age to date on your own. The average teen wants to get away from their parents more than they usually would. If a teen is irresponsible then he should wait a little while. If the parents can trust a teen then he should be able to go out on hid own. A teenager should be responsible and not take advantage of the girlfriend/boyfriend.Because next thing you know your a father/mother. A boy teen is mor likely to take that advantage. A thirteen year old is liable to be more trusted than sixteen or seventeen year old.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:26:00 AM
I think the ideal age to date unsupervised should be up to the parents of the children. If I had children I would let them date unsupervised at age 16 or whenever they are mature enough. I also think that they should be able to date under 16 just not unsupervised. You should be able to trust your children. If you can't then you should wait until they are mature enough and you can trust them.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:48:00 AM
I believe the ideal age to date un supervised is when ever a parent or guardian approves of the relationship. They are older then you and they raised you. So they know if you are trustworthy or not. If you abuse their trust then it should be longer until you date again. You must be mature about the relationship and not be in it for the wrong reasons. If your parents tell you not to date until your a certain age then listen to them so you may have more freedom and do more dating when your older.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 8:50:00 AM
I think that the ideal age is 13 for girls, and 14 for boys. Girls naturally mature faster than boys. So the girls are more responsible. If they don't abid by the curfew given, then they are not old, or responsible enough to check the time momentarily. Wild childs shouldn't go out unsupervised at all. Dating expores the love life of the average teenager. They can learn about life and love from being in a meaningful realationship.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 9:00:00 AM
I think the ideal age to date would be around sixteen or eighteen. That way at eighteen your parents are no longer responsible for you and if you get in trouble with your boyfriend/girfriend they do not have to clean up the mess you made.I also think that at that age we should be able to "pick" a better person to be with and judge who we need to be with or not and not kidding ourselves when we are to young to be dating.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 9:05:00 AM
2 mormongirl2010: I think that you are exagerating about how much a child can be trusted. Group dates are safer than single dates, for a first date. But, on single dates you can be romantic with your date and not be made fun of by your friends. If your friends are around you 24/7 then you need to get away, just you and your sweetie. Break-ups are a part of life and it would be better to experience them at a young age, before they get into a serious realationship. When they are older, they are more likely to do something serious when depression comes. Still love you, but I have a different opinion.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 9:10:00 AM
I am 18 years old, I am dating a 21 year old. We do not go out on unsupervised dates, and that was our choice. We both have a strong relationship with the Lord,and we want to keep a pure relationship. We do not want to put ourselves in ANY situation that could lead us to stumble and I KNOW that if I don't feel that an 18 year old is capable of being unsupervised, i surely don't think that a 13 year old is. And from personal experience, i KNOW that a 13-17 male is SURELY not capable of dating unsupervised! Now i'm not saying that we are not mature enough to be alone, because we are... we are very mature for our age, but we love each other enough to know that we do not want to mess up are relationship, and we're going to have plenty of time alone when we get married! We've been dating for over a year now, and everything has gone perfectly fine for us! And i know that my child will NOT be going out at 12-17 without friends, or someone else.... that's ridiculous, and parents should wisen up, that's why we have SO MANY young YOUNG girls pregnant right now, and adolescence with messed up views on what marriage is, and how important staying pure is, and being sexually active at such young ages!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:47:00 PM
16 is a good age--i was allowed to date at 15 with friends(group dates), and we were out doing things our parents wouldnt have approved of.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, October 12, 2005 4:06:00 PM
I think the idel age whould be 13. Unless your parents want you to wait longer. I think you should only have to be 13 because I already do that. Also when you turn 13 you think that your just as mature and old as a 16 year old. Your're trying to get your parents to trust you and let you do more stuff. My mom trusts me going places with my boyfriend and he is 16. I have a curfew and I get home at that time but if I ever don't get home at that time them my mom won't trust me anymore and I don't want to break that trust.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 14, 2005 12:35:00 PM
I think the ideal age to date unsurpervised should be 16 becasue your at least somewhat mature. Mostly the reason why is because your old enough to drive and at least take you and your date places without tyour parents.
