You be the judge.... Parent provides alcohol to minors at party
A parent provides alcohol at her sons birthday party. All the invited guests are below the age of 20. No rules on behavior was enforced. No body was injured during or after the party.
You be the judge. What should happen to the adult that provides the alcohol?
You be the judge. What should happen to the adult that provides the alcohol?
I think the parent should go to jail or something. It doesn't matter if anyone was hurt or not, he/she put ALL of those kids lives in jeopardy. Something could have happened to those kids. So I think she should be put in jail or something fo providing alcohol to minors!!!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:28:00 AM
I think that the parent should do community service for about 4 or 5 months. Sure nothing happened, but something could have easily happened. It is illegal for them to have it anyway! I'm sure this probably affected them somehow though. They may want more, and go steal it or something. Then something could happen. Or, maybe their parents found out and they feel they can never trust them again.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:28:00 AM
I think the parent shouldn't have to do anything. No one got hurt so there was no problem. Plus, there was a parent around at the party so there was parental vision.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:38:00 AM
To me the parents needs to go to jail because they shouldnt give drinks to underaged kids. Because you should know that alcohol can be dangerous to the underaged. So I believe the parents should go to jail.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:43:00 AM
I think that the parents should have to take a responsibilitly class. Parents should know the difference between right and wrong and they obviously do not in this situation. Providing alcohol to under age children could result in alot more then injury, or serving jail time. They could have gotten killed in somthing like a car accident or drinking to much maybe. On top of just giving alcohol to their kids they gave alcohol to other partents children. They are setting a terrible example for ever single one of those kids. The parents should alos have to a a little community service time!
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:44:00 AM
I think the parents should do community service for a year. Why would a parent by alcohol for minors? Minors ,somtimes, are not responsible. If one of the minors got hurt or died than the parents would have got in trouble. what kind of a parent buys alcohol for minors?
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:49:00 AM
I think that mabey the parents should be put in jail but im not sure.I guess people get put in jail for attemted murder but I dont think that these porly educated people were trying to get the kids drunk, I just think that they were being extremely irresponsible in showing kids how to have a good time. I think they should be given an extremely long lecture by a court or a sherif and mabey do time in jail but if anything one way or another these parents need to get some smarts pounded into thier moralless minds.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:52:00 AM
I think a numerous amount of diciplines could be given. Such as prison, comunity service, therapy, or counciling for a year. The reason I think all this is because she isn't responsible for anything.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:08:00 AM
I think the parent should be sued by the other children's parents. I would send her to jail because she know better than to provide alcohol to a party full of minors. She apparently doesn't care if those children get drunk and go and have a car accident that very night and they would more than likely die. So she should be sent to jail and she should have no say in her sentence
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:53:00 AM
I think that the parent should go to jail. Because, even though the parent did it on their own property, they still had no right to serve thier kids alchol.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:57:00 AM
I think that the parent should go to jail. Even though nobody was hurt at the party. The parent knew that the kids there were under 20 and it was illegal. He/She should be punished in some way because you have to think about if something would have happened to one of the kids at the party. Then, the parent would get into alot of trouble. If somebody doesn't do something about it now, it could happen again.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:04:00 PM
To: *<3bo<3*
I know that know one got hurt or anything, but I think the adult should still have to go to jail. She should, also, have to call every parent of every child that attended her sons party. She should apologize to the kids and the parents. She should have to tell them how what she did was wrong, and explain to the kids that alcohol should not be given to minors. Especially without their parents not even knowing about it.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 12:17:00 PM
Hi. Honestly I think nothing should. Like our age is 20 and so many people drink underage. Like they get community service when they are caught and fined but nobody get's hurt. So what's wrong with that. They are the chaperones and parents. Also they will obviously take care of the kids. Plus the kids ahve a choice tofdrink or not.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:52:00 PM
I don't think anything should happen! Evedentally the parent knew that kid had the alcohol and she didn't care, but she should have talked to all the other kids moms! Nothing should happen to the parent!! The kids should just get in trouble if they did it behind the parents backs!
Anonymous, at Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:47:00 AM
To Cricket23:
I absolutley agree with you!! I honestly think the parent should go to jail or be on like probation or something!!I am shocked that a parent would do something like that,Because like that could kill the kids and also not only damage there brains and physical function but it will destroy their life. It will also make them want to drink more often which means that they can easily get on drugs too. I think that they could easily DRINK AND DRIVE!!! That would be terrible!!
