Excuses, Excuses, Excuses ?
Stupid- lacking intelligence
At your school do you feel the opportunity to gain intelligence will lead you
A. To be successful
B. To be good enough just to get by
C. To stay “Stuck on Stupid”
D. Or realized that the opportunity is my responsibility and not the school’s. .....(Choice B. and C. above are just excuses)
At your school do you feel the opportunity to gain intelligence will lead you
A. To be successful
B. To be good enough just to get by
C. To stay “Stuck on Stupid”
D. Or realized that the opportunity is my responsibility and not the school’s. .....(Choice B. and C. above are just excuses)
I personally think (D)- to realize that the opportunity is my responsibility and not the schools.... because I need to learn to make good choices and not bad. If you make bad choices then you dont accomplish anything. But, if you make the right choices then you accomplish more things.If you make the bad choices while you are young then they are going to stick with you for the rest of your life. Also if you make the right choices then you will have a better chance of getting a high paying job,ect. But i just need to make the right choices.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:33:00 AM
I think at my school I feel the opportunity to gain intelligence will lead me to be successful.I think that going to school is a gift, even when I do not want go to school I go anyway.I am happy to lern all I can at school.That is my opinion.
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:36:00 AM
to stay stuck on stupid i think school is such a waste of time just about no matter how hard i try n how many hours i spend studing and doing homework i still can't do better its really hard not to just give up.
Anonymous, at Saturday, November 12, 2005 12:35:00 AM
Hey anonymous
Not knowing when to captitalize a letter and where to use periods in a sentence sure makes you a candidate for "staying stuck on stupid".
Anonymous, at Saturday, November 12, 2005 4:59:00 PM
ya i no n i really don't care i no how to i jus dont feel like it
Anonymous, at Sunday, November 13, 2005 2:44:00 AM
I feel that I can gain a lot of intelligence, because we got great teachers that will go over stuff over and over again if slow learners dont get the concept. Plus for the bad kids that dont do their work, because they dont feel like it and have bad attitudes. Well my friends our teachers will send you our principle so you could get a good licken. He will get you straight in the mind and put your mind back in your head.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:50:00 AM
I do believe that I can be successful from what they teach me here at school. If I make the most of what they teach me then I could be very successful. I am one that always does my homework and there are some people that don't. If you don't do your homework then you will be stuck on stupid. I don't want to be stuck on stupid so I do my homework and listen in class. If you do your all your work then you could be getting smarter without even knowing it.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:20:00 AM
To Anonymous
You should at least try!! If you know how to do it then why don't you? If your wondering why you can't get better at anything its prolly because you never try!! Have you ever heard "Practice Makes Perfect?" Well if you practice it might not make you perfect but it would prolly make you better at what you are trying to accomplish!! I don't wanna go to school sometimes...but I still go anyways!! If you go to school then you will get educated!! And when you get older you can get a better education...and with a good education you wil get a better job and get more money and then you could prolly be happy and enjoy like...instead of being stuck on stupid and not even trying!!
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:33:00 AM
I think the answer is (A). It will lead you to be successful in life. You have a chance to be intelligent. You also have a chance to have a good job and not a bad job. So that is why you will become successful in life if you stay in school and dont drop out just because it is hard.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:47:00 AM
I think at my school I feel the oppertunity to gain intelligence to be successful. If you try real hard and study you can be successful. If you do all your work there is always a chance to be successful. Also if you don't understand you can allways ask questions so you will understand. There is allways a chance for you to be successful you just have to try hard and do your best.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 8:47:00 AM
To strawberry
You kinda read it wrong I was talking about someone saying that not knowing where to put a capitals and periods made me a candidate for staying stuck on stupid I do try and I really don't understand a lot of the work we do.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 1:13:00 PM
To Anonymous
Well at least you try...one of these days you will get better...I promise!! O and sorry for reading it wrong!!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 22, 2005 7:32:00 AM
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