Anonymous, at Friday, October 14, 2005 12:56:00 PM
I think the ideal age to date is about 15 or 16. I think this because you should be able to have your licens at the age 16. Either the guy could drive or the girl. Parents should trust us more around the age of 16, because you can drive, and cause you might have manners to the person that you are dating. At 16 I think that you and your date will be respectful to each other. That is the ideal age to me to be able to date.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 17, 2005 6:59:00 AM
I think the ideal age to date should be 16 because that is the the time you start to mature. Also your date can start driving. That is also when your parents start trusting you more and trust you enough not to do any thing you no your not suppost to do.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 17, 2005 7:27:00 AM
I agree with ughoghunterchick because 16 I think is a resonable age. You have alot of strong points at that age, like she said you have your license and possibly a car. I think you might bring your own car in case you get in a bad situation you can leave and you won't have to ride back with that person.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 17, 2005 7:31:00 AM
I think the ideal age will be 16 years old because you are more mature than you were when you were younger. Also most people are able to drive when they are 16.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 17, 2005 9:02:00 AM
I think that the ideal age to date should be up to the parents. But when I have kids I would let them date at 16 unless they got a older person to drive them but the girl or guy would have to very good and very trust worthy, and so does my child would have to be very mature and would not always want to do it....But if they wanted to go on a group date at age 13 if they are mature enough then I will let them go.So I think that it is up to the parents if you are mature enough to go on a date with a older person then yes go but if u are immature then wait untill you are sixteen untill you get to go.
Anonymous, at Monday, October 17, 2005 9:07:00 AM
To mormongirl2010, I totally disagree with the whole make out thing. It's their choice and you're not growing up to fast. A group date sounds fun if you went on one when you were 12! I mean my goodness, just because you might be 13 then you can still be trusted just as much as a 16 year-old. My mom lets me go to 16 year-old's houses and ride in the car with them. My mom and I have great trust. If the 13 year-old couple break up, then how is it the parents fault? They didn't tell them to break up. If a couple gets too serious then they can just take things a little slower. That's all I have to say. <3 Big Sis'<3
Anonymous, at Monday, October 17, 2005 9:07:00 AM
TO bOuNcer91
I think that your not thinking about what kinda dangers single daters COULD MAYBE be in. If the girl and boy dates they could go have sex or somthing if niether are responsible, and even if they are responsible, they might still go and do something which could make their parents loose their trust. Plus the kids should enjoy the child that they still have in them. If they break-up than they couldn't worry about the things the things that really matter in life, and the kids don't need to expierence depression at such a young age, they need to expierence childhood. I also love ya, but I think that we think differently!
Anonymous, at Monday, October 17, 2005 11:16:00 AM
I am a girl so I think that the age that we should be able to go on an unsupervised date is 13 because that is when we mature more and that is when we start caring about guys. I think that parents should be less strict towards their kids. We need a little more slack with guys because some of us are responsible. This is why i think that we should starting dating at 13 years old.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:35:00 AM
I agree with tigger_123, because thirteen or fourteen is a reasonable age to date unsupervised, because our parents should be able to trust us to go out on our own.Some thirteen year old people are more mature and responsible than others and they should be able to be trusted, but some others that always get into troube and are extremely bad, i dont think they should be trusted like some other more mature people. since they are younger, they shouldnt be able to stay overnight with their date, they should only be able to just go out for a litle while on a date.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:58:00 AM
To mormongirl2010
I understand where you're coming from about dating when you're 16 but if thirteen year olds make out then that was their choice but that's as far as they should go. Some people talk about getting married at 13 which is TOTALLY stupid! There is nothing wrong with going on a date unsupervised but you should have enough responsibility and respect for yourself not to do anything that you would regret later!
