Xmas.... What's in a name?
This abbreviation for Christmas is of Greek origin. The word for Christ in Greek is Xristos. During the 16th century, Europeans began using the first initial of Christ's name, "X" in place of the word Christ in Christmas as a shorthand form of the word. Although the early Christians understood that X stood for Christ's name, later Christians who did not understand the Greek language mistook "Xmas" as a sign of disrespect.
A large number of businesses have taken Christ out of Christmas this year claiming its less offensive to non believers in Christ.
Question: Should we start using "Xmas" for the holiday season? (justify your answer)
A large number of businesses have taken Christ out of Christmas this year claiming its less offensive to non believers in Christ.
Question: Should we start using "Xmas" for the holiday season? (justify your answer)
Yes we should because it doesnt matter if they are nonbelievers Christ is the only God ever. Christ is the reason we have christmas. I think we should just have Xmas instead of Christmas because if you have to explain it to someone that would give you a chance try and lead them to Christ.
Anonymous, at Monday, December 05, 2005 10:58:00 AM
Jesus shoulod not be taken out of christmas. It's his birthday, I know for a fact that you would not want people taking your birthday out of the year. He is the one who died on the cross for our sins. Jesus does not deserve to be treated like that. I say NO!
Anonymous, at Monday, December 05, 2005 11:00:00 AM
I don't belive that we should use Xmas for Christmas. I have always thought of Xmas being used for short form ONLY! I know see that people are using it for no reason. I think we should just stick to Christmas, after all it is Christ's birthday and if I were him I would want people to use Christmas instead of Xmas.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:23:00 AM
in our town we say anything like happy honica, merry cristmas and on msn we say happy xmas
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:31:00 AM
We do not think that Jesus should be taken out of Christmas. The whole point of this is to celebrate the kings birthday. Xmas is just a short form for Christmas, or in my opinion that's the only way it should be used. Like, how would you like it if your birthday was just, lets say, 'forgotten?' No one needs to be treated like that. Like c'mon, Jesus is the best thing ever. We should be worshipping him!!!!! If the Musslims, and Hindous have a problem, their shoudl be a law of some sort saying that thye can call it xmas. Their is no reason for us christians to be talking about our father that way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This article is really offensive to some people (aka. christians...and us!!!!)
We say that Christmas should be Christmas not Xmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:41:00 AM
i think that we should leave "Christ" in christmas because we have been saying that for years and if people are against it then they could say X-mas but i dont think we should takt christ out of christmas because if you think about it if there was no christ there would be no christmas.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:42:00 AM
I'm Used to saying Christmas but lately i've been saying x-mas b/c thats what people on msn say for easy typing. By the way Christmas should be called Christmas or x-mas b/c there the same thing weather you agree or not. Christmas or x-mas there the same.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:44:00 AM
NO, we should not start using Xmas for the holiday season! And it should be CHRISTMAS season by the way. It's Christ's birthday, not X's! It's like taking your name out of your birthday, like saying "Happy Birthday X!" Now, would you want that to happen? I think not. A lot of people just want to use it on the computer because they don't feel like typing Christmas. Why not? It's only 5 letters more! Just type it anyway! If you are really a Christian like most of America claims, then you shouldn't have any problem typing it out and showing your faith!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:13:00 AM
I don't think we should take Christ out of Christmas. I know that the X in X-mas means Christ in greek but, to me it means that you are taking Christ out of Christmas.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:14:00 AM
I don't think people should write xmas!! Its wrong!! Thats pretty much taking Christ out of Christmas...and Christmas is Jesus's B-day...so yeah!! What would you do if somebody took you birthday out of the year??? You wouldn't like it!! If it weren't for Jesus we wouldn't even have a Christmas...and yall wouldn't get your presents!! So next time you think about writing xmas...think of not having a Christmad AT ALL!!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:18:00 AM
Answer this question for me, are X-mas and Christmas the same thing? I think they are. Plus what is the matter with leading people to Jesus Christ? huh? Absolutley NOTHING!!! And if your going into Wal-Mart or somewhere are you going to say Merry Christmas of "Merry X-Mas!" if you say that you're a phsyco!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:39:00 AM
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:43:00 AM
NO!!!!!!!!! If you use Xmas in place of Christmas you are dumb! If you take Christ out of Christmas that is just wrong. If it wasn't for Christ then there wouldn't even be a Christmas. If you vote for the anti-Christmas people then you obviously have not heard the saying 'Christ is the reason for the season'. Just because your friends say xmas doesn't mean you have to. Christmas is Christ's birthday and we should all believe in Him and celebrate Him.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 8:44:00 AM
I think that the U.S is screwing up everything our forefathers intended. First they take prayer out of school. Now they are trying to take Christ out of Christmas. Even though Xmas still has the same meaning that Christmas does it doesn't mean that the world would see it as the same thing. As a Christian nation founded on christianity,it is our job to witness to the unsaved world. So what if it offends some one? Christmas wouldn't even exist if God had not sent his only son to die for us(Christ). So many pleople would see this as dissing the Christian faith.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, December 14, 2005 10:15:00 AM
No, we should not start using xmas instead of Christmas. Dang. When are you people going to finally admit that there is a God who created you and me and his is alive and will never die? When you die and go to hell?
Anonymous, at Thursday, December 15, 2005 8:48:00 AM
ABSOULUTELY NOT!!!!! xmas was just used for short term only! CHRIST should never be taken out of Christmas, CHRIST is the reason your alive!!!!
i_luv_cheese is stupid!!!!!!
Anonymous, at Thursday, December 15, 2005 10:54:00 AM
Well, I don't think we should use Xmas for christmas. For one reason that is taking Christ out of christmas, and without Christ it wouldn't be christmas.
Anonymous, at Thursday, December 15, 2005 12:40:00 PM
To i_luv_cheese: What are you thinking?? You said that if you explained Xmas to them then you could lead them to Christ? HOW?? It says XMAS! They would think that someone named X created everything and that it was X's birthday! If you want to lead them to Christ, use Christmas! It has His name in it! Then they would know it was Christ's birthday!
Anonymous, at Thursday, December 15, 2005 3:17:00 PM
Anonymous, at Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:40:00 AM
To honey~bear: Ok, CALM DOWN! You never even posted on this topic before now, therefore she couldn't have stole your word! I believe she posted it before you. So, don't say she's copying people because she's not! You're the one that is copying!
Anonymous, at Friday, January 06, 2006 8:15:00 AM
To Honey Bear
Ok...You really need to calm down. Hasnt anybody seen you post on here before especially Mormongirl. So how could she take you little saying thing? CHILL!!
Anonymous, at Tuesday, January 10, 2006 7:32:00 AM
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