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:13:00 AM
I think she should probably go to jail fo what she did. She did put those kids lives in danger. The parent shouldn't have been giving them alcohol anyway. She must not care about what happens to the kids at that party and not cared about her own child as well. So that is why she should go to jail for a long time.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:14:00 AM
i think the parents should go to jail. Because it doesn't matter if anyone was hurt or not, he or she put ALL of those kids lives in jeopardy. That is why I think that the parents should go to jail.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:27:00 AM
I think that the parent should ATLEAST have to do twenty hours of community service if not go to jail. It is wrong to serve alcohol to minors anyway because they are under age. Even though someone didn't get hurt someone could have been hurt. There might have been some after-affects that could have either messed them up in the brain or made them want more. It could lead them to be alcoholics and they might start killing people just to get what they want.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:28:00 AM
I think the parent should be put in jail for a few years, and then he/she should have to do community service for a few months so they will learn not to be giving alcohol to minors.If the parent shouldnt have to do anything, then they will most likely throw another party and have alcohol for the kids, but this time, something could happen and maybe someone gets hurt. If someone got hurt, then maybe they will learn their lesson not to be giving alcohol to minors. Im not saying that someone should purposely get hurt to teach the parents a lesson, but maybe jail and community service.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:32:00 AM
The woman who gave the alcohol her son and friends at that party, should be charged for making alcohol avalible to a minior. She was able to give it to her son sence she was there. Although she didn't have the right to give it to the other kids cause their parents were not present.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:37:00 AM
The women who provided the alcoholic drinks is an idiot. If you are smart you would be able to know that kids under age can't drink. I say she should be punished for letting them drink under age maybe should go to jail for about ten years or more. also have to do a months worth of commuinty service and be able to perchase any alcoholic beverges for one year.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 7:42:00 AM
If I was the judge I would probably send her to jail, because she has no right to give those minors alcohol. If there parents would have been there it would have been okay. But when she gave it to them with there parents not being there that was wrong. What if the parent did not want there kid to drink anyways. So that is why I would send the parent to jail. Also if the parent would have just gave it to her kid then it would not of been wrong.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 8:39:00 AM
When I heard that a women provided minors with alcohol I was shocked. I think she should go to jail. The reason why is because she provided young children,minors, alcohol, who knows they could have been 10 and up. Plus if you serve or provided alcohol to young minors that is a law, you can't drink alcohol until you are 21 until then stick to cokes.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 8:48:00 AM
I think the parent should be tried for providing alcohol to minors, and put in jail. Nobody was injured BUT somebody could have been. The parent could give their child alcohol if responsibilities were folowed out but the parent had no right to give alcohol to other kids.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 8:53:00 AM
Hi, just because they drink a little bit doens't meen they'll get addicted to drinking. Or make it easier to get addicted to drugs.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 10:12:00 AM
I think that ,since no one got hurt,that the person should have to pay a hefty fine even though she still gave alcohol to minors.
Anonymous, at Friday, November 18, 2005 11:58:00 AM
The parents providing the alcohol knew they were breaking the law so there shouldn't be any question about what should happen to them. The children might not have been hurt but the parents still provided the illegal alcohol. The parents should go to jail.Why shouldn't they? They broke the law.
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 9:01:00 AM
Nothig should happen to the parent no one got hurt big deal!!!
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 11:35:00 AM
hey i think that nothing should hapen to the mother if the other kids had permition but even if they didnt so what almost evry body here drinks underage its not that big of deal nobodey gets hurt
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 11:37:00 AM
Wow Well I think that the mother shoudl have to go to court and hsould be fined iwth a reasonabole amount. At least no one got hurt, but stil that is against the law. That mother should also do communtiy service, and her kids hsould be tooken away
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 11:55:00 AM
Well I think the parent shouldn't have given anybody at the party a drink if they were under age. The kids parents could find out that they were drinking and then those parents could call the police and the parent that gave the kids drinks could get in really bad trouble.I have a question for anyone that wants to answer this- Why did the kids take the alcohol from the parent that gave it to them?
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 12:00:00 PM
I think the parents should not be able to do that again.It is okay if they give alcohal to their own kid.I dont care what happens as long as no one gets hurt.Here the age limit is 18 and a lot of people drink are under age.When they get caught all they get is a fine.
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 12:03:00 PM
the kids drank so they could stand eachother deal with it
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 12:06:00 PM
nothing cuz that parent is awsome and i am going to be like that when i have kids
Anonymous, at Monday, November 21, 2005 1:03:00 PM
to naysa
I think that even though that there were chaperones that is still illegal. If you were drinking and under age you would go to jail. The age we have to drink at is 21. Because we are more responsible than that of a teenager. I think that community service is not enough. If someone were to be drinking and that person was to get in a car, and kill someone do you think that community service is enough. If that person that was killed was your son what would you do?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 22, 2005 7:34:00 AM
To thaman
The point is they didnt get hurt.They didnt get in a car accident or anything .The parents were obviously resposible nothing should happen.They kids had a chose to drink they didnt have to and they werent forced.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, November 22, 2005 8:27:00 PM
Hi, its dianna alot of people drink under age. I dont think any thing should happen to the parents.
It shouldnt matter if you have permission or dont. You will do it anyways. Plus nobody got hurt so there is not a problem.Parents shouldn't go to jail for letting minors drink it is not a big deal.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 02, 2005 8:47:00 AM
Nothing should happen because it dosnt say how old they are, they could all be 18 and it would be legal. If they were little the parrent should go to jail because getting little kids drunk, What would their parents think of that. From Tanner
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:04:00 AM
to thaman
ya but if sombody was syupid enought to get into the car with someone who was drunk it is just as much ther fault as the drivers
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:07:00 AM
I think that parent should be put in jail for a few months for giving alchol to miners. This is elegal in my country I am not sure about yours but that adult should still be punished. Even though no one got hurt it was not right of them to do that.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:19:00 AM
I dont think anything should happen to the parent i think they should be smart enough to hide it.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:26:00 AM
I really don't think that is okay because she was licky that time but if she does it again then something bad might happen and what if someone got alchol poisoning then she would have to take them to the hospital and she would be responsible for all his isckness and I think that could affect his health for the yeares ahead of his life. Why would you want to do that beacaue if you take the chances they aren't allways the best. It would be all great at the time but she may regret it in the futre bye bye for now.
Anonymous, at Friday, December 09, 2005 9:39:00 AM
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