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 8:03:00 AM
to anonymous I think that you are right. I'm 14 and I am not allowed to date or have a boyfriend. I have seen what happens when you date young. There is a girl that is very closely related to me. She dated when she was young and got married when she was 16. She even had a strong relatonship with God and we went to church every Sunday. But she thought she was in love at 16. She got pregnant and mis-carried. She divorced her husband later, was married to 2 other times. She was engaged once or twice that she didn't get married. Also, she had 2 kids, both of them with different men. Now she never can trust a guy. So whoever you date be careful. You have to make sure you know them inside-out. But I do agree with you completely.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 9:12:00 AM
I believe that you should date unsupervised when you are 15 the reason why I think that you should date at 15 is because you have grown up and you are mature enough to go out with your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:31:00 AM
I think that the ideal age to date is 15. When you turn 15, you are matured enough to go a a date alone. When your this age your parents can trust you. When your younger than 15 you should not be get seirous with anyone.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:31:00 AM
I think that the age to date,unsupervised, is 15 years old. I think it should 15 because you are mature enough to go out alone. If you are 15 you probally have a driving permit and you can drive your onwn car.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:31:00 AM
I think the ideal age should be 15. Because you should be responsable enough to not do anythang bad. And your perents should be able to trust you enough to let you go out.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:32:00 AM
I think the ideal age to date unsupervized is 16. When you are 16, you have good enough judgement to choose the right person to date. They can know if someone is wrong to date or not. 16 years olds can also drive. If you can pick up your date, you can date unsupervized.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:32:00 AM
I think that the age to date needs to be 18. thenagain I think it really depends on the idivisual. Also, sometimes at the age of 16 people can be mature around parental figures. That does not mean that they are going to act the same way on a date. While you are young peer presure can have a big effect.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:32:00 AM
I think the ideal age for dating should be 14. I think 14 because you are in high school and you are more mature.Most girls date guys 2 to 3 years older than them, so if that were to happen the guy can drive.Girls mature faster than guys, so at any age before 14 most guys are acting like idiots.In my opinion I think guys are also cuter at 14-15 years old.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:32:00 AM
I think that the ideal age to date unsupervised should be when you have a car and have maintained it for a month. If you can keep a car in good shape for a month, then you have enough responsibility to date. Also you can take your date "out". You also will have to learn how to save money to buy a car. You might worry about losing your car previleges enough to not act "bad".
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:33:00 AM
I think the ideal age to date is 15. When you are 15 you are more mature and your parents can trust you. When you are 15 you should have your driver's licenes. At that age you are more responsable.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:33:00 AM
My sister is 18 and shes dating a 21 year old and I have to go with them every where they go. The only time I dont get to go with them is when they dont ride in the same car. My family and her boyfriend's family are very well believers in Christ, and it is very hard for a guy to stay away from a girl without touching her excpeccialy when your by yourself. It's not that my dad does not beleive they are mature enough, but they choose not to go without me because they do not want to be tempted in any way by the devil.I really think you should be 18 until you are not unsupervised.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:34:00 AM
I Believe that you should BEGIN dating unsupervised at the age of 16.My reason for this age is that you should have matured enough to handle any sitution that may come along.Any dating unsupervised before the age of 16 is unreasonable because because you really just are not ready.For example, people my age are constantly saying "Are you and so and so going out." When they actually never go in public together!!!!
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:37:00 AM
I think an appropriate age to date would be four-teen. The reason being is being able to maintain your structure while also being able youre age as becoming a teen. I think a good point in life is where you mess up; especially being because you always learn from your mistakes especially really horrible ones.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:29:00 AM
I beleive that the ideal age to date is 16. The reason is you can drive when you are 16. Also you can have your own job. That way you can support yourself and your girlfriend. The last thing is because you are pretty mature and very trustworthy depending on who you are.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:29:00 AM
I think an appropriate age to date would be four-teen. The reason being is being able to maintain your structure while also being able youre age as becoming a teen. I think a good point in life is where you mess up; especially being because you always learn from your mistakes especially really horrible ones.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:29:00 AM
I think the age to date is 15 . Because that is how old you are when you get into highschool. This is also a point when you are maturing.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:31:00 AM
I think the ideal age for dating unsupervised would be around sixteen. Sixteen isn't just for everybody. For instance, it depends mainly on maturity and trust. Parents should always know who their child is going to be with. Sixteen is a good age because that's when they will be able to drive.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:31:00 AM
I think the ideal age for dating is
15.The reason why I think that is because you start wanting to get
away from your parents.Most people
learn how to drive at fifteen anyway.Thats how old I think you should be to date.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:31:00 AM
I think the ideal age to date unsupervised, is about fifteen. Fifteen is the about the age you start maturing. If you date any sooner something might happen and you would not be wise enough to handle it.Fifteen also gives your parents more time to get to trust you.
