Second Opinion

September 29, 2005

Who is wrong Oil companies or employer

Who is wrong? The employer that will only pay his employees the minimum wage of $5.15 an hour or the oil companies the are forcing nearly $3.00 a gallon on gas?


  • I think the oil companies are wrong. $3.00 a gallon is too much for gas. Everyone has to go to work and to get there they have to drive a car but if they have to spend $3.00 a gallon on gas they won't have enough money to support their family. Some people can't get better jobs than minimum wage. So either the oil companies need to lower the gas prices or the government needs to raise the pay!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, October 07, 2005 7:26:00 AM  

  • Employers supply service by opening up thier places of buisness to be training areas for those who have little or no job skills or low education. Many times a low-paying job can be a spring board for a new career. A person can aquire new job skills and possibly cross-training. As responsibilities and skills increase,so will pay. A minimum wage job coud even be equal to a vocational school were the "students" are paid to learn skills necassary to succeed in the job arena.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, October 07, 2005 8:13:00 AM  

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