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:32:00 AM
I think the ideal age to date is 15 or 16. If you are 15/16 you can drive your self around and you dont have to be supervised. I think its ok to (go out) but not go on dates togeather. I think its OK to like someone. I dont think its ok to (makeout).
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:50:00 PM
I think the ideal age should be 16 because you are going to be in high school. You whould want to have a boy friend that is the same age as you and can drive. You also need to have a boyfreind on your 16th birthday so he can give you a good present!
Anonymous, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:53:00 PM
I think that 13-16 is not a good age to date alone. Your parents should have enough common sense that going alone with ur boy friend/girl friend at 13 years old is way to young. He or she could be tempted into doing the wrong thing and thats part of the reason that girls are now pregnant at the ages of 13-16. That would be very upsetting to know a girl at the age of 13 or 14 pregnant with a child on its way and that their parents don't care about the decions their making for their child. The child should also have a very high responsibility level before going on their dates alone.
Anonymous, at Saturday, October 29, 2005 7:55:00 PM
ding dong, why would you even want to date at 12 years old thers no since in it you should be thinking about barby dolls and playing paddy cake and no your probably not mature at 12 you just think that you are
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 01, 2005 6:47:00 AM
OK, singular unsupervised dates are not a good idea when you are under the age of 15. Group dates or supervised dates under the age of 15 are perfect. After 16 is a good age to date. You are older and more mature and usually more responsible. You have a car and or your liscence.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 01, 2005 6:51:00 AM
Ok i started dating at 15 I think I was still too young in my opnion. 12 years old is definitely too young! ok to date unsupervised that means no mommy or daddy to be there with you. which means the guy would have to be old enough to drive do you think a 12 year old can handle a 16 year old? no way all guys want is to get some from a little girl if they date someone that young!!! what do little kids go do on a date anyways you have to be like 13 to go see noncartoon movies. so this is my opnion on what age you should be to date unsupervised.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 01, 2005 6:51:00 AM
it should 13. no questions ask
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:21:00 AM
all of you little kids out there, it should be 16!
Anonymous, at Monday, November 28, 2005 10:46:00 AM
i think it should be about 10 because before that you dont even know anything about the opposite sex
Anonymous, at Monday, November 28, 2005 12:37:00 PM
i think woolf 124 is wrong cause he has just turned 16
Anonymous, at Monday, November 28, 2005 12:39:00 PM
To sparky: Ok, 10? Are you kidding me? You can't even drive at 10!! Some kids still buy Happy Meals from McDonalds at 10!!! And you say they can date?? ALONE? There are scary people out there sparky. I'm sure you know that. And you are saying that they are responsible enough to go into a restaraunt or on a date alone at 10? They could get kidnapped! Or worse!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:50:00 AM
To Sparky: Why in the world do you think 10 years old is the ideal age to date? Even though kids don't know much about the opposite sex that doesn't mean that they should date them.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:52:00 AM
I think that the idea age for starting to date is once you get into middle school or high school based on how responsible the child is. Parents should discuss what they want and do not want their child to do and explain basic ground rules to them before allowing them to go on dates by them self. A lot of these people are saying the "I told my kid to not date and they listened to me." but that won't work. Kids have phones, computers, and other ways of communication that you cannot check and they will use those devices to talk to people that they have come to like more than just friends. Even if you don't think they have any way to date like going out to the movies or something, there is always school. I know from first hand knowledge that kids will hangout with that "special someone" during lunch or in class when their parents cannot control them. So my take on the subject is that if you talk to your child about what your rules are for dating and make sure you know the child, then you should allow them to date anywhere from 13 and up.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 02, 2011 4:43:00 